The Akatsuki

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~time skip to the end of the three year training~
Itachi has informed me of the Akatsuki's plans, and also informing me that his old partner, Kisame, was helping us secretly. Two of the members, Deidara and Sasori, will be coming to take Shukaku. I made a plan that will keep Gaara safe, and I told no one except Shioto in case something happens to me during the plan. I'm currently on top of the Kazekage building roof, doing a perimeter check outside the village and sensing if the two members are here yet. The sun has set and Gaara is still in his office, working on the paperwork stacked on his desk. My head snapped towards the gates as I finally sense them, as well as a traitor killing off the guards. I stand up and silently teleported behind Gaara. I quickly did hand signs, my left hand having the stability seal and my right hand having a jutsu that makes the opponent unconscious until released by the user. Gaara froze and was about to turn towards me when I placed my right hand on his head and my left on his back. He fell asleep and my seal spread on him, making both Gaara and Shukaku unable to stop me from continuing my plan. I summoned one of my cat summons, Kiara, and she appeared next to me." Kiara, I want you to take Gaara away from here. Take him to Konohagakure and make sure he stays with Lady Tsunade." I commanded. She nodded, grabbed Gaara and his gourd, and before they left I stopped her. Pricking both myself and Gaara with one of my senbon needles, I start a jutsu."(fake) Blood Style: Copied DNA." Mine and Gaara's blood switched places, and we both changed into each other. This also gave me his sand ability and chakra, and vice versa. Nodding to Kiara, the two teleported away and I looked out the window to see the bomber on a clay bird. Let the fight begin.
~third POV(at Konoha)~
Sakura and Naruto were currently sparring with Kakashi, and Tsunade, Jiraiya, Shikamaru, Temari, Shizune, and TonTon (can't remember if there were any others) watched them in the trees. Suddenly there was a puff of smoke next to Tsunade, and from the smoke appeared Shion, a familiar sand gourd, and an orange cat. The cat looked up at the fifth Hokage and bowed."Lady Tsunade, my name is Kiara. I'm a summoning from Shion Ketsueki, and she has ordered me to bring the Kazekage to you." She said."What do you mean 'the Kazekage'? You brought your summoner, not the Kazekage." Jiraiya said, him, Shikamaru, Temari and Shizune listening to the conversation. Kiara explained what was going on, and when she was done Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi stopped fighting."I see..... Thank you Kiara. You're task is complete and you may leave." Tsunade said with a frown. Kiara nodded and left, leaving her to explain what's going on to team 7. Tsunade had everyone go to her office, and on the way Sasuke, Jūgo, Suigetsu Hōzuki, and Karin Uzumaki along with Itachi had returned from a mission (I'm making team Taka Chūnins and Itachi their Jonin leader, he isn't their sensei). When they arrived, Jiraiya laid 'Shion' on the couch and the gourd next to 'her' as Naruto started asking Tsunade excitedly why 'she' was here. Tsunade started explaining, and everyone's mood dropped.
~(at Suna, during Kiara's explanation)~
Shion, who was perfectly disguised as Gaara, fought against Deidara while trying to keep the village and it's inhabitants safe from the explosions (Gaara and Deidara's fight in the anime won't change, the only difference is that it's actually Shion not Gaara). After a couple of minutes of the two talking and fighting, along with Kankuro, Baki and Shioto watching on the Kazekage building roof, Deidara drops a large bomb towards the village. Shion sends all the sand around the village to shield it as well as herself, and she successfully protected everyone. Deidara, however, secretly sent two clay spiders to 'Gaara', one blowing up outside while the other went inside the sand barrier and blowing up next to Shion, making her fall unconscious. The sand fell, Deidara grabbed 'him', and everyone yelled out to their 'Kazekage', knowing they aren't able to do anything. Shioto was secretly breaking down as his twin was being taken away from him again, and watched as Kankuro ran to go bring back his 'brother'. In the end, Kankuro was poisoned and Shioto finally let his tears fall. Everyone questioned him, and he told them about Shion's plan to take Gaara's place in the capture. They were all shocked, and as they tried to help Kankuro they called Shion 'Lady Kazekage' and their savior, accepting her as Gaara's future wife and were thankful for her sacrifice for the village and their leader.
~at the Akatsuki base~
Deidara and Sasori walked towards the stone statue with the holograms of the other members on it. However, they didn't notice that Itachi was there, but it was actually a clone. Suddenly they heard coughing and turned to see 'Gaara' curled up having a coughing fit."The jinchūriki is awake." Pein stated the obvious. 'Gaara' looked up at them and grinned, looking absolutely amused and pleased with 'himself'."What's so funny, hm?!" Deidara yelled while scowling at the hostage."It's just that you all thought that you had the right person. It's amusing to me that you fell for my jutsu." 'Gaara' chuckled before releasing all of the cast jutsus. Gaara and Shion turned back to their original selves and Gaara woke up as well. All of the Akatsuki members became shocked and Deidara and Sasori were about to attack her when clone Itachi stopped them. The holograms disappeared and Shion stood up to fight alongside clone Itachi.
~with team 7, Taka, Itachi, Temari and Gaara~
Running through the trees as fast as they could with the sun rising in the east, team 7 along with team Itachi (Taka), Temari and Gaara raced towards Sunagakure, hoping to reach there in time to help save Shion. They soon made it to the desert and then Suna, meaning they traveled so fast that they made it there in three hours rather than three days. When arriving at the gates, the guards greeted their Kazekage and immediately let them in, one of them leading them to the hospital while informing them of Kankuro's state. When they reached Kankuro's hospital room, Sakura and Karin immediately got to work on him since both were trained under Tsunade. At times, Karin would hesitate and blush as she looked at Kankuro, but continued working when either Sakura snapped her out of it or when Kankuro groaned in pain. Soon enough, Kankuro was finished being healed and Kakashi and Lord Ebizō explained to Lady Chiyo that he was the White Fang's son, the elder being mistaken as she tried to attack him. A few minutes later, Kankuro woke up and Gaara and Temari greeted him, happy that their sibling was alright. Kankuro looked at everyone and saw Karin, and the two looked away while blushing. Kankuro told everyone what happened during his and Shion's fight, then asked if they had retrieved his puppets. They did and brought them to him, and he took out a piece of cloth from one of their mouths."This is from Sasori of the Red Sand's cloak. You can probably use this to track them down." Kankuro said while holding it out to them. Kakashi took it and summoned Pakkun, and the dog said that he has Sasori's scent. The sand siblings left the others the task of rescuing Shion, Gaara trusting Naruto to bring her back to him. Team 7 accepted the task while team Taka stayed to help Suna until they returned. Team Gai was on there way as well to reinforce team 7, and them along with Lady Chiyo left to help Shion. However, while leaving Itachi told them that the clone he had with Shion was defeated and that Shion was in trouble. The Akatsuki was going to kill her, but weren't going to come back for Gaara for a while. This worried everyone, and made Naruto even more determined to save her. Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, Kakashi and Lady Chiyo swiftly ran out of the village, Pakkun leading them in the direction Sasori's scent left off. But by the time they get there, Shion will be in the land between life and death again, waiting for someone to help anchor her to the land of the living.

A/N Kankuro and Karin together it's as good as I could get it. Ignore the height difference they're supposed to be the same height I think.

 Ignore the height difference they're supposed to be the same height I think

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