The Experiments And Long Lost Brother

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A/N pic above is Shion and her family when she was 3
It was the middle of the afternoon when I received a message from Itachi. I was with Gaara in the Kazakage office standing guard when we heard a pecking on the window. I was immediately behind Gaara with my katana unsheathed as he turned his head towards the window, and I saw a raven outside with a note attached to its left leg. My eyes widened and I opened the window, letting the raven land on my raised arm."What is that?" Gaara asked with narrowed eyes as he turned around fully. I didn't answer as I removed the note from its leg, and the bird poofed away as I opened the note."Shion, what is that?" Gaara demanded as I read the note, and I narrowed my eyes at what the message said."It's a message from Itachi. It says that two days ago, him and Sasuke went to Orochimaru's hideouts to retrieve information as well as the whereabouts of Kabuto. They apparently also released all of the stable experiments and killed the rest, and burned down the hideouts after everyone escaped and they had the needed information." I muttered." Wait, stable experiments. Killed the rest. Orochimaru used live people as experiments?" Gaara asked shocked. I nodded and frowned at the memories I had of being one of them." Orochimaru had this fascination for things, and if it involved gaining strength- which was almost always- he'd test it on the people he captured or his followers and favorites. I was an experiment of his that was captured, his follower, and his favorite. The first thing he gave me as his test subject was a curse mark. After that, he made me consume blood of people who had all kinds of chakra natures, and he trained me nonstop so I could perfect them as well as the curse mark and others. I've met almost everyone from the hideouts, except for three experiments. One was the Northern hideout, the first one he took me to to receive my curse mark and train with it. The other was at the Eastern hideout. The last one was at the main base in Otogakure. One of those I knew were sometimes unstable while the other two.... well, one was manipulative and a flirt while the other was just someone Orochimaru told me to never go near for whatever reason." I explained. I heard Gaara get up as I continued staring at the note, and felt him hug me from behind." I'm sorry you had to go through those things by yourself. If only I'd........" He didn't finish his sentence, but I knew what he was going to say. If he had known about me when we were younger, he might have been able to help me. However, we both knew that at that time we were both unstable and would most likely have tried to kill each other.
I was about to tell him something reassuring when an ANBU member rushed into the room." Forgive me for the intrusion, captain, Lord Kazekage, but we received a message from the Hokage. It's for you, captain." She said, then handed me a scroll. I opened it and started reading it, and my eyes widened in shock and disbelief as I saw what it said." What does it say?" Gaara asked, and when he was about to take it, it fell out of my opened and shaking hands. I can't believe........ I...... he-"Shion!" Gaara yelled. I flinched and looked at him, just noticing the worried look he had on his face as he held my face. I just stared before looking down at the scroll and picking it up."Gaara, I need your permission to go locate and retrieve one of Orochimaru's experiments." I said as I looked back at him. He frowned at my seriousness and sighed before nodding. I put the scroll in my kunai pouch and sheathed my katana before taking out my mask. I was about to put it on when I noticed Gaara's expression. He was looking down with a frown still on his face, and I lifted his head with my hands making him look at me."It's okay, Gaara-kun. It'll be okay, I'm just going to search around the area outside the village." I said softly. He sighed before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissed me. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back, but after a minute or two I had to pull away."I love you, Ai." I whispered as I placed my forehead on his."I love you too, Shi." Gaara mumbled. I pecked his lips and let go of him before going to the roof and summoning one of my felines, Torra. And yes, she is a tiger."Torra, locate any of Orochimaru's experiments outside the village. Two mile radius and their chakra is similar to mine when Gōmon no me is activated." I said. Torra closed her eyes and concentration before opening them."There is one three quarters of a mile from here, but their presence is weak." She reported."Take me to them." I commanded as I climbed onto her back before she raced to the gates. We exited the village and Torra started running at a somewhat fast speed, and we soon made it to the location she sensed the person at. I saw a body with black rugged clothes on the ground and I jumped off of Torra before running to it. I skidded to a stop on my knees as I flipped over the person, then gasped as I saw who it was." It's you...." I whispered, the boy from my dreams was an experiment and I never knew? I quickly checked to see if he had a pulse and faintly detected one, then picked him up before climbing back onto Torra."Take us to the hospital immediately." I ordered, and she took off at full speed, reaching the gates then the hospital in almost three minutes. I quickly thanked her before grabbing the boy and rushing into the building, yelling for someone's help. A nurse quickly came and she as well as other workers directed me to a room. Since I knew medical information and jutsus almost as well as Sakura, I was able to stay and help heal the patient. His wounds were infected, he was in starvation mode and dehydrated, and he lost a lot of blood. We hooked him up to three or four IVs and started cleaning and healing his wounds. His heart rate was fine until he seemed to wake up. His pulse increased as his eyes flew open and he started struggling to remove the needles and wires."Woah, woah, calm down! It's okay you're safe! Everything's alright, you're alright." I said trying to calm him down. His eyes met mine and he immediately froze before slowly relaxing. He looked like he was about to say something before he had a coughing fit, and I grabbed a bottled water and gave it to him. He downed it almost instantly before gasping and putting the empty bottle down. He looked back at me and smiled, and he put down the bottle before lifting his hand to touch my face."Shion....... I finally found you.........." He whispered excitedly as his fingers brushed my cheek. I gently grabbed his hand and slightly frowned."I'm sorry, but who are you and how do you know my name? And why do you look like a member of my clan?" I asked. His smile faltered a bit as his eyes turned sad." You don't remember me.....? Of course you don't, we were only three when I was captured." He muttered. I narrowed my eyes and looked at him expectantly."Shion, my name is Shioto. I look like a member of your clan because I am a member. I'm your twin brother, Shion." He explained. My eyes widened in shock, and I started to remember something from when I was younger.
Memory: I was laughing as I ran around some trees in the Ketsueki compound. I heard someone laughing behind me, and I squealed as I was picked up. I was put down and I turned giggling to see a young boy giggling next to me."I caught you, imōto! Now I'm the fastest in the family!" He cheered as he raised his arms in the air."Not quite, Shioto. You still have a long way to go before you're faster than me!" Shioto and I screamed and laughed as daddy picked us up before running around the trees. Soon we arrived back at the house and daddy put us down."I'm going in first! No me! No me! I'm the eldest! No I am! No I am!" Shioto and I exclaimed at each other, saying the same thing at the same time."Technically Shioto was born a couple of minutes before you were, Shion." Daddy said, and Shioto cheered in victory as I whined."However, it's common curtesy to let a lady go first." He continued with a smirk. The reactions switched between me and my brother before I ran into the house, Shioto hot on my heels and daddy following with a chuckle.~small time skip~ Momma was tucking me and Shioto in bed, the two of us hugging each other under the blanket as we laid on the queen sized bed."Goodnight, On. Goodnight, Oto." Momma said as she kissed our heads, her calling me 'sound' and Shioto 'note'."Night, momma." We mumbled half asleep as she left the room. Shioto fell asleep and I was about to as well when I heard the window open. Scared, I softly shook my brother back awake."Nīsan, nīsan wake up! There's someone in here! Nīsan!" I whispered a bit loudly."It's past your bedtime, child. You should be asleep." A man's voice said, and I turned to see a female looking creepy snake guy. I screamed out of terror and woke Shioto up, and momma and daddy burst through the door with their katanas as the weirdo snake person snatched me and Shioto up from the bed."No!" Daddy yelled as he unsheathed his katana and sliced the man's arms. He hissed in pain and dropped us, and he threw kunai at daddy. Daddy groaned in pain and dropped his katana and sheath, and I watched as Shioto slowly take them and charge at the man, yelling in defiance. Momma and daddy yelled at him to stop as the man just grabbed his arms and knocked him unconscious. Momma charged and I screamed for Shioto as him and the man escaped through the window.
A few tears fell from my eyes as I stared at my brother."Nīsan.....?" I cried softly. He smiled at me as I embraced him, watching out for the wires as I cried on him. I kissed his head and laughed softly, then heard the nurses whispering to each other."Shion? What are you doing?" I heard Gaara asked, a little of anger being heard in his voice.

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