Chapter filler: crazy party

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(Naruto will be involved. This chapter isn't a part of the story line)
      I was currently at Granny Cat's shop for some stuff she wanted to give me. At the moment, she's trying to look for it in one of the rooms."Here we are." She said while walking into the room with a giant box of whatever."These items are very special and are not to be used during a mission. I suggest you use them during a party or something of the sort." She told me as she handed me the box."Arigato, Granny Cat." I said while bowing."Anytime. After all, I owe you for bringing the two boys back together." She said while smiling. I thanked her once more before teleporting to my home. The nine rookies (Shikamaru included even though he's Chūnin), Itachi, Matsuri, the sand siblings, team Gai, Shioto and I will be having a party there and the box I'm bringing has party entertainment in it. I'm not exactly sure what they do, but we'll find out.
~time skip to the start of the party~
Okay, so I'm gonna summarize what happened during the party. Everyone was dancing and enjoying the music, and for some reason someone brought sake. Everything soon became chaotic when Lee drank some, and he almost destroyed everything. He also picked up the box I brought and smashed it open with his face, and all the stuff inside broke all over the place. The stuff happened to be bottles of potions, but I don't know what they do. The liquid is surrounding us and purple smoke is rising from it, and everyone started coughing from it. I couldn't see anything but I'm not in pain so the liquid isn't poisonous. I squeezed my eyes closed as I started having a small coughing fit, and when I opened my eyes I saw that everyone was turned into different kinds of animals. Shioto and I were turned into black cats with gray eyes; Kiba was turned into another version of Akamaru; Neji and Hinata were turned into falcons; TenTen was turned into a brown rabbit; Lee turned into a turtle for some reason; Shino turned into a beetle; Shikamaru became a coala bear; Ino turned into a white piglet (lol); Choji became a baby brown bear; Sasuke became a black duck while Itachi became a raven; Sakura became a light pink kitten; Naruto became an orange fox while Gaara turned into a red panda (that red raccoon looking animal not an actual panda that's red); Temari turned into a peacock; Kankuro became a black panther cub; and Matsuri became a brown and white calico cat. Everyone who wasn't a quiet type gathered together and started making animal sounds, which means that we can't talk. Shino flew away and landed on a stool, Gaara came and we laid down together, Sasuke waddled towards the couch as Itachi, Neji and Hinata flew there, and Shikamaru just went to a kitchen rack, hung upside down and apparently fell asleep. Sakura and Ino seemed to be arguing before getting into a fight while Choji sat back and watched with a sweat drop, and the same thing happened with Kiba and Naruto with Kankuro. Temari flew to Shikamaru and poked him with her beak, causing him to lazily swipe at her and grumble something that I assumed was 'leave me alone, troublesome woman'. Shioto and Matsuri decided to lay down together by the window, then Matsuri sniffed him before bathing him, causing him to meow in complaint (she's licking him all over).
I suddenly heard Gaara start purring, so I turned to look at him as he suddenly pounced on me, my back on the ground and his paws on both sides of my head. He was about to sit down, and my eyes widened and my heart raced as I saw what was about to connect like a perverted puzzle. Suddenly Gaara was tackled to the ground by Shioto who was growling in his face. The two then started fighting and snarling at each other, both yelling stuff that no one understood. Matsuri and I pounced on our mates at the same time in order to stop and separate them, and she led him to the hallway to do something about him. A couple of minutes later, meowing and loud purring was heard, and I don't even want to imagine what they were doing. I was still on Gaara, and as punishment I started bathing him. I held him down as he struggled and complained about me messing up the fur on his head, but he just laid his head down in embarrassment and defeat as I continued while laying on his back. Couple of hours later, we turned back to our human selves and everyone went home to sleep.

A/N sorry it's short but my mom is giving me shit about the 'dirty' bathroom even though I bought movie tickets and sodas for us, spending all of my money on her as a late birthday gift. *sigh* she's too OCD and bipolar -_-.

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