Training with ducky and Kaka-baka

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     I was almost done packing everything that I'll need for the month, putting all of my scrolls containing my stuff into another scroll to put in my pouch. When I had woken up from the memory, I had screamed and for some reason sand had shielded me until it noticed there was no threat. It swirled around me and showed a clawed finger,wiping away a stray tear before dissipating and leaving my room. I realized it was Shukaku and smiled sadly, at least knowing that someone in this house still understands and cares about me. Once I was done with that, I went downstairs to make the siblings some breakfast. As I cooked up some eggs and rice, I made a note saying that I'd be gone for the month and for them to not wreak havoc while I'm gone. Once I was done with it, I put the food on three plates, set the table, and left the note in the middle before walking towards the door."Where are you going?" Someone asked."I'm going to be training with the Uchiha and my sensei during the month." I said as I turned around to face him."No you're not." He growled as he had sand surround me. I frowned then looked away with a small pain in my chest."Why do you care? I thought you said that you'd kill me the next time you saw me." I stated.".....You're right." He said before making the sand engulf me. I felt a little pressure from it before I heard Gaara grunt in pain. The sand fell and I turned to see him grimacing in pain while clutching his head. I walked up to him and placed my head on his, and was surrounded by darkness.
      A few seconds of silence surrounded me before yelling was heard in front of me. I glared at the cage in front of me as I continued to hear yelling and a few murmurs to my right."Shukaku, that's enough."I snapped. Everything went silent as the tanuki stared at me shocked."Let the boy rest and stop yelling at him. I'm going to be gone for a while and I don't want to find out that you've been tormenting him while I was gone. Understood?"I ordered. He muttered a few things that I couldn't here but nodded before fading away. I turned and looked at Gaara as he looked at me, all of his emotions showing in his eyes and features. I gazed softly at him as I walked towards him, stopping a few inches away from him and our faces and bodies nearly touching. I placed a hand on his face gently as he looked at me in pain, sadness and loneliness."I'll be back soon. For now, rest Gaara-kun." I said softly before kissing him as we slowly faded back into reality.
      When reality returned, I quickly caught Gaara as he slumped forward and carried him back to his room. He should wake up later along with Kankuro and Temari since it's only two in the morning. Walking out of the house, I placed a pocky stick in my mouth as I walked towards Sasuke's house. Not having a care for politely knocking, I unsheathed my katana and shoved it between the door and the doorframe where the lock was. Once it was unlocked, I turned the knob and walked in. I soon found Sasuke's room and found him sprawled out on his bed, snoring at a normal volume with a messy hair. I snickered as I walked up to him, then started poking him with the sheath of my katana."Hey. Hey Sasuke. Sasuke. Hey Sasuke, wake up. Wake up, Sasuke." I said over and over again while continuously poking his cheek, causing his head to slightly move to the side. He soon woke up and glared at me as I switched to saying 'Hey Sasuke, get up' while poking his arm. He growled and launched himself at me, and I quickly left the room before I got tackled."Hurry up and get ready! We need to get Kaka-baka before we go train, ducky! And pack some stuff while you're at it!" I yelled before slamming his door on his face as he got up and stalked towards me with a death glare on his face. I chuckled before going to sit on his couch.
      About ten minutes later, he was finally done and we quickly left to Kakashi's house. When we got there I told Sasuke to wait outside as I suddenly kicked open the door. He sweat dropped as I walked in casually, looking for the copy cat. I found him completely knocked out and sighed before packing everything he'll need into a scroll. I heard Kakashi mumble something incoherent, then turned and crouched face to face with him as he woke up."Yo." I said casually as he blinked, still waking up before realizing the current situation. Once he figured it out, he yelled and fell off the bed."Shion, what are you doing here?!" He yelled as he quickly got up, somehow already dressed and ready."I'm here to pick you up. Sasuke's already outside waiting, so since you're done getting ready, let's leave." I said then grabbed the back of his vest's collar."But I want to sleep!" He whined as I dragged him out of the room."No." "What about breakfast?" "Later." When we got outside, Sasuke sweat dropped again as he saw me holding up an anime-crying chibi-Kakashi, who was curled up in a ball.
      We went to the top of the Hokage Monument, and I handed them both a scroll with five onigiris in it. I had one too, but I wasn't hungry at the moment. They did the summoning jutsu and their stomachs immediately growled when the smell of rice and salmon fills the air. They looked at me pleadingly and I nodded before watching them stuff their faces. I took my scroll and summoned an onigiri, but instead of the usual ingredients I put in teriyaki chicken. I'm not a seafood kind of person. After we were done eating, Kakashi started Sasuke on his training for Chidori. I couldn't help him since my chakra nature is dark and blood, the normal nature that my clan members receive. I was given other known natures during Orochimaru's experiments, and I know all known jutsus, but I don't use them often. I just stick with my kekkai genkai and my katana, sometimes also using summoning jutsus, but the reason why I can't help with Chidori was because I didn't match the speed yet. I'm close, but not close enough. Couple of hours later, Kakashi lets Sasuke take a break and tells him to go to me for the other training. He looks between the two of us confused and exhausted, and I motioned him towards me. Reluctantly, Sasuke walked tiredly towards me and collapsed in front of me as I sat cross legged next to him."Please don't tell me-" "Calm down, we won't be doing any physical training." At this, he sighed in relief."The training we will be doing will involve our curse mark. I will be telling you everything that I believe that you should know about it." I told him. I started telling him what it is, how it was made and is given, and the stages it has. At times I had to nudge his head to keep him awake and ask him questions to see if he's been listening, but other than that he was very cooperative.
      "So, how do you get to the next stage?" Sasuke asked. I told him that there's a certain process to do it, and it takes a while for it to complete."What does it look like when it's matured?" I chuckled."You're a curious duck, aren't you? Well, the curse mark is different for everyone when matured. Whether by appearance or abilities, someone's will be different from the others." I explained."How so?" He asked."Well, some of the people I knew had grey skin and their special abilities would be strengthened." I said thinking of examples."What about yours?" He asked. I smirked and turned to Kakashi, who was listening to the lesson."Can I?" I asked. He shrugged and nodded, and I sensed a certain someone's chakra nearby before I activated my curse mark, transferring into the matured form. (This is what she looked like, ignore clothes and wings/feathers are made of metal and her hair and skin is the same as pic except for the hair style)

 (This is what she looked like, ignore clothes and wings/feathers are made of metal and her hair and skin is the same as pic except for the hair style)

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      I flew up into the air and launched some metal feathers to a tree. My feathers are so sharp that they cut through the tree like butter. My team was gawking at me and I saw Gaara stare in a daze at me."Beautiful...." I heard him mumble. Another thing I forgot to tell Sasuke was that some people's senses are also enhanced in this stage. I landed and deactivated my curse mark, and told the boys that they could continue training. They nodded and did as I said as I walk towards a still dazed Gaara. I grabbed his hand and he flinched slightly, eyes slightly wide as he came back to reality."Gaara, what's wrong?" I asked. He scowled and pulled his hands away. I became hurt and my chest hurt again as he teleported away with his sand. I closed my eyes and breathed out shakily, trying to not break down as I turned and walked back to the boys.

A/N I made Gaara and Shion separate T-T what's wrong with me? Whatever, I'd tell you that they'd get back together soon, but I don't wanna spoil anything. Last month of school
\(•~•)/ woo. Uh...... yeah, later and enjoy :P.

Omg I forgot to tell u guys why Shion had been staying in her room. Temari doesn't want to be anywhere near Shion but she needs a place to stay so Kankuro is letting her stay in his room with him.

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