More Sadness and Separation (Again With This Sh*t?!) and Final Understanding

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      ~Gaara's pov~
      Last night Shion's snake summoning, Ayame, came to retrieve half of her things. I told Kankuro and Temari what happened when they saw this and they called me a fool and haven't been talking to me. Shukaku is silent, and like the last time I upset him by hurting Shion he yells at me when I try to talk to him then grumbles before becoming silent again. Everything seems so dull now that Shion isn't with me, and I can't seem to remember or focus on everything that happened around me. Someone knocks on my office door, and it opens to show Temari even though I didn't grant her access. I see her telling me something, but I can't hear her. I feel so tired and dead, but I somehow manage to still move around. She sighs and walks up to me, took my arm, and dragged me to my room. On the way, I turned to look at the window and saw that it was already nighttime. We made it to mine and Shion's house and Temari took me to my bedroom and made me lay down before she left. I looked to my right and smelled Shion on the sheets, then fell half asleep. When I opened my eyes a little bit, I saw her laying down next to me and she smiled softly. I slowly closed my eyes then opened it again to see her gone, and I heard sounds around me as I felt water run down my face. Coming back to reality, I heard my door slam open and heard Temari and Kankuro shouting for me."Gaara! Gaara what's wrong?!" Temari shouted as she shook my shoulder."What.... what do you mean?" I asked confused, my throat hurting and my voice raspy."Gaara, you were screaming and crying in your sleep." Kankuro said, and my eyes widened as I wiped my face indeed finding my own tears."That's it. We need to find Shion, and end this stupid conflict." Temari said exasperated as she walked out of the room with Kankuro following, the two most likely going to get dressed.
Soon, Temari came back and dragged me out of the building and we walked until we reached the training grounds. A few minutes later, Shion and the three guys she was with appeared behind Kankuro, and two of the boys were glaring at me."Okay, now that everyone's here, go ahead and make up so we can continue on peacefully with our lives."Temari said. Everyone was silent as Shion leaned tiredly on the gray haired male and the blonde did the same to the ravenette. My eyes narrowed and my chest clenched as I saw the gray boy wrap his arms around her waist, letting her lean on him."Shion, come here so we can go home."I commanded. She looked at me tiredly as the gray boy's glare deepened."She doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to." "I'm sure she does, and I want her to." "What do you know? You hurt her, called her a slut, and nearly killed her. I'm literally the only person who she's staying here for." The guy and I argued back and forth. I growled and raised my sand in the air as a warning. Kankuro was getting everyone away from the line of fire as Temari was trying to calm me down. The gray haired guy was away from Shion and I shot my sand at him."No!" I heard a yell and saw Shion take the hit on her back. We all yelled her name and raced to her, gray hair catching her as she fell. Gray hair then became furious and snarled at me as I reached them."This is your fault! If you had just listened in the first place this wouldn't have happened!" He yelled at me. I was about to tell him off when Shion raised her hand to silence us. She sighed then flinched in pain, and looked at me with pain and a bit of amusement in her eyes."Well, since we're all here why don't I do the introductions. Gaara, this is my twin brother Shioto, he was one of Orochimaru's experiments that I didn't know about. And those two over there are Hiroyuki Hikari and Kashuyoru Kanjō, friends from the ANBU Black Ops and they're also dating each other." She said as she waved her hands at the three boys. My eyes widened as I looked at them, and saw Hiroyuki whisper something to Kashuyoru. Kashuyoru smirked and whispered something back to Hiroyuki, and whatever he said caused the blonde to blush madly before hiding his face on Kashuyoru's neck. I then noticed how much Shioto resembled Shion. Shioto looked at me in the eyes and smirked as his eyes turned completely black, showing that he has Gōmon no me.
      Shion groaned as she turned on her side, and guilt and self hatred immediately came over me as her back faced me. She had deep gashes going from her shoulder blades to the small of her back, and it was slowly healing itself, grains of sand falling out of the wound and the wound turning from infected red to healthy pale."Come on, let's go back to the Kazekage building." Temari said as she smiled in victory, even though I know she's silently fuming at me for trying to hurt them."You guys go ahead. Hiro and I have some....... things to do." Kashuyoru said, the smirk still embedded on his face. Shioto grinned and started chuckling."Don't go to overboard, Yoru." He warned jokingly. I realized what they were talking about and turned away, clearing my throat as I blushed at the perverted thoughts in my mind. Shion hissed in pain as more sand and blood drops fell from her still closing wounds, and we quickly went back to my office to heal her. When we got there, Temari immediately got the first aid kit as Shioto laid her flat on the couch in the room. Kankuro disinfected Shion's wounds as Temari got the bandage wraps ready, and we all jumped when we heard a knock on the door."Come in." I said, trying not to make my voice squeak from surprise."Hi Gaara-sama! How are you........?" She trailed off as she saw what we were doing. Her eyes then landed on Shioto, and the two then had a stare off. Shion turned her head towards us and she smirked before whispering,"Nīsan, I think you found your mate." He blushed madly and had a panicked look on his face."No I haven't!" He denied quietly."Bro, the two of you practically have hearts for eyes." She snickered as she started grinning at him.
      Matsuri leaned towards me while still looking at Shioto."Gaara-sama, who's that?" She asked quietly, but I'm sure they could still here."Matsuri, this is Shioto Ketsueki, Shion's long lost twin brother. Shioto, this is my student, Matsuri." I introduced. Shioto stood up and slowly walked towards her, and the two seemed to be in some sort of trance as they stood in front of each other."It's a pleasure to meet you, Matsuri." He said as he lifted her hand and kissed it, causing her to blush."I ship it." Shion whispered to Temari, then they started saying a bunch of combined versions of their names like 'Matsoto' or 'Shitsuri' (lol outside mat or city fishing). Kankuro put away the disinfectant and Temari put away the still unused bandage wraps as we noticed that Shion's wounds healed. Temari got up and was about to go put away the first aid kit when Shioto rushed to her and took it." I'll put away the first aid kit!" He exclaimed quickly, and I just noticed that his pupils were wide rather than thin like a cat's."I'll come with you! To.... you know, show you where it goes." Matsuri said embarrassed, then the two quickly left to probably do something other than putting away the first aid kit."Yay! I'm gonna have two sister-in-laws!" Temari and Shion exclaimed as they hugged each other. My eyes widened as my heart raced and I felt my face grow hot."W-what?" I stuttered in shock. Shion turned towards me and smirked."What's wrong Gaara? I thought you knew that we'd end up getting married since we're mates, after all." She said teasingly. I crossed my arms and closed my eyes, pouting at her slightly before looking at her in confusion."Wait, if we're mates and we're most likely going to get married, doesn't that mean that Shioto and Matsuri will too?" I asked. She nodded and giggled."Yes, but the only difference is that we've known each other since we were twelve and will be getting married in two years while they've only known each other for more than ten minutes now, I suppose, and they'll be getting married in two years as well. You and I have known each other longer, they haven't." She explained with a raised index finger. I nodded in understanding and became shocked when she suddenly hugged me, nearly making me fall over because of her's and my gourd's weight. Kankuro and Temari suddenly disappeared from the room as I hugged her back, then Shion kissed me. I kissed back hungrily, absolutely enjoying the sensation of the kiss and the taste of her lips. She wears black lipstick, but for whatever reason it tastes like black cherries. She suddenly pulled away smiling innocently at me." That's for being so freaking adorable." She said, then pinched and tugged my ear really hard causing me to yelp loudly."And that, my dear sweet Ai, is for hurting me and nearly killing my brother." She finished, sounding satisfied with my reaction."Now," She said loudly as she clapped, making me slightly flinch."Let's make my nīsan a citizen, shall we?" She smiled cheerfully, unaware of the sudden fear she gave me. Believe me, you do not want to make this woman angry. She's as bad as Lady Tsunade and Sakura *shivers*.

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