Chapter Filler: Getting To Know Each Other Is A Bad Idea

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Gaara finished making Shioto a citizen yesterday, and today I forced Baki to takeover Gaara's shift so me, the sand siblings, Shioto and Matsuri can get to know each other. We were all meeting outside the Kazekage building, and Gaara and I were the first ones there."Why are we doing this again?" He asked boredly."We are doing this because eventually we're all going to be a family, so we might as well get to know each other now rather than later." I explained. He sighed and hugged me from behind, snuggling his face into the right side of my neck."But I'm tired." He whined, his voice muffled and vibrating on my skin."You can rest after we're done. I made Baka take your shift for the whole day." I said, smiling slightly as I rested my arms on his. Couple of minutes later, Shioto and Matsuri came while holding hands, then Temari came while dragging an anime crying Kankuro by his ear. We all sweat dropped at the two as they came to a stop in front of us."What did he do this time?" I asked, though I didn't exactly want to know."Oh nothing, he just didn't want to get up so I forced him by dragging him by the ear." Temari explained with a creepy smile, and we all took one step away from her without her noticing. She let Kankuro go, and the puppeteer immediately hid behind Gaara who was still behind me. I made him let me go and I dragged Matsuri with me so we could stand with Temari. I looked at the boys and saw Gaara frown at me then slightly glare at his brother and my twin. Kankuro was trying to joke around and Shioto was just listening awkwardly and annoyed, and half the time he glared at Gaara."Alright! Boys, you do whatever while us girls will-" "No shopping or doing girly crap." I interrupted with my eyes closed and arms crossed. I felt her glare at me and heard her mutter 'whatever' before dragging me and Matsuri away.
~time skip brought to you by Gaara's excitement for his awesome sandcastles~

      Much to my annoyance, we went shopping for girly clothes and dresses, but I didn't buy anything except for gray ninja clothes, blood red kimono with my birthmark kanji on its back, and some more medical equipment

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Much to my annoyance, we went shopping for girly clothes and dresses, but I didn't buy anything except for gray ninja clothes, blood red kimono with my birthmark kanji on its back, and some more medical equipment. We went to get our nails done, but I didn't and I went to get some dango. We then went to a salon to dye some pieces of our hair, but again I didn't because I like my hair natural, so I went and bought fresh cookies for Gaara. We were done with our hangout, so we tried finding the boys. When we found them, Temari and I got irk marks while Matsuri sweat dropped. We saw the boys fighting in the training grounds, Shioto and Gaara facing off while Kankuro was unconscious and twitching by the trees. Shioto had Gōmon no me on and was using water jutsus as Gaara sent his sand after him."Stay back." I ordered the girls with a dark voice as I activated Gōmon no me and walked towards my boyfriend and brother."That's it, I'm sick of you now!" Shioto yelled before making hand signs for a dark style jutsu."Dark style: Dead Army (fake)!" He said and skeletons came out of the ground. Gaara sent his sand to kill the skeletons, and I did hand signs as the two came close to each other."Dark style: Dark Flames (fake)." I muttered and black and violet flames erupted on the skeletons and sand. The skeletons turned to ash and the sand fell to the ground as the two boys looked at me shocked. The purpose of this jutsu was to dispel or burn away any other jutsu or chakra source."What exactly were you two intending to do?" I asked, anger and irritation evident in my voice as I scowled at the two. Shioto started yelling one thing, saying that it was Gaara's fault and why it was while Gaara denied everything and said Shioto's faults. The two soon started yelling at each other and were about to taijutsu each other until I grabbed Gaara's left ear and Shioto's right ear."Shut the fuck up before I snap your fucking necks for irritating the crap out of me." I snarled as I pulled their ears hard, causing them to yell in pain."I am very disappointed with the both of you. Gaara, you're the Kazekage. You should be more responsible than this. And you! Shioto, you're my older brother. Act your age, not your shoe size. You're supposed to be more mature than me, but I guess I was wrong about the both of you." I scolded. I let them go and started walking away, but I stopped when they were still in hearing range."I really wanted this day to be wonderful, I wanted us to get along and be the family we'd be in the future.... and the both of you just ruined that." I said with my back still facing them before leaving to Hiroyuki and Kashuyoru's house.
~third pov~
As Shion left the training grounds, guilt started filling the two boys' conscience. Temari shook her head and grabbed Kankuro, giving Shioto and Gaara a disappointed look before taking the unconscious cat to the Kazekage building. Matsuri looked sadly at her boyfriend and mentor before following Temari, wanting to make sure that Kankuro was alright. The two boys looked at each other, and they noticed how sad and broken they seemed to be."I'm sorry. This is my fault." Shioto said. During their hangout, Gaara tried talking to him about Shion, and it soon turned into an argument because Shioto wasn't around as long as Gaara to know about the girl. Then Shioto was offended and enraged when Gaara called him a terrible brother, and Gaara became angered when Shioto said that he didn't deserve to be Kazekage and Shion's mate."No, it's both of our faults. We angered each other on purpose, and I think we should do something to make it up to Shion." Gaara said while putting a hand on Shioto's shoulder. The two smiled and started coming up with an idea to make Shion a marvelous and her favorite dinner, and get her a book that she's been wanting as well. The two set off to buy what they needed, then headed back to Gaara's house. On the way, they went to Temari and Matsuri to see if they wanted to help, and they along with Kankuro, who woke up, agreed. Gaara would cook, Shioto would wrap the gift, Temari and Kankuro cleaned the house, and Matsuri left to get Shion.
After 15 minutes, everything was ready and Shion was leaving Hiro and Yoru's home. On her way back to her home, she ran into Matsuri, who claimed to be looking for her. The two took their time in getting to the Kazekage building, but it was only because Shion secretly didn't look forward to seeing her mate which made her walk kinda slow. About 3 minutes later, the two girls finally arrived at Shion's front door, and Shion heard the sand siblings and her brother laughing. Confused, Shion unlocked and opened the door to see the four sitting on the couch laughing their asses off about something. When she saw what they were laughing about, she shook her head and smiled as she saw them watching America's Funniest Videos."Well, I'm glad to see you guys enjoying yourselves." She said, and the four turned to look at her and Matsuri."Hi, we're back." Matsuri said shyly while waving. Shioto and Gaara stood up and took Shion's hand; Shioto took her left while Gaara took her right."We're sorry for what happened. We made up and decided to do something nice for you to make up for the trouble we caused. Will you forgive us?" Shioto asked."..... No." She said causing everyone's mood to drop."I shouldn't have to make you guys like each other and treat each other like family." She stated."However, I'm very happy to see that you're all finally getting along, and I'm grateful that you went out of your way to do something nice for me." She added before kissing the boys' cheeks."Oh, and Gaara? I brought you cookies" Shion said while giving the delighted jinchūriki his cookies. They all smiled, and Shioto went to Matsuri to hug and kiss her, causing her to blush and hide her face in his chest. Shion wrapped her arms around Gaara and kissed him as well, and Gaara automatically kissed back while wrapping his arms around her waist."Awww I wish I had someone to be all mushy with. You're lucky Temari, you have that Nara kid." Kankuro complained."That's not completely true since Shika lives three days away, and don't worry. Author-chan is going to give you one soon." Shion said with a smirk."Shion, no spoilers and don't break the fourth wall!" A semi-deep female voice boomed from the sky."Gomen." She apologized while smiling sheepishly. Moving past the confusion of what just happened, everyone headed towards the kitchen to eat some spicy dumpling ramen with chicken onigiris. Once everyone took the first bite, they all froze while their faces turned red while Shion ate and acted normally."HOT!!!!!" Everyone yelled before running to rinse their mouths, leaving the female Ketsueki to enjoy the delicious food.

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