Someone To Help Me Control Me

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A/N I suck at drawing so here's an alternative of Naruto and insane Shion. Couldn't get her eyes to be completely black

 Couldn't get her eyes to be completely black

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     Naruto ran off as soon as we left the classroom,and when I got outside,three boys came over to me

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     Naruto ran off as soon as we left the classroom,and when I got outside,three boys came over to me."Look boys,the little demon is all alone."one of them mocked,acting like the leader of the three."What should we do with her,Karu?"the boy on the right asked the middle kid."How about me and Zui hold her down while you get her katana?"the left boy said to Karu,giving me the assumption that the right boy is Zui."I do like that katana. Good idea,Hau."Karu said grinning. Zui and Hau walked up to me but I hit them upside their heads trying to make them stop. They then punched me to the ground and started kicking me,and soon others joined yelling insults at me. I did a couple of quick hand signs and smacked my hands to the ground."Earth style:Earth wall!"earth walls surrounded me and the kids started banging on the walls. Soon one of them managed to break through it and I smirked while making some more hand signs."Blood style:Frozen Blood." This jutsu is from my clan,Orochimaru-sensei showed me my family jutsus last year.
     The kids were extremely still with wide eyes. They couldn't move or say anything,and they were turning pale from their blood stream not moving. I grinned and turned on Gōmon no me. I was losing myself so quickly, and was about to torture them before they died when someone grabbed my hand."Shion,stop.......please........"Naruto said,and my eyes became half lidded.''I realized that I was probably scaring him,so I undid the jutsus and deactivated Gōmon no me. The kids fell to the ground gasping then scrambled to run away. I lowered my head and closed my eyes as the voices were getting louder again. I looked up and froze as I saw my parents covered in blood near my feet. I felt myself start shaking as I looked at my unoccupied hand to see it covered in their blood. I shut my eyes tightly and felt someone hugging me and rubbing my back.
     "It's okay Shion,you're fine. Everything's okay. Calm down."Naruto said softly. I slowly hugged him back and clutched the back of his jacket while I sobbed into his shoulder. I don't know when we did but we were now sitting under a tree with ramen filled containers in front of us."Shion,what happened?"Naruto asked. I didn't know where he wanted me to start,so I just told him everything that happened that day and what the kids were doing earlier."The reason why I clutched my head in class was because I have schizophrenia and can hear voices in my head,and I started shaking earlier because I have PTSD and saw m-my parents d-dead in front of m-me. They were c-covered in blood a-and s-so w-were my h-hands."I said. I pulled away from him and stood up to step away from him."You probably think I'm a freak now too,don't you? A psychotic,bloodthirsty,monster that can and will you. Are you afraid of me now Naruto? Huh?! Are you-" "Shion!"he yelled. My eyes widened as I saw I had pinned him to the tree with my katana at his throat. I backed away and shakily sheathed my katana."N-Naruto,g-gomen'nasai...... Ah!"I yelped as the voices grew so loud that my ears were hurting and my head was pounding.'Monster.' 'Kill him.' 'He's like the others.' 'Kill him.' "Kill.......him.......?"I mumbled.'Kill him.' 'He's going to kill you!' 'Kill him!' 'He deserves to die!' 'They all deserve to die!!!' 'KILL HIM!!!!!' I screamed clutching my head, and the voices went silent as Naruto spoke."You won't kill me,Shion. I know you won't because you can control yourself. Don't listen to those voices,listen to me. Listen to my voice. You're not a monster,demon or anything like that! You're a kind yet broken girl that just needs someone to help her pick up the pieces. And if you'll let me,I'll be one of those people. I promise I won't hurt you,Shion. I just want to help you and protect you."Naruto said as he carefully pulled me into a hug. I couldn't respond,I felt so dead and drained but had enough energy to nod my head. I guess he understood cause he hugged me a little tighter. He then pulled away with his usual grin."Come on,we should eat the ramen before it gets cold and we have to go back inside."he said. I gave him a small smile as he handed me one of the containers."Thank you......Naruto........."I whispered. He just chuckled and quickly ate his food.
~time skip~
     School was let out a little while ago and the whole time the voices were silent and I didn't have a hallucination. I was smiling invisibly as I walked home,but was stopped by Sasuke."What happened?"he demanded. My mood turned sour and I glared at him but was confused on what he meant."What do you mean?"I asked."At the beginning of class,you used your kekkai genkai to torture everyone except me,the sensei and the dobe *cue me growling at the nickname*. I also heard that at lunch they tried beating you up and you were killing them,then when Dobe got there you broke down. What happened for you to do all of this?"he asked. I moved my head back and did some combination of a sigh and a growl."Look,Uchiha,I don't feel like telling you right now. I'm tired and I had a long day-" "Then let's go to your place and you can tell me there."he said. I sighed/growled again and walked towards the house with him close behind. We got there,I unlocked the door,we both went in,I locked it,then we both sat on the couch. I was immediately too exhausted to do or say anything,and was half asleep as I heard Sasuke talking to me. Soon I sensed Itachi here and heard Sasuke yelling at him."I swear if you two fight and destroy my home, I will kick both of your asses and send you to your parents the hard way."I mumbled threateningly. I felt them both freeze as they both went silent and heard Itachi say to not irritate me when I'm tired.
~third person~
     Itachi and Sasuke called truce as they silently sat down-Sasuke on a chair across the couch and Itachi next to Shion on the couch. The elder Uchiha brother gently moved Shion next to him so that he was like half a pillow for her. She immediately curled up to his side and the boys could tell she was asleep because of her peaceful and stress free face. Itachi sighed softly and turned to look at his brother."Since she's asleep,do you want me to tell you her past?"he asked. Sasuke hesitated and looked at the girl before going back to his brother."Won't she get upset?"he asked. Itachi shook his head."She got comfortable and fell asleep because she knew I knew her past. And since she was tired she decided to let me explain to you while she rested."he explained. Sasuke nodded,and realized he was getting too comfortable as well. So he became more cautious and tried to secretly take out a kunai,but Itachi stopped him."Come on,Sasuke. I'm not dumb enough to not see you put your guard up like that. Besides,I can't do anything. When I said that we shouldn't irritate Shion while she's tired,we really shouldn't unless we want to get tortured until she runs out of chakra. And if it's full,it takes a whole day until it's completely depleted."he said. The two boys looked at the sleeping girl again and shivered,scared of what she might do to them."Alright. Tell me."Sasuke said.
     Halfway through when Itachi was about to tell him about what she told him that happened before they met the second time,Shion whimpered in her sleep,causing both boys to slightly flinch like they were startled after telling a scary story,which was half true. Shion clutch onto Itachi's Akatsuki cloak and whimpered again."What's happening?"Sasuke asked."Remember when I said that a few days after her clan was killed,she stopped sleeping? It's because the memories of that day keeps on replaying in her sleep,causing her to become insomniac. That day also made her have PTSD, and eventually schizophrenia from memories of people who called her rude things."Itachi said with a frown. Sasuke had pity for the girl,and watched as his brother tapped and stroked her hand in some sort of pattern with his finger.'tap tap stroke tap tap tap,stroke stroke stroke stroke tap stroke tap stroke stroke tap stroke stroke,pause,tap tap stroke stroke,tap tap tap tap tap tap stroke tap tap'.(It's okay,I'm here.)~A/N yes I'm using Morse code XP~ 'tap tap stroke tap stroke stroke tap stroke tap tap tap tap tap tap tap'.(Itachi?) Itachi smiled and stroked the girls hair and she fell back to sleep peacefully,knowing someone was there to protect her. Itachi then continued the story,both of them pitying and understanding the sleeping girls past.

~A/N sorry if I tripped you guys up on the Morse code,I just had to make them do some kind of communication without them talking since Shion was like half asleep during the conversation. The only reason why she responded was because she knew Itachi was the only one she knew that can use Morse code with her.

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