Forest of Death

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A/N alright so my sister finally got one of the Naruto seasons for me,but it's sadly the first season of Shippuden. I'm ok with it but it won't be useful until later in the story. Anyway,thank you @LauraBravo359 for being my first voter in this story,or basically any of my stories in general. Enjoy the story my silly couch potatoes~

     It's the day of the second part of the Chūnin exams and I'm standing next to Anko as she reexplains what to do and stuff to the genin. She hands out the liability waivers before team 7 and others have interviews by academy students. Couple of minutes later,they're given their heaven/earth scroll and go to their assigned gates. Anko smirked and nods at me, and I give her a sadistic grin before jumping into the forest. The voices and I were excited to kill the weaklings,but I reminded myself that I could either help,kill or ignore the teams that I run into. I sensed a group with small amounts of chakra and cast a genjutsu. The area around us darkened as the genin reached me,and I chuckled darkly as their fear grew. I unsheathed my katana and twirled it a little as I imagined the hand signs for Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. Two clones appeared and we walked in a circle around the scared children while twirling our katanas. They were whimpering and crying as we pointed our blades at them, and screamed as we charged and cut them down. I didn't have much blood on me,which disappointed the voices,but I soon heard rustling as I released my jutsu. Another weak group appeared, and I was about to kill them when the voices said that Shukaku was hungry. I got an idea and smiled nicely at the cautious team."Hello,I'm your other proctor,Shion Ketsueki. I have a rule for myself during this exam, and it is that I can either help,kill or ignore genin teams. I just killed,so I decided to now help."I explained like the happy psycho that I am. The team was still cautious but soon let their guards down as they finally realized I wasn't a threat at the moment. I turned and led them somewhere else and secretly grinned evilly.
~third person pov~
     As Shion led the rain genin somewhere,the sand siblings were trying to find a scroll. Gaara was a bit agitated because Shukaku was blood thirsty and continuously yelled at him to kill someone to the point where he received a headache, and the bijū also demanded to find Shion so he could give her some of their sand. Because of the agitated jinchūriki,the older sand siblings were very cautious and scared to go near and upset Gaara so they kept a good distance between them. They stopped at a clearing and soon got in an argument with each other. Shion was hiding with the rain genin and showed them the sand siblings before going to a different section near Hinata,Shino and Kiba. The four noticed each other and Shion smirked while putting a finger to her lips. The genin she brought confronted the siblings and soon started fighting each other. After the group realized they can't hurt them because of Gaara's ultimate defense,Shion showed herself through the trees and laughed at them."Silly little children,always looking for a fight thinking they would win."she mocked. The siblings and the rain genin turned to her, and one of the kids from the rain genin she led pointed an accusing finger at her."You knew this would happen! You didn't help us,you tricked us!"he yelled."Oh sweetie,I never said that I was helping you. I'm helping the sand siblings here. The voices in my head told me that Gaara wanted some blood, and I also noticed that you had the scroll they needed."she explained sweetly as she jumped out of her tree and walked up to the boy."You should listen more carefully next time. Oh what am I saying,there will be no next time for you."she laughed while putting a hand on his cheek. The boy became furious and tried to stab her with a kunai,but was stopped by sand. Shion didn't react,she just turned towards an enraged Gaara. Gaara was snarling at the boy and made the sand engulf him while Shion walked towards him."Sand coffin."he growled as the sand completely engulfed the rest of the rain genin swiftly."Sand burial."Gaara made a fist at the sand, and to his and Shion's pleasure they screamed in agony as they were crushed and killed by the sand.
     Team 8 was horrified by the scene and quickly left before they were seen. Shion turned and smiled while waving at the older siblings before sand grabbed her waist and pulled her towards Gaara. They hugged each other and he buried his face into her neck while breathing in her scent."Thank you for the blood. Shukaku was giving me a headache."Gaara whispered to her. Shion giggled at her mate before kissing his cheek and pulling away from him."Why don't you guys go find some shelter. You're probably tired and you need all the rest you can get before heading to the tower."she suggested. They nodded in agreement,but Temari looked confused."Are you not coming with us?"she asked. They all looked at Shion as she shook her head."I have to go check something. And after I do that, I'll see if I can get one last kill for the day."she said. They nodded in understanding, and Shukaku made a sand bracelet on her left wrist before the siblings left.
~normal pov~
I turned and was about to jump towards the direction my teams chakra source is at when I got a major headache and my eyes hurt. I felt Shukaku freaking out in the sand so I put my right hand on it."I'm fine, my sensei told me this would happen."I said while wincing in pain. Suddenly the pain stopped and I sighed. Kami,having my kekkai genkai upgraded is painful af. I remember once that Orochimaru sensei told me that my kekkai genkai had two stages. The first stage was the torture ability, and the second stage allowed me to either summon or see certain spirits. I can summon any dead person,but for randomly seeing spirits I can only see ones that stay to watch over a loved one. Orochimaru sensei also showed me what the second stage looked like.

     I jumped through trees and soon found my team with sensei in front of them

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I jumped through trees and soon found my team with sensei in front of them. Sakura was the first to notice me and called out to me."Shion! Help us!"she said, and I just stared at them as the rest of them turned to look at me. I glanced at sensei and nodded at him,and he smirked while licking his lips. They soon started fighting, and Sakura easily went down while it took sensei a while to bring down Naruto. I sighed in annoyance as Orochimaru did the five elements seal on the blonde, and I went to get the two bakas as Sasuke was given the curse mark. Sasuke fell unconscious and Orochimaru sensei left as Anko came to fight him. I shook Sakura awake and was slapped as soon as she saw me."Why didn't you help us?! Naruto and Sasuke-kun are hurt now because of you!"she yelled while crying."Shut up,it had to be done. Now help me get them to shelter so I can heal you guys. You get Sasuke,I'll get Naruto."I said,holding down the rustling sand on my wrist and trying to ignore the slap. She glared at me but did as told as I picked up Naruto and put him on my back. Sakura grabbed Sasuke by his waist while having his arm around her neck, and we walked to some tree to rest at. We placed them down gently and Sakura immediately laid down exhausted. I did some hand signs for the healing jutsu and got to work on their injuries,but I couldn't do anything to stop Sasuke from being in pain. As for Naruto,I have no idea how to fix his seal. I sighed in irritation as I finished healing Sakura, and moved on to Sasuke's injuries.

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