New friend

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The next day,I went to the academy with the Hokage. I had everything I needed and before he came I was meditating for two hours (she got ready at like three in the morning while the rest of the time she stargazed.). When we got to the classroom door,you could hear all of the children yelling and laughing. The Hokage smiled and left, and when I opened the door the whole class went silent."Ah,you must be our new student. My name is Iruka,but you must call me Iruka-sensei,alright?"a man with a scar across his nose smiled warmly at me and beckoned me to stand next to him. I complied, and started putting walls around me as some of the students started whispering about me. I gave them one look in my eyes while my face was expressionless,saying 'shut up before I kill you'. They all saw and paled,becoming silent and not making anymore eye contact with me.
"Alright,would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"Iruka-sensei asked. I nodded and glared at the students."My name is Shion Ketsueki. Don't try to fight me,I'm not someone you should mess with."I said emotionlessly as some of the students gasped and looked shocked."Hahaha,okay. Does anyone have any questions for Ms.Ketsueki?"Iruka-sensei asked while paling at my name. A girl with pink hair raised her hand,and I nodded at her."I thought the Ketsueki clan was exterminated? And is it true that the clan members look like demons because they can speak to actual demons?"Bubble gum asked."My clan was completely killed by my home village. I am the only survivor. And yes,my clan is able to speak to demons either directly or touching foreheads with their hosts,but I haven't experienced it before."I explained. Sasuke then raised his hand."Do you want revenge for your clans death?"he asked. I shook my head no."Why?"he growled."Because I already avenged them a few years ago by destroying my home village and killing everyone in it."I said monotonously. Everyone gasped and started freaking out while I stared blankly and Sasuke was just surprised with wide eyes.
"Murderer! You don't deserve to be a ninja,you killer!"one of them yelled."Yeah! Let's kill you ourselves,you demon!"another yelled with everyone cheering in agreement. Even with my walls up, I was emotionally breaking the more I heard them call me 'killer,demon,monster',and other horrible things that was making me slowly lose my sanity and control. I couldn't hear anything anymore besides the voices that were yelling in my head to kill them as Iruka-sensei and a blonde boy were yelling at the kids to stop. I soon agreed with the voices and grinned sadistically as the students turned and looked at me while marching towards me. Their mistake.
Almost all of the class fell to the ground yelling in agony as Sasuke,the blonde boy and Iruka-sensei were shocked and afraid while I was laughing darkly with Gōmon no me activated. I was listening to the voices on what torture I should do next when one of the kids triggered me."Please,stop! We're sorry,please show mercy!"
I gasped as the scene turned into the day my clan was killed, and I staggered backwards while clutching my head as the voices grew louder and more agitated. I growled and took out my katana,but the scene turned to normal and the blonde grabbed me by my arms and head butted me. The scene then changed again to a dark cavern like place, and I was standing in ankle-deep water. I soon heard a growl and the scene slightly changed to where there was a gate with a demon seal on it. I heard the growl again inside the gate and saw a giant orange fox with nine tails snarling at me. I realized who this was a few seconds later."Kurama?"I asked. He growled one last time before speaking."A Ketsueki brat. How wonderful. That stupid brat just had to head butt you,didn't he? Great,now you know who my host is. You better not try stalking or killing us,brat."he complained sarcastically. Before I could say anything,the scene changed back to reality as the blonde was pulled away by Sasuke and I fell on my knees. Sasuke and the blonde were arguing,the two of them sometimes calling each other 'Teme' or 'Dobe' while Iruka was tending to the now released students.
I stared at the blonde while noticing that my kekkai genkai was deactivated,then spoke."Blonde. What is your name?"This caused everyone to turn to us as me and blondie stared at each other."I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm going to be Hokage someday,believe it!"he exclaimed after getting out of Sasuke's grip."Hn."I smirked as I got up with my hair covering my eyes. I walked up to him as everyone backed away, and placed a hand on his shoulder."I believe it,Naruto."I said. He gaped at me with wide eyes,then grinned."Shion,I need to speak to you. The rest of you,get back to your seats and wait until I come back."Iruka said then walked out the door with me behind him."I would like to make some rules for you,Shion. First,no more scaring the others,I want you to make friends with them. Second,no using your kekkai genkai or any of your jutsus on anyone unless given permission to. Third,I don't want you to bring your equipment. We will provide the needed weapons here at the academy. Is that understood?"He said strictly. I death glared at him and he paled and backed away.
"First,I can't help them being afraid of me. Everyone that sees or meets me are and will always be afraid of me. And what's the point of being friends with someone who is afraid of you and hates you? Second,I only use my kekkai genkai and jutsus when provoked,which is what happened in there. Third,I will bring my equipment. You never know when something happens, and my pouch has medical equipment in there along with other tools. I knew you had kunai and shuriken here so I just packed medical things and my katana,so don't pester me."I said,then walked up to him."And one more thing."I looked straight into his eyes and showed anger in them."Don't tell me what to do,or I will kill you."I snarled.
His eyes widened and he backed away with his hands up in front of him in order to stop me. I growled and grabbed him before dragging him into the classroom with a scowl on my face."U-um,Sh-Shion,pick any seat y-you want that's a-available."Iruka stuttered. I grunted and looked around while letting him go. I found a seat next to Naruto at the end of the desk and went to sit down. No one dared to speak or even look at me in fear that I'd get upset again. Soon class started, and I felt a tap on my left arm."Nē,Shion. Why did you smile and say that you do believe I'll be Hokage someday?"Naruto whispered."Hn. It's because I know that you have strength inside you that you have yet to unlock and control,giving you even more potential in becoming Hokage. And I didn't smile I smirked,there's a difference."I said in a low tone. We stayed silent for a few seconds,then he spoke again."I'm not afraid of you or hate you."Naruto said softly. My eyes widened and I turned and stared at him in shock.".....What?"I whispered."I heard you talking with Iruka-sensei, and I don't fear or hate you. And if you want,I can be your friend."Naruto said while smiling."My....friend....."I mumbled. I remembered that when I was younger,my clan was sort of distant from each other but were still there to help each other so we wouldn't exactly call each other friends. Itachi was more of an older brother that I never had rather than a friend, and Orochimaru and Kabuto were also like my strict yet kind father and brother/sensei and comrade. So all my life I never really had anyone to actually call a friend,either because I couldn't or they didn't want to be my friend.
     I then looked at Naruto and gave him an actual smile."Yes,I'd........ I would be delighted to be your friend."I said. Naruto grinned and we were dismissed for lunch since most of the class time I had terrorized the students.

A/N enjoy the chapter and my sucky drawing of Jeff the Killer. The drawing is of how I imagined him to look like.

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