Back To The Waves

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A/N 😓 close enough

I sighed as I lifted my head with my eyes closed. Blood was splattered everywhere from all of the victims I've killed. I'm completely drenched in it,even some got through my ANBU mask. I did some hand signs after taking out a couple of packs,maybe seven."Blood style:Blood Control." The blood moved with the motions of my hands and all went into the packs. I then sealed the packs in a scroll,sheathed my katana,and teleported to the Hokage office. Team seven was there and became extremely startled,while Kakashi,Iruka,the Hokage and I stayed normal. I went on one knee and bowed my head in front of the Hokage."Lord Hokage,the assassination is complete."I said."Well done. I was actually going to contact you,team 7 will be doing a C rank mission and I wanted you to join them. In fact I'm going to let your escort in right now. Please enter."Gramps said. A very familiar old man came in drunk with a bottle of sake in hand."Tazuna?"I asked. Tazuna looked at me confused. I looked at the Hokage for permission,and when he nodded I removed my mask. The genin and Tazuna gasped and Tazuna got teary eyed."Shion....? It's been so long."he said while smiling.
"Shion?!"the genin yelled. I turned to them and scowled."You guys seriously thought I was lying about my rank? Tch,imbeciles."I scoffed."These kids are supposed to be escorting me,a master bridge builder? Look at this one! How can I entrust my life to a scruffy short baka like you!"Tazuna insulted."Haha,whose the short scruffy kid?"Naruto laughed. The three went into a line,Naruto the shortest and Sasuke the tallest. Naruto got pissed and charged at Tazuna,but I stopped him by putting my fist on his forehead."Touch him and you won't walk for a few days."I threatened. I then grabbed the bottle of sake from Tazuna and scowled at him."I thought I told you no more drinking,old man."I said. He paled and nervously laughed."I want you to meet at the gates in one hour,all of you. Dismissed."The Hokage said. I teleported to my house and took a quick shower,got dressed with my sweater on,put away the blood packs and packed all of the clothes,weapons and medical equipment that I know will be needed since we're going to be protecting Tazuna and heading to the land of the waves. I was done in half an hour,so I just walked around the village. Then arrived at the gates five minutes before call time. Everyone was there and Kakashi was late by 15 minutes,then we all left. Naruto was all excited and was annoying everyone while I stood close to Tazuna with my katana in a defensive stance.
"Hey Shion,why do you have your guard up when it's just an escort mission?"Sakura asked. I turned and looked at her."Because I know about where we are going and what will eventually happen."I said as I saw Tazuna give me a pleading look. Soon we came up to a puddle when it hasn't ran in weeks during a blazing hot day,so I grinned like a madman and made hand signs."Stay back! Lightning style:Lighting Strike!"I yelled then shot lightning at the puddle. The puddle boiled and some blood became mixed with it as we walked towards it."Shion,what was that?"Kakashi asked."There were enemy ninja hiding in that puddle,and just to get it over with without us getting hurt,I killed them."I said while grinning."But if they were there,then who were they after?"he asked."You want me to explain or are you going to do it,Tazuna?"I asked the old man. He sighed and nodded,then walked off with Kakashi to talk.
"Wow Shion,that was so cool,believe it!"Naruto said while stepping forward. My eyes widened as I saw a string trap under his foot."Naruto!"I yelled,then pulled him behind me as I blocked a bunch of kunai being launched at us."Naruto,are you okay?"I asked as I turned to him. I saw an infected cut on his hand and gasped."Chikushō,Naruto,your hand is poisoned!" This caused him to start freaking out,and I told him not to move cause it'll only travel faster. Kakashi and Sakura said that we should head back, and Sasuke mocked Naruto. Naruto got irritated and stabbed his hand making a pledge."Baka stop injuring yourself more. Give me your hand."I said. He obliged and when I saw it,it was already healing."Kurama....."I whispered while frowning. Naruto started freaking out again with how I reacted,so I shut him up by wrapping his hand and actually telling him to shut up."Since we're done here,let's keep going. I wanna see some old friends when we get there."I said,and we all continued towards a boat. Naruto got too loud and was scolded by the boat owner,and I explained to everyone what was going on in this land. They asked me why I was here before,but I just ignored them.
When we came to shore,Naruto started throwing kunai at random places. One of them was at a suspicious white bunny, and I grabbed it before it got hit."Hi Haku."I whispered. Haku the bunny nuzzled my chin before jumping out of my arms and running away. I sensed someone else nearby and knew what was going to happen."Blood style:blood control!"I yelled while doing hand signs and made everyone drop to the ground as a familiar sword stabbed itself into a tree. On it was none other than"Zabuza Momochi,Demon of the Hidden Mist. How nice to see you again."I said with a smirk and hand on my hip as I released the others. Zabuza gave me a wink as Kakashi walked towards me."You know him?"he asked,staring at us suspiciously. I raised my hands in defense."I told you that I wanted to see some old friends,Zabuza is one of them. Chill,I'm not going to go traitor on you guys. I want a home to go back to and some money for food."I said.
Soon,Kakashi and Zabuza started fighting,and when he was about to kill the genin and Tazuna I jumped in and blocked his sword."You know you don't have to fight us. You know that what Gato is doing is wrong,you could help us kill his men while you and I kill Gato himself."I said."Sorry kid,but like you I have a mission to complete."he said."I have a feeling you'll reconsider in the end."I chuckled. I pushed him away then sliced him in half,and the others freaked out."Hey what are you doing?! I thought you said he was your friend and you killed him!"Naruto yelled."Calm down. That was just a water clone. Kakashi is fighting the real Zabuza."I said. Soon Kakashi was trapped in a Water Prison jutsu and started yelling at us to run."Kakashi,you Baka! I'm an ANBU, and I know Zabuza! I can take him out and get you out of there myself!"I yelled at him,then Zabuza started saying some shit to scare the genin and used his hidden mist jutsu. Suddenly,Naruto was kicked back by a clone and his headband was knocked off. I growled and activated Gōmon no me."Zabuza,remember that I'm protective over loved ones."I said as Zabuza looked at me. I flash stepped next to the clone and killed it,then grabbed Naruto's headband. I was about to toss it to him when one of Zabuza's clones stabbed me through my stomach."Forgive me,Shion....."he whispered as everyone shouted my name. Naruto got pissed and ran towards us,but was kicked back again by Zabuza as he pulled out the sword. Naruto managed to secretly get his headband back, and they all became shocked as 'I' turned into water."A water clone?!"Zabuza exclaimed out of shock.
"Heheheh,you forgot who taught me that. I'll be back. Naruto,Sasuke,you got this."I said somewhere in the mist. I then jumped into a nearby tree and got behind a masked Haku."Sup."I said casually. Haku flinched and looked at me,then hugged me in happiness."I missed you,Shion. Zabuza did too,he just didn't show it as often."Haku whispered. I chuckled and moved his mask to the side."I missed you too bro."I said then kissed his cheek. We looked back to see that Kakashi got out of the Water Prison jutsu and was about to kill Zabuza when Haku quickly threw senbon needles at the back of Zabuza's neck. He collapsed and Haku adjusted his mask before we both headed towards them."Thank you. I've been tracking Zabuza for a long time,waiting for this chance to finally take him down."he said while bowing. I let them talk to each other as I went up to Zabuza and started poking his cheek."Zabuza,your cheek was always so squishy when you're unconscious."I said softly while chuckling."Ahem,if you will please refrain from poking him more,I will take him and dispose of him now. Once again,thank you for your help."Haku said as he picked up Zabuza easily and turned to walk away. I went up to him and grabbed his arm as I leaned into his ear."Take care of him,alright? Oh and you're cute as a bunny."I whispered to him. He cleared his throat in embarrassment and nodded,then walked away when I let him go.
I knew what would happen to Kakashi now since it happened to Itachi before, and walked up to him before he started walking. I caught him when he collapsed and the others panicked."It's okay,he just over worked himself when using the Sharingan. After some rest,he'll be good as new."I said while making Kakashi piggy back ride on me."Let's head to my house. You can all rest there,it's not that far."Tazuna said."I'm pretty sure no one else is coming after us,so I'm going to go ahead of you guys. I'll see you there."I said then ran off towards the house after they nodded.

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