New home

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"Take care of yourself,Shion. Make sure to visit when you can and don't tell anyone about the hideouts or else we'll have to come after you."Kabuto joked,but I took it seriously either way though."I know. Besides,I don't feel like telling anyone about my past. I'll barely tell anything to the Hokage."I said. He nodded and with a smirk and wave,he left back to the hideout. I sighed and walked through the gates,but was stopped by its keepers."Hey! State your name and purpose for coming!"one of them said."My name is none of your business. I'm not here to cause trouble, I just wanted to ask the Hokage if I could live here."I said while scowling,something I often do that it became a normal expression for me. The two men looked at each other then contacted someone. Soon,a man with a mask came to lead me to the Hokage. I looked at the man and was very interested."Why do you wear a mask and have a tattoo?"I asked,but it sounded more like a demand. Jeez, I need to at least TRY to be more nice. I guess he didn't care cause he just kept on walking."I'm an ANBU. We are given a tattoo and mask showing our rank, and sometimes we wear vests but not all of us do."he explained. I nodded and became fascinated."How high of a rank is ANBU?"I asked."Between Jounin and Kage."
That surprised me. Orochimaru-sensei trained me to be stronger and more skilled than a Jounin,so maybe I can become one if they let me."Is there any way for me to become an ANBU?"I asked. He stopped and looked at me,or seemed surprised."Are you a ninja?"he asked. I made a 'you're kidding,right?' face."I thought it was obvious since I had a katana and weapon pouch."I deadpanned. He sweat dropped then rubbed his neck."Well,I'm not sure if you'll be able to-" "I was trained by a strong person. I'm stronger than a Jounin as well as skilled."I interrupted him. He dropped his hand and seemed to narrow his eyes at me."Who was your sensei?"he asked. I turned away and frowned."It's complicated." I said. He didn't push me for answers and continued to lead me until we were at the Hokage's office door. The man knocked and we waited until a voice said "enter". When we did,the man bowed to an elder that looked exactly as how sensei described him. He wore the Kage attire and was smoking with a pipe behind a desk with some paper work on it.
"Lord Hokage,this child wishes to ask you something."the man said then stood up straight again. The Hokage looked at me and took out his pipe while puffing out smoke."What is it child?"he asked. I got an irk mark because I disliked being called a child when I wasn't,but calmed down and answered."My name is Shion Ketsueki,the last member of the Ketsueki clan,and I wish to become a citizen of this village. I was also wondering if I could become an ANBU member."I said with a blank expression and monotone voice. The Hokage looked surprised,then chuckled."Very well. You may live here and be a citizen,there is a house that is vacant that you can have."he said. He gave me the key and told the ANBU to get someone. When he came back,a boy with duckbutt hair came in."Shion,this is Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke,this is Shion Ketsueki. You two are now neighbors. Sasuke,if you would,can you show her her new home?"the Hokage asked. Sasuke 'hn'ed as I stared shocked and wide eyed at him. He walked out the door and I followed, and when we arrived at some house,I came out of shock and blurted out something that I wasn't supposed to say."You're Itachi's little brother."
     He froze and I sensed his anger rising as he tensed up. He glared at me and grabbed me by my shirt and pinned me against the front door."How do you know Itachi?!"he yelled in my face. I look at him emotionlessly as I grabbed his arm and pushed down on one of his pressure points. The arm holding me fell and he became shocked. He then glared while backing away,then went inside of the house next to mine. I sighed and unlocked the door. I looked around and found a living room,kitchen, and a staircase to the three bedrooms and two bathrooms and a trap door to the attic. Under the staircase was an empty and dark basement with a lightbulb hanging from a chain on the roof with a switch by the door. I grinned and had the idea that I would use it to secretly torture people when I want some blood. Heheheh.........
     "What are you laughing about?"a voice said. I turned and saw Itachi standing behind me with a 'wtf' face."Oh,I laughed out loud?"I asked while rubbing the back of my head. I then made a 'wtf' face."How the hell did you get in my house without you getting caught?"I asked. He just chuckled."It's a secret." I deadpanned."So what were you laughing about?"he asked."Making my basement into a torture chamber."I said while grinning. Itachi sweat dropped and was about to say something when my door opened."Baka,why didn't you lock your door........?"Sasuke trailed off. He stared at us,and before he could do anything,I activated Gōmon no me."Senseless (all of his senses are blocked)."Sasuke froze, and I flash stepped behind him and hit a pressure point,knocking him out. Itachi caught him and sighed."I'll take him home,but he may not get over this. I'll see you later,Shion."he said while poking my forehead. I nodded and watched him jump out my window and into Sasuke's open one."Wait a second......."I just realized that that old geezer didn't say if I'd be ANBU or not! I ran out and locked the door,then jumped from roof to roof to the Hokage office. I saw the window to his office open,so without thinking I jumped inside.
     Immediately I took out my katana and blocked some of the kunai and shuriken thrown at me while the rest of them I dodged. I then looked into some ANBUs' eyes."Paralysis."I said,then they all dropped to the ground stiff. I sheathed my katana when I saw the Hokage start clapping."Well done,Shion. Not a single must be a prodigy in your clan."he praised."Well,I might as well be since I'm the last of my clan. And the last time I was injured was when I was 5 when I fell,but even though it was a huge and deep scab it healed in only two minutes. I guess the Ketsueki clan are fast healers."I said."Well,I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. But because of this,I will let you become a ninja."he said. I scowled."Am I not going to be an ANBU?"I asked."You will eventually,but for now I want you to attend the academy here. You can learn new jutsus,learn about the history of the Hidden Leaf,make new friends-" "No!" I interrupted him."I don't need any of this! I already know jutsus,strong ones,weak ones,healing ones, I can even do all of the elements and types! I can even do summonings! I already have full control over my chakra, I can find out about this place's history in a library, and I don't need friends! The friends I used to have hated and feared me for who I was and I doubt that'll change, and the friends I have now are wanted criminals!"I yelled. I panted and clenched my fists while looking down." said that you're current friends are criminals. Who are they?"the Hokage asked,trying not to anger me further. I took a deep breath."Orochimaru. He's my sensei and has been since I was 7. And I'm also friends with Itachi Uchiha. He saved me from being killed the day my clan was killed and took care of me before Orochimaru took me and trained me. I know that he's a part of the Akatsuki, but I'm not affiliated with the other members. And I'm not a spy. Orochimaru sent me here so I can live a normal life,but I agreed to often visit so he could see if I became weaker then train me if I did. And Itachi told me what happened the day of the Uchiha massacre and why he joined the Akatsuki,so we're both technically not spies of this village."I explained. He just stared at me."Please elaborate for me."he said. I sighed."Fine,but don't tell anyone about this,especially Danzo and Sasuke."He nodded,then I told him everything that Itachi told me.
"I see......very well then. I believe you."he said. I nodded and just stared at him."Alright. The information you told me will be kept between us,but as for you being an ANBU,I still want you to go to the academy. The graduation ceremony is in four months,so until then be patient. You are dismissed,oh and before you leave please release the ANBU on the floor."he said. I groaned at his decision,then released the ANBUs from paralysis. They must have gotten comfortable though cause they were asleep through the whole conversation. I then went home and immediately became half asleep on my couch,not caring if I didn't have any needed items for survival and hygienic purposes. Ahhhhhh............

A/N ok so I have decided that whenever I can,I will post chapters of this story along with any drawings that I made. You can comment on the drawing or whatever but I won't care what you say. If you like them,thanks. If you don't,then haters will be haters. Soap,yeah. Bya XP.

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