After Two Years and The Unknown Person From My Dreams

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I made this pic last year I think

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I made this pic last year I think

And I made this pic a couple of weeks ago

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And I made this pic a couple of weeks ago.
This is what Shion looks like now

 This is what Shion looks like now

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Enjoy the story.

      ~time skip two years~
      Sasuke's finally done training. We had some struggles along the way, such as Orochimaru and Kabuto coming to kidnap Sasuke and Itachi. Sasuke managed to kill Orochimaru with mine and Itachi's help, and Kabuto ran off with the corpse to wherever. Sasuke and Itachi were now heading back to Konoha and I stayed at Suna like I said. Kankuro is more mature now but is still a pervert that still wears a cat suit with makeup. Temari is secretly dating Shikamaru, but it isn't exactly a secret since we all knew that they'd get together. And Gaara...... he's so....... okay I can't describe it without either blushing or fangirling, and I only act this way with him. All I can say without freaking out is that he's finally Kazekage and everyone is nice to him now. I'm so proud and happy for him. But, I've been having these strange dreams. They're blurry, but lately it's been getting clearer. Like last night, it was clear enough to see someone surrounded by what looked like trees. There were other people near that person and they seemed to be fighting. I don't know what it means, but I might find out soon since it's becoming less blurry.
      I'm currently standing next to Gaara as he did paperwork. I'm still an ANBU captain, but I'm also Gaara's personal guard and advisor. If something ever happened to him, I would be temporarily in charge until he was back to normal. Temari's an ambassador and Kankuro is also one of Gaara's bodyguards. I turned to look at Gaara and see that he's half asleep and is slowly writing while trying to keep his head up. I smiled and put my left hand on his shoulder while my other hand is on the side of his face. He leans his head into my hand as I rub his shoulder."Gaara-kun, go ahead and sleep. I'll take care of the rest of the paperwork." I whispered into his ear. He nodded drowsily and I sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder as I started where he left off. He immediately fell asleep and was softly snoring, and I smiled as I felt his breath tickle my neck. About five minutes passed and I was already done with five pages, having about 20 more pages to finish. Suddenly there was a knock on the door."Come in." I said, and in came a frowning Matsuri. I internally sighed as I saw her frown deepen as she saw the position Gaara and I were in. I focused back on the paperwork, but still spoke to her as she was about to say something."Matsuri, the reason you're here better be something other than wanting Lord Kazekage's attention and to flirt. If you want a mission or you want to train, I can give you suggestions, but if that isn't the case then I suggest you leave and let him rest. He is very tired and needs his rest." I said. She blushed angrily and was about to yell at me when I glared at her, sending her a message saying 'if you wake him up I will make sure you're restrained from him'. She understood and slightly paled with a bit of tears in her eyes before she turned around and left. I closed my eyes and sighed before returning to the work. Another five minutes passed and then there was another knock on the door."Come in." I said without looking up. The door opened and Temari entered, and when she saw me and Gaara she grinned and tried to refrain from squealing out loud."Temari, how can I help you?" I asked as I looked up and smiled at her."I was just here to turn in some paperwork." She said as she gave me some more paper. I looked over it and nodded, seeing that it was properly completed."Thank you, Temari. Is there anything else I can help you with?" I asked. She shook her head before saying goodbye and leaving. I then continued on the paperwork, and when I finished I started organizing all of them and looking them over, making sure there aren't any mistakes. There were none, and they were all organized now. I put down the final stack of paper and felt soft lips kissing my neck. I closed my eyes and smiled while shivering softly at the feeling."You're too good to me." Gaara mumbled on my neck. I turned my head to him and we kissed, and I smiled happily as I turned around fully while I wrapped my arms around his neck.
      "Let's go home, shall we?" He suggested with a husky voice. I blushed and was almost grinning, but I stopped and looked confused at him."You've been organizing and looking over the paperwork for almost an hour now. It's already 9 pm." He explained. I looked out the window and saw that he was right, and that the sun had already set. Yes, I decided to live with him. Temari and Kankuro live with us, too, but our house is like a connected apartment. It's a house within the Kazekage building, and there were three floors: the first is the registration and waiting room along with offices for secretaries, ambassadors, council members, etc.; the second floor holds the Kazekage's home along with other rooms for guests and family members; and the third floor has the Kazekage's office and the council meeting room. I nodded and he teleported us to our bed, and he brought me back into a kiss. We kissed for a while longer before we got up to change into our night clothes. I put on a black see-through night gown and put my hair into a loose braid while Gaara just wore his boxers with no shirt. We climbed back into bed with my face practically shoved on his chest and his chin on my head, our arms wrapped around each other and our legs tangled within each other."I love you, Shion." He said before kissing my hair."I love you too, Gaara-kun." I mumbled before falling asleep.
      I was in the desert a couple of miles away from Suna, and there was a sand storm. The dream was barely blurry now and I saw the person from my previous dreams trying to travel through the storm, their arms covering their face to shield it from the sand. The person seemed to be a male, and had two giant gashes on his stomach and leg. He had tattered black  clothes and a katana that looked similar to mine on his back. Suddenly he collapsed, and struggled to get back up. I ran up to him and tried to help him and say something, but my voice didn't work and I passed right through him. He looked up at me with pained and sad eyes, and I gasped at his features. He had wavy shoulder length dark gray hair, healthy and slightly scarred skin, and gray eyes with cat like pupils.'He..... looks like me........' I thought in shock and awe."Shion....." He mumbled, and I jumped with wide eyes thinking that he could see me."So close....... where are you, sister?" He asked himself weakly. Everything started to fade as I saw him get up and continue walking through the desert. I was shocked that he called me sister since I never knew I had siblings, and I tried shouting at him trying to tell him where I was but he couldn't hear me.
      ~end of dream~
      I opened my eyes and just laid there stiff, replaying the dream over and over again in my head as I stared at Gaara's chest. Gaara was softly snoring, his arms keeping a good grip on me so I wasn't able to leave without waking him. I carefully moved my head towards the window and saw the sun starting to rise, but I could barely see it through the sand storm passing by the village.

A/N ooooohhhh she has a long lost brother. Heheheh I have a lot of ideas in store for you guys, so stay tuned for the next chapter. lol I made it sound like a news channel. Anyway, enjoy the story, comment, vote, everything besides the negativity......... Yeah.

This is the brother

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This is the brother

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