Pass And One Extra

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~one year later~
It was time for the graduation test again.
The ANBU stopped watching me after the Hokage and I talked about a compromise. Once a week,unless I don't feel like it,the Hokage will send an imprisoned criminal to me so I can execute them my way until I graduate and become genin then ANBU. I now have 50 blood packs. I had no use for the others that I had as well as the organs that I took,so I donated them to the hospital. I was excited today cause if they pass me,the Hokage will promote me and I'll get to do assassination missions. I haven't spoken to anyone except the Hokage and sometimes Itachi when he visited. I would talk to others,but they're afraid of me. Honestly,they should be. If they got on my bad side, I wouldn't kill them but I would torture them and mentally scar them.
One by one the students were called. After Shikamaru,I went and was relieved that Iruka was a judge. I didn't wait for them to speak and made five clones. I took it a step further and made them transform into the past Hokages. Iruka and Mizuki were surprised and congratulated me. I took it as them passing me,so I took a black headband and left to the Hokage. When I got there, I walked in without knocking and immediately felt something or someone hug my legs."Hi Shion! Did you get me some dango?"Konohamaru asked. I often babysat him last year so the Hokage could watch me, and the three of us became like family once they understood me. I don't let Konohamaru watch me torture people of course. I don't want to traumatize him at a young age."Sorry kid. No dango,besides,you're hyped enough already."I joked while ruffling his hair. I walked up to the old man and held up the headband."I finally passed,gramps."I said with a smirk. He smiled and congratulated me while Konohamaru cheered next to me."Now,I have decided on what you will be doing. You shall be appointed as ANBU,but I will still have you go on certain missions with a genin group. You will be put into team 7 as their fourth member, and since they are genin,you will be doing assassination missions until they get their first C rank mission. Understood?"Gramps explained."Yes sir."I said while fake saluting. I was then sent off to go get my ANBU tattoo and other equipment. Once I was done,I decided to change my wardrobe for non ANBU missions and stuff. I didn't change much,I just bought a black sweater to hide my tattoo. So now I have a black sweater,ANBU tattoo and a fancy cat mask (the one in the intro pic. This is what she wears now).

~Next day~     "Team 7:Naruto Uzumaki,Sakura Haruno *cue Naruto cheering Sakura sulking*,Sasuke Uchiha *cue switch*, and one extra:Shion Ketsueki

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~Next day~
     "Team 7:Naruto Uzumaki,Sakura Haruno *cue Naruto cheering Sakura sulking*,Sasuke Uchiha *cue switch*, and one extra:Shion Ketsueki. Next......"Iruka said. I looked at my team blankly and saw the three pale and look at me at my spot in the back corner of the room. Naruto then shot up and started complaining about Sasuke. He was about to be hit by Sakura,but I flash stepped and grabbed her fist while covering his mouth. The whole class went silent in fear as I glared at the girl."You're supposed to protect your teammates,not hurt them. I will not tolerate you if you attempt this again,Sakura."I said,then flash stepped back to my seat like nothing happened. Class continued as Iruka explained to Naruto why the team was like this. Sasuke has the second best scores in this class under me,the pro,while Naruto had the lowest scores. This got Naruto irritated at Sasuke and Sasuke irritated with me. Soon everyone was dismissed to their new senseis,but we had to wait since ours was late.
     "I have a feeling it's Kakashi......"I muttered to myself as Sasuke and Sakura sat down and Naruto was looking out the door. I met most of the senseis last year cause I was babysitting Konohamaru while the Hokage had a meeting with them. Kakashi was the last one to arrive at that time and mostly read Jiraiya's books during the conversations. Heheheh I kinda stole one from him each time I saw him,so now I have the whole series. I payed no attention to my idiotic team but saw Naruto put an eraser on the door. Soon it opened and I was right."Well,my first thought of you is that you're all idiots."he said,then looked at me."Ah hello Shion. I didn't know you were a part of this team."He smiled."Late as ever,Kakashi. And I am yet I'm not a part of this team. I'll only join missions higher than D,other than that I'm on my own."I said while getting up and walking towards them."Wait,you two know each other?! And what do you mean?!"Naruto exclaimed."Let's go to the roof and talk about this."Kakashi said,then we both teleported to the roof.
     Soon we were all in a circle,Kakashi sitting on the railing in front of us,the three genin sitting normally and I was standing behind Sasuke. Sakura looked at me weirdly."Can you sit down please? You're making me uncomfortable."she said.(My family actually tells me this every time I stand next to them while they're sitting) I ignore her and stare at Kakashi so he could start."Alright. Why don't we introduce ourselves?"Kakashi suggested."What do you mean?"Sakura asked."Well,say your name,likes,dislikes,hobbies,dreams,stuff like that." "You go first as an example." "Alright,well my name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes,I don't feel like telling you. Hobbies,I have a lot. Dreams,don't have any."Kakashi said."He only said his name."Sakura muttered.
     "Next,you the blonde one." "Believe it! I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I like instant ramen in a cup,especially the ramen Iruka sensei got me at Ichiraku's! But I hate the three minutes you have to wait after pouring the hot water in the cup. My hobbies are eating different kinds of ramen.........*I blanked out*And my dream is to be the greatest Hokage!"After that I just kept on blanking out,until Sasuke spoke."My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream,because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan,and destroy a certain someone...." I chuckled darkly."Well done in scaring and disappointing some of us,duck butt."I said smirking. He turned and glared at me."Did I scare you?"he asked. I chuckled again and activated Gōmon no me."I'm Death itself,Uchiha. The only thing I'm scared of is not restoring my clan like you."I said then deactivated Gōmon no me."Hey! You better not take my Sasuke away from me!"Sakura yelled. I looked blankly at her."Calm down. He's not my type."I said then crossed my arms over my chest. Before she started complaining more,Kakashi told me to go next.
     "My name is Shion Ketsueki. I like the screams of people as I torture and kill them. I dislike the way people treat me,even though they should. I also dislike it when someone hurts the people I care about."I glanced at Naruto and Sasuke."My hobbies are torturing and killing people, and reading those books I stole from Kakashi *cue a surprised jounin*, and my dream is to restore my clan,protect the remaining people I care about, and finding someone who will always be by my side."I said. I noticed they paled at my likes and hobbies,but had a small smile at my dislikes and dreams. Except Sasuke. Stupid duck butt won't show emotion X(. Kakashi said something about meeting at 5 tomorrow and not eating breakfast,but I just ignored him then left. Once home,I took off my sweater and immediately started meditating on my bed.

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