Bell Test

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Since I don't sleep, I just meditated for a couple of hours,then did my usual routine. By the time I was done,it was 3:30 in the morning. I decided to leave anyway, and when I got to the training ground I just sort of stood around while listening to the voices. They're asking for me to kill someone,but I know it isn't completely needed yet cause they're whispering. I know when it's mandatory to do what they say when they're yelling to the point where I get a migraine. Time passed and the genin arrived. Naruto and Sakura are extremely exhausted while Sasuke looks normal. Naruto sat down near my feet and the voices temporarily went silent,then grew a little louder,saying that I should kill them. I clutched my katana's handle and scowled.'Shut up. I won't kill them,they're my team.' 'They hate you. They fear you. Naruto and Sasuke were your friends and they left you.' 'And who's fault is that?! You always yell at me to kill someone and it drives me crazy until I do kill someone! You made them fear me!'I snarled.
"Are they bothering you again,Shion?"Sasuke asked quietly. I realized I must have snarled out loud and tried to block the voices out as I noticed the three of them stare at me."Kakashi's most likely going to be late so I'm going to be back."I said then walked back into the trees. I found a thick tree nearby and drew my katana as the voices started to grow louder. I yelled and started hacking at the tree,not caring how deep it's cutting or if I'm messing up my katana. I lost myself in my attacks as I heard the voices yelling at me to kill,then say that someone was behind me. Instinctively,I turned and tried to slice whoever snuck up on me but they grabbed my arm."Now,is that a way to greet your sensei?"Kakashi asked as he was casually holding my arm from killing him and smiling like nothing was happening. I pulled away and sheathed my katana as the once thick tree fell.'Timber. Wonder if that killed anyone.' I grew irritated with the voices but also wondered why they were so obsessed with killing."You aren't my sensei. You're just a comrade that I have to protect,same goes with those idiotic children that are waiting for you. So let's go."I mumbled while grabbing his sleeve and walking towards the genin. When we got there I let go of his sleeve."Good morning."he said while smiling lazily."HEY YOUR'E LATE!"Sakura and Naruto yelled. I didn't bother hearing his excuse and just walked towards the children saying "liar" to Kakashi."And where did you go? We heard a loud thud and saw one of the trees fall."Sakura said,adding venom when saying you."I had to let off some steam. I was getting irritated with.......something."I muttered,looking blankly at the air."Well next time don't run off. I won't be responsible if you get yourself hurt like the weakling you are. Right Sasuke?"Sakura said,then looked to see duck butts reaction. Sasuke and I scowled at her, and she shrank away."I'm the weakling? The only reason you're here is because of your knowledge and so you can just be around the Uchiha,who couldn't give a single shit about you cause we all know your a nuisance. And if I'm weak,then why did I become ANBU as soon as I became genin?"I said lowly,taking off my sweater and showing them the tattoo on my left arm.
"Shut up you liar! That tattoos a fake! And Sasuke does care about me! You're just saying all of this so you can steal him away from me!"she yelled. The voices started growing louder again as I growled at her."Exactly as I said. If it wasn't for your stupid obsession for the duck butt,you wouldn't even be here right now. And I am an ANBU. Ask Kakashi if I'm lying or not,fuck,ask the Hokage! I'm not lying,so why don't you shut up before I silence you for good."I snarled,unconsciously activating Gōmon no me in anger."Now now ladies,no fighting. We're all friends and a team here."Kakashi said while putting his hands on our shoulders."Kakashi,this team is pathetic and isn't even a team at all. It's a freaking hate triangle rather than a love triangle. Would you all care for me to state why?"I said. Without letting them speak,I continued."The three of you are weak. Sasuke is only this strong because of his hatred for his brother without even knowing the true reason why. Naruto could be strong if he wasn't so naive and foolish all the time, and would be even stronger if he unleashed and gained control of the power inside him. Sakura would be a decent ninja if she even focused on anything besides Sasuke,but I think the only thing you'd be good at is taijutsu and medical jutsu."I said,pointing at each of them as I called them out. Kakashi sighed and placed his hand from my shoulder to my head."We're going to be doing a little exercise. It's called the bell test. Shion,are you going to help them or me?"he asked."Neither. I'll watch and get them out of the traps you put for them."I mumbled,crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at the ground."Alright. Shion will help you when needed but won't be participating. The goal is for you to get these bells from me before the timer goes off before lunch."Kakashi explained. I walked off and jumped into a tree,camouflaging in the shadows as I watched them talk.
Before they started,Naruto ran up and tried attacking Kakashi,but Kakashi stopped him and smiled. Naruto jumped back as the three got into a fighting position, and Kakashi said go. Everyone but Naruto stayed with Kakashi, and Kakashi taunted Naruto by pulling out Icha Icha Paradise. Naruto attack,but was sent flying into the lake when Kakashi used his stupid One Thousand Years of Death jutsu. Naruto came back but was soon caught into a trap as Kakashi walked off to the other two. I jumped out and stood in front of him with my katana drawn."Need some help?"I asked while holding up my katana."No thanks,Shion! If I want to become Hokage, I have to do this by myself,believe it!"he said as he struggled to free himself. I huffed and walked away,noting that Naruto failed the main task. I heard a scream and suppressed my blood lust as I walked towards it. I found Kakashi walking away from an unconscious Sakura as I chuckled. Of course she'd fall into a genjutsu. I went up to her and nicked her arm with my katana, and she snapped awake."Sasuke?!" "Calm down,it was just a genjutsu. Do you need help-"she interrupted me with a snotty attitude."I don't need your help,bitch. I just need my Sasuke-kun!"she said,then ran off while fangirling. Soon enough though, I heard her scream again and sighed. When I found her, I also found Sasuke buried alive with only his head showing."You need help?"I asked lazily."Hn."he grunted. I focused chakra into my foot then stomped the ground. Sasuke shot up from the ground and quickly gained balance."You going to let them help you?"I asked,but already knew the answer."No. They'll just get in my way."he grumbled. I sighed."Just as I said earlier......"I muttered under my breath. Soon the timer went off and Sakura woke up. We went back to the posts and saw Naruto tied to the middle post."He tried eating the food,didn't he?"I asked Kakashi as the other two sat in front of the left over posts. He nodded and cleared his throat.
"You all failed to get the bells,but I have decided not to let you go back to the academy."Sasuke smirked at what Kakashi said as the other bakas cheered."He means that you're not going to be ninjas you idiots."I said monotonously and watch them become shocked and outraged."What do you mean?! You can't do that!"Naruto yelled. Sasuke became furious and charged at Kakashi,but he was pinned to the ground with his hand behind his back."Hey! Get off of Sasuke-kun!"Sakura cried."You don't know what it means to be a ninja. You think it's a game,huh?"Kakashi said while narrowing his eyes at Sakura."You never realized what this exercise was about. Three people on a squad. Why do you think we did that? It's so basic:teamwork! A genin should have a natural feel for teamwork,but it never even crossed your mind."Kakashi said in irritation."Sakura,you chased after Sasuke when Naruto was right in front of you, and you didn't even lift a finger to help him! Naruto,you do everything on your own,everything. Sasuke thought that everyone was so far beneath him and were worthless. And all of you refused Shion's help when she asked and was trying to get past her hatred and irritation of you guys. Without teamwork,a mission leads to failure and death. For example,Sakura! Kill Naruto now or Sasuke dies!"Kakashi continued and held a kunai at Sasuke's neck. Heheheh Itachi would be so pissed at you~
     "That's what happens on a mission. Did you look at this stone,the names engraved on it? They are all ninja who were honored in the village."Naruto started getting excited and wanted his name on it."Baka,those ninja were KIA. Killed in action. Do you want your name on it now?"I said glaring at him. Naruto paled as I walked up to it and traced an old friend's name:Kiara Mobito (totally made up). She was one of the other people who accepted me before I came to this village,then was killed by Zabuza Momochi. I also became friends with him and Haku as well as the villagers of the land of waves. I met them during a mission for Orochimaru sensei."Alright,I'm going to give you one more chance. Eat lunch,but Naruto doesn't get any. And if that person tries to feed him,they immediately fail."he turned and looked at me."Coming or staying?"he asked."I'm going home."I said while walking up to him."But I know they'll pass this part. They aren't that cruel,especially Sasuke."I whispered to him as I passed by then left. I teleported into my house and immediately laid on my couch,sighing."Now I just have to wait till I get my assassination missions."I mumbled,then winced as the voices yelled at me to go on a killing spree."I just had to remind them,didn't I?"I groaned.

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