The Sand's Betrayal part 2 and Unresponsive

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We raced through the trees and soon found the sand siblings and Sasuke facing each other. I landed next to Kankuro who was holding an unconscious Gaara and was about to touch him when Temari hit me with her fan."Sorry, Shion, but I can't let you near Gaara." She said as the leaf genin yelled my name. Kankuro handed Gaara to Temari and she soon left with him. Naruto came to help me up as Sasuke ran off again and Shino came to fight Kankuro. We chased Temari and Sasuke and soon caught up, Kankuro reappearing and taking Gaara as Temari fought Sasuke. We came to a stop again as Gaara woke up, and Temari reappeared soon as well after Sasuke. Naruto, Sakura, Pakkun and I stood next to Sasuke as Gaara started releasing Shukaku. Sasuke and Gaara/Shukaku fought, and when Sasuke became too beat up to fight, Sakura jumped in front of him to protect him. Gaara/Shukaku shot his hand out towards her and she stood in fear unable to move."No!"I yelled as I shoved Sakura out of the way and took the hit. Shukaku roared and trapped me to the tree with the sand as Naruto caught Sakura."You dare go against us and protect these children?! You are our mate! You fight with us, not them!" Shukaku yelled."I know.... I'm your mate... and I love you...... but they are my teammates........ my friends....... my family........"I said while trying to breathe as the sand was tightening around me."I will do anything to protect my remaining loved ones, no matter what the cost."I said as I looked at him in the eyes."Very well, then. If you won't stand with me, then you shall DIE!"Gaara yelled and tightened the sand more. I gasped and screamed as I felt my bones starting to break. Team 7, Kankuro and Temari called out my name as my body started shutting down from the pain. The last thing I saw was Naruto and a bunch of his shadow clones attacking Shukaku.
.......... Am I dead? No...... I hear voices........ I'm in so much pain......... someone make it stop............. I felt my body healing, my bones shifting back to their original position. I tried screaming in pain, but I couldn't hear my cry. The voices are shouting at me, trying to stay soothing and calm but you could hear the panic and worry in their voices. I tried opening my eyes, but it was like something was holding it down, the same with my body. Suddenly, I felt so drained and I couldn't stay conscious anymore. Maybe I should rest...... wait. There's a voice telling me to stay with us, who's us? I barely noticed that there was a sound in the background like a heart monitor. The heart rate seemed to went flat, is it mine? Am I dead? A light appeared in front of me, is that heaven? Two adults appeared in front of the light, they're smiling at me sadly and they look familiar."Shion, it's not your time yet." The woman said."You still have people who need you. You have to go back to them." The man said. I squinted at them and my eyes widened in realization, tears filling them as I covered my mouth with my hands."......Mom? Dad?" I asked."Sweetie, you need to go back." Mom said."No! I want to stay with you guys longer!" I cried."I'm sorry, musume. We love you so much. Stay strong, okay?" Dad said. Suddenly there was a strong gust of wind and I flew back, screaming.
~third pov~
The doctor left Shion Ketsueki's room, and had a sad and pitiful expression. He turned to the leaf genin and their senseis as well as the sand siblings and their sensei."I'm sorry. The patient didn't make it." He said. The females and some of the males cried, the other males either in denial or so used to death that they didn't feel anything. One male, however, was in shock and denial."Let me see her." The sand jinchūriki demanded. Everyone watched as the young red head went into Shion's room, and seeing the dead girl caused him to break. He fell to his knees, his body racking with sobs as tears fell like a waterfall from his eyes. He was in emotional pain and internal conflict because he was blaming himself for his mate's death. He was right about the blame, for he was the person who caused the injuries and her death. Everyone watching gazed at the boy in pity, seeing that he truly loved the girl and never meant to kill her. Everyone was in tears, saddened by the death of a young kunoichi and their Hokage.
      The doctor called a nurse to record the girl's time of death, but everyone froze as they heard the girl take a deep breath. They turned to see her chest rising and falling, and the youngest sand sibling got up and went to her side, taking her hand and gazing at her as her eyes slowly opened. Everyone was shocked that the girl with the name meaning death had conquered death and returned to the living. As Shion blinked, trying to let her eyes adjust, she feels something holding her hand and turns to see Gaara, her mate."Hi Gaara-kun." She said, giving him a soft and beautiful smile and her voice ringing like calming bells. Everyone started crying again, except those tears were joyful as Gaara grinned and kissed Shion."You're alive. Please don't leave me again. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, just please don't leave me again." He pleaded as he hugged the revived girl, and she chuckled as she hugged him back."Don't worry, Gaara. I forgive you, and I'm not going to go anywhere, hopefully for a very long time." She said. The leaf jinchūriki, Naruto Uzumaki, went towards his two friends as they spoke, and looked sadly at Shion. Shion notice his expression and became serious, trying to prepare for what he was going to say."Naruto, what happened?"she demanded. Everything became depressed again as they all remembered the other death of that day."Shion-chan, Gramps died. Orochimaru killed him, but the old man managed to disable his arms before he died."he explained. Shion processed this, and started snarling once she understood."He killed my clan, took all of my happiness, and now he took Gramps. He's giving me an even more reason to kill his sorry ass." She growled, eyes showing complete rage over the snake sannin. Gaara took her hand in reassurance, and she looked at him before her mood went downhill. She broke down and started crying over her grandfather-figure, clutching onto Gaara as he held her while she cried. Everyone's heart stumbled in its beat as they heard the girl cry. The girl was an angel that looked like a demon, and hearing an angel cry is the most saddest thing that anyone could ever hear.
      Soon, the girl fell asleep, and the sand siblings and team 7 checked her out of the hospital before carrying her home. After making sure that she got home safely, team 7 left and as the sand siblings were about to go inside, Asuma and Konohamaru, son and grandson of the late Hokage, ran towards them. They explained that they wanted to stay with Shion as the sand siblings went back to their village, and eventually they agreed. Gaara, who was carrying Shion, tried handing the sleeping girl to Asuma but was unable to. Shion had a strong grip on the front of his shirt and didn't want to let go. Asuma took hold of her as Gaara gently removed her hand from his shirt. She quickly took hold of his hand, looking like she was about to cry as Gaara smiled sadly at her. He made sand replace his hand in her grip as he softly kissed her lips before Temari, Kankuro and himself walked towards the gate and out of the village.
      When Shion woke up, she wouldn't do anything. She just laid flat on her bed feeling empty, not eating or drinking, not blinking. People could barely even tell that she was breathing. It was like she was under a genjutsu or in a death trance. When Asuma came and told her that it was time for Hiruzen's funeral, she didn't respond. She just stayed in the same position the whole time. When he looked at her eyes, sometimes he would find light in them like she was awake and other times it would be fogged over as if she was asleep. No one knew what to do, all they could do was make sure she was alive before carrying on to their normal business, but they were worried either way. Naruto informed Jiraiya of her state, giving them an even more reason to find the slug sannin, who was selected as the next Hokage. All they could do was hope that Tsunade will be able to help the young Ketsueki.

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