Chapter filler: Guitar Hero

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      "Hey Shion." I turn over onto my back and see Shioto leaning on my door frame. I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to relax on my bed."What's up, bro?" I asked, bored out of my mind."You wanna play Guitar Hero with me....?" He asked slowly, leaning towards me with a grin. I sighed again then chuckled, quickly getting up from the bed and appearing in front of my twin with a lazy yet excited grin." Let's do this." I said with my fist raised. He cheered, raising his arm before fist bumping me.
      He hooked up the game and put the Guitar Hero cases in front of it. The sand siblings came out and stared at us as I hooked up the guitar while Shioto hooked up the mic."What are you guys doing?" Temari asked."We're gonna play Guitar Hero." I said. She was going to say something, but I raised my index finger to interrupt her." Don't ask how we got this. Any song suggestions?" I asked, and the three looked at each other before shrugging and taking the cases."OH!!! What about this one?" Kankuro asked before giving me a case and pointing at a song. Shioto looked over my shoulder and we both grinned and chuckled at his choice."Of course you would choose this." I said. We took out the disk and put it in the game system, started up the game and selected the song. We stopped and looked at the difficulty choices."Expert all the way?" Shioto asked."It wouldn't be fun if it wasn't." I said with a smirk.

(Song: Metallica- Master of Puppets [please watch the whole thing-it's freaking awesome. Do this for the other vids too. Thx])
      I had a monotone face for the mostly simple notes, then smirked as the more difficult parts came up. Shioto was perfectly fine with not having many things to do in this song but didn't slack off on his parts, either. When the song ended, we turned to see the siblings gaping at us in shock."That...." Gaara trailed off."Was......" Temari did too."AWESOME!!!!! Do another, do another!!!!" Kankuro finished, yelling in excitement as he grabbed the cases."Give me that. You already chose." Temari said as she snatched the cases from him. Kankuro whined as she hummed, skimming through the song selections before stopping and looking up happily."Oh, play this one!" She said as she showed Shioto and I the song. We nodded, switched out the disk, found the song and switched places. I'm singing now while he's on the guitar.

      I cleared my throat, preparing for the change from low to high pitch as Shioto started playing. I managed to get all of the right pitches while Shioto messed up a few, small times. When the song ended, Temari and Kankuro cheered while Gaara smiled proudly at me. I blushed and smiled back at him as Shioto and I switched places again."You're turn, Gaara." Shioto says. He looked away from me and glanced at the cases before scanning through them. He stopped and stared at one before turning a case, pointing at a song."That one?" Shioto asked with wide eyes. Gaara nodded, and my twin turned to me."Can you do it?" He asked me. I frowned and put a hand on my hip." Are you doubting me?" I asked him darkly. He raised his hands in defense and quickly shook his head." Then let's go." I told him. He sighed and switched out the disks, and found the song a few minutes later.
(I love this song and the person who played this actual video is awesome for doing this. Enjoy.
Through the Fire and Flames- Dragonforce)

     I took a deep breath to quickly clear my mind, then got ready. I quickly played the notes and grinned, but made sure to stay focused so I didn't mess up. Shioto and I finished flawlessly and turned to see the siblings staring at me in utter shock. Then I flinched as Temari and Kankuro jumped up and cheered loudly, and Gaara grinned at me."That was amazing, Shi. I'm so proud of you for being able to do this." He told me before hugging and kissing me. I pulled away with a blush."I-it was nothing." I stuttered in embarrassment."Nothing? That song is the most hardest thing to play on a guitar in expert. I doubt I could even do it that perfectly." Shioto said as he stared at me like I'm crazy. A couple minutes later, we moved on and Shioto chose a song as we switched places and disks. He found the song, and I frowned at it."This song is too easy, even in expert." I mumbled to my twin."So?" He said before starting it. I sighed as he got ready to play.
(Tokio Hotel- Monsoon)

      "That was boring. Shion, pick a better song." Kankuro complained. Temari agreed with him while Gaara sighed at the two."Alright, alright. Give me a second." I grumbled before grabbing the cases. I scanned through them and smiled as I found a good one.
(Rise Against-Savior)

      Again, Temari and Kankuro cheered as we played flawlessly while Gaara smiled proudly and entertained."Okay, no more." I said, and Temari and Kankuro groaned and whined."Hey, I'm tired. Give me a break." I grumbled as I handed Shioto the guitar."Fine. Me and Temari will play then." Kankuro said."I'm going to find Matsuri." Shioto said as he handed the two eldest siblings the mic and guitar. I was already half asleep, and I accidentally blurted something to him."Use a condom." I muttered, looking at him with half closed eyes."Later, sis." He responded with a small blush, knowing that I say random shit when I'm tired. He left, and I was caught and picked up bridal style by Gaara as I started to fall forward from tiredness."Panda-kun, be my panda bear instead of my teddy bear." I mumbled as I clutched onto his shirt. I felt him kiss my head as we headed to our room."Of course. Now go to sleep." He said softly."Love you, Ai." I whispered as I slipped into slumber."I love you too, Shi." I heard him say before going unconscious.

A/N I just made this chapter because I had started watching some guitar hero videos on YouTube, then decided to have the characters play it. I hope you guys liked the videos. I thought they were awesome, especially Through the Fire and Flames.

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