The Sand Siblings And My Chosen Mate

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The First place I went to was the gate."Kotetsu,Izumo. Have the Sand ninja come yet?"I asked."Yeah,they walked away from here a couple of minutes ago,Death."Izumo said. I thanked them and ran off again. I soon heard yelling coming from a small street,and the voices sounded like Naruto's and Sakura's. I walked over and saw them with 'team Konohamaru' and the Sand siblings,but one was missing. I looked at what they looked like and saw that there was a girl with four pig tails and a giant fan on her back,she most likely has the wind release. There was also a boy wearing an all black cat suit with purple paint on his face with some sort of mummy on his back, and I assumed he was a puppeteer. I also noticed him hurting Konohamaru, and I got a little pissed. I flash stepped in front of him and stared at him."I'd very much appreciate it if you released the Hokage's grandson,sand shinobi."I said.
Kitty just smirked pervertedly and grabbed me by the waist as he dropped Konohamaru, and I had to hold back a growl."What's a cute little girl like you doing,playing dress up as an ANBU? Let me see that pretty little face of yours."he purred (lol). He brought his left hand up to my mask, and I grabbed his wrist and an incoming pebble before he touched it. I crushed the rock while paralyzing his hand with a pressure point, and he backed away shocked and furious."Why you little-" "Kankuro,stop."he froze before punching my face/mask as someone interrupted him. I turned and suddenly forgot how to breath."You're an embarrassment to our village."the boy,the one tail's jinchūriki said and I couldn't hear anything else as I just stared at him in disbelief,I couldn't believe that the last Sand Sibling was the jinchūriki from my dream."Shut up,or I'll kill you."he said as I could hear again."R-right,s-sorry Gaara. I was totally out of line."Kankuro stuttered, and I noticed that the two older siblings were afraid of the youngest,most likely because he's a jinchūriki holding a blood thirsty bijū.
He turned into sand and appeared in front of me, and looked at me and the genin."I apologize for the trouble my siblings caused."He said. They turned to walk away, and I was about to stop them but Sakura beat me to it by saying the obvious shit."Sakura,it's very annoying how you say the obvious, and they're here because of the Chūnin exams. It seems Kakashi hasn't told you guys about it yet."I said, and the older siblings snickered as Sakura turned red in anger."Hey,what's your name?"Sasuke asked."Who me?"pig tails blushed."No,the boy with the gourd on his back."Sasuke said."My name is Gaara no Sabaku. I'm also interested in the two of your names."Gaara said as he looked at me and Sasuke."I am Sasuke Uchiha." "I'm Shion Ketsueki, and I will be your host and guide during your time in this village."We said as I removed my mask. The older siblings gasped at my features and information for them while Gaara eyes looked shocked and recognized me from our dream meeting as well.
     Suddenly,his sand grabbed my waist and held me gently. Everyone started yelling and panicking at Gaara to let me go,but by his visibly shocked expression I figured it was Shukaku not Gaara."All of you,shut up. He's not going to kill me."I said with a raised hand."Team 7,go find Kakashi. I'm sure he's going to give you information on the exams. Follow me,sand siblings. I'll show you around the village before we head to my house."I said. The leaf genin hesitantly left as me and the siblings started walking away."Hey,how did you know that Gaara wasn't going to kill you?"Kankuro asked."Because it wasn't Gaara controlling the sand,it was Shukaku saying hi."I said,then explained how I knew but left out the 'mate' part."What the hell-haiiro! What was that for,Temari?!"Kankuro yelled at the girl Temari."Don't cuss in front of our host,it's rude."she scolded."It's alright,I often cuss as well."I chuckled.(BTW,I know google translate doesn't always work but I used it to see how to spell 'itai' and it came out as 'painful' instead of 'ouch',so I checked to see what ouch was and it said 'haiiro'.Son of a bitch,I hate my phone. It kicked me out of the app before I could save the rest of the chapter and erased it,so now I have to restart my writing right here smh)
     While showing them around,Shukaku made a sand bracelet on my wrist and Gaara stood next to me while Temari and Kankuro were behind us. I just showed them the main roads and important buildings and restaurants that they should know before heading to the house. Before I opened the door,Gaara froze and the sand was rustling on my wrist from Shukaku's excitement."I smell blood. A lot of blood."Gaara muttered before clutching his head from Shukaku probably yelling at him."Okay,I have some rules that I want you guys to know. First,you are not allowed in the attic without my permission for personal reasons, and only Gaara and I are allowed in the basement for safety reasons. Second,you aren't allowed to destroy anything or leave a mess for me to clean,I expect you all to clean up after yourselves. Understood?"I ordered."Why the attic and basement?"Temari asked. I sighed and rubbed my face with a hand."I might as well show you now since you might be nosy. Come on."I mumbled and opened the door. I took them to the attic and they became surprised at what's in it."This room is my personal library and where I restock on medical supplies. Don't come in here and take anything without my permission."I said as they looked at the shelves around the room filled with scrolls on the left side and medical equipment on the right with a table and chair in the center with a lamp. I then took them to the basement,but stopped at the door. I surprised them by grabbing Gaara's hand as I turned to look at the older siblings."I'm warning you now. I haven't cleaned the room since the last time I used it,so what you're about to see is gory. Oh,and stay a little ways away from me and Gaara. Shukaku might get a bit too excited at the sight."I said. They paled and nodded before following me into the room.
     Temari and Kankuro gasped and gagged as they saw a completely blood splattered room. The torture equipment was rusted from the dried blood as well as the chains, and there were left over chunks of flesh on the surgery table. Gaara started shaking and sand flowed out of his gourd."Leave."I ordered, and Temari and Kankuro immediately ran out. I went up to the fridge and opened it,showing Gaara the packs of preserved blood."Go ahead,have as much as you like. I can always get more during my ANBU missions."I told him. As the sand grabbed 20 out of 70 blood packs from the fridge,I walked up to him and grabbed his hand while rubbing my thumb on the back of his hand. He started relaxing from this as well as the blood the sand was consuming. I chuckled as Gaara remembered about my second rule and used the sand to throw away the crushed blood packs into the trash bin next to the fridge."You feel better?"I asked. He nodded with half lidded eyes, and I chuckled again as I noticed he looked like a cute red panda even though Shukaku is a tanuki. I brought him back into the living room where Temari and Kankuro were camping out."Come on,I need to show you the rest of the house."I said. They nodded and followed as I led them and pulled Gaara around the house,showing them the kitchen,two bathrooms, and lastly their rooms.
"Alright. Temari can use my room since we're both girls,there's a bathroom connected to it. Kankuro can use the room by the stairs, and Gaara can use the room across from mine and Temari's. There's a bathroom in between yours."I said while pointing out the rooms."I don't sleep."Gaara stated."I know,Shukaku won't let you. But I don't want to have you or your brother in my room in case you guys are perverts. So,you can just put your stuff in the room and hang out on the roof or something. Or,I can see if Shukaku will let you sleep if I'm with you."I said."You can do that?!"Temari and Kankuro yelled as the three became shocked."He said yes."Gaara said. I nodded."Yes I can do that. I also don't sleep,so I can make sure Shukaku doesn't come out. Also,my clan is known to look like demons cause they can speak to them. Whether it's face to face or inside their hosts,I'm able to speak to demons,bijū,etcetera."I explained. They nodded in understanding and went into their rooms,Gaara dragging me into his. We both laid on the bed,my head on the headboard and his on my stomach after putting our stuff down. Gaara closed his eyes as I ran my fingers through his soft hair."Why don't you sleep?"he asked tiredly."When I was 8,my clan was killed by our home village. I was saved by Itachi Uchiha,then went into training with Orochimaru. When I turned 9, I became strong enough and destroyed my village,killing everyone in it. I don't sleep because the day my clan was killed haunts me in my dreams. I also have PTSD because of that day, and schizophrenia because of how most people treat me,all scared and hateful towards me."I said."Sleep. I'll be here while you rest."I ordered. He nodded and soon fell asleep,even breaths and relaxed body, and I noticed that Shukaku wasn't going to come out like he said.'Mate' 'He's your chosen mate' 'Our partner in crime' the voices whispered as if not to wake the sleeping jinchūriki. I sighed and closed my eyes,not knowing that I'd fall asleep as well into my first dreamless sleep in ages.

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