First Part Of The Exam Part 1

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A/N the scene in the pic is not going to be told in the chapter,I just had nothing else to put and it's too late for me to draw something. I gotta sleep after this I have finals.

It only felt like a few minutes,but when I couldn't move or think clearly,I realized I fell asleep and immediately shot my eyes open. I blinked and became confused as I saw black fabric. My eyes widened as I realized that me and Gaara were cuddling in our sleep. I became embarrassed,but this felt so comfortable and......right.'Mate' 'He's your mate' the voices kept on saying. I was still kinda in shock that I slept peacefully and what the voices were saying that I didn't realize I was tracing the love kanji on Gaara's head. Gaara scrunched his face and softly groaned, and pulled me closer while nuzzling his face onto my neck. He must've realized what he was doing cause he pulled back with wide eyes and a deep blush. I frowned a little when he let me go and sat up."G-gomen."he stuttered."It's fine."I said. It was silent for a couple of seconds until he spoke again."Thank you for helping me sleep. It felt really nice to finally get some rest."He said. I chuckled."I should be thanking you as well. I managed to fall asleep too, and I didn't have a single nightmare."I said. I got up from the bed and grabbed my stuff."Come on. We need to start getting ready for the Chūnin exams."I stated. He became confused so to distract him,I hugged him."You still sleepy?"I whispered in his ear and felt him shiver at my breath on his ear.(Smut/fluff warning)I pecked his neck."Wake up,Gaara-kun."I said and was about to stand when he pulled me onto his lap with my legs on both sides of him and his hands on my waist."Do that again."he ordered.
"What?"I asked confused and embarrassed,blushing furiously at the position we're in."What you did to my neck,do that again."he elaborated/repeated. I blushed deeper as I wrapped my arms around his torso and leaned into his neck. I hovered and breathed on his neck,enjoying the shivers he was getting before nipping at the same spot. He gasped and softly moaned and I kissed,sucked and bit apparently his sensitive spot. He unconsciously slipped his hands onto my butt and I gasped softly,but didn't stop until the hickey was done. I pulled away and looked into Gaara's eyes to see it blurred by lust. Not being able to react in time,he suddenly kissed me. His lips were so soft..... I melted into the kiss and ringed my fingers through his messy hair as he pressed his hand on the middle of my back,deepening the kiss. He licked my lip asking for entrance when I came back to reality. I pulled away and placed a hand on his chest as he tried to kiss me again."No more. Wait until later."I said out of breath. He growled and pulled me down to the bed while he hovered over me, and he bit down hard on my neck causing me to gasp. I then realized that since we're mates,Gaara is the dominant one in the relationship,especially with Shukaku within him. Gaara growled again as he drew blood from the bite, and when he realized what he was doing as well he lapped the blood away apologetically. I softly pushed him away and kissed him softly on the lips before pushing us into a sitting position."Later. Okay?"I said, and he finally nodded.
We both got our needed stuff,and he went to the bathroom to shower as I went into my room. Temari was in there putting her hair up and she looked at me."Finally you guys are that a bite mark on your neck?"she questioned. I nodded and blushed."Um,you know how some creatures mate and claim each other?"I asked. Her eyes widened in realization."Yeah.....Gaara and Shukaku are my mate, and we already kinda claimed each other. He made me give him a hickey and he gave me a bite mark,so now others will see that we're taken. The marks are only temporary though,since they can be healed."I explained while blushing deeper. She just grinned and chuckled."I ship it. You better take care of my baby brother."she said. I nodded and grabbed some clothes before going into the shower. Once ready,I went downstairs to the living room to see Temari and Kankuro giggling like school girls at Gaara then me once spotted. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen to cook some bacon with eggs. During the cooking,I felt arms wrap around my waist. I looked at the corner of my eye and saw Gaara watching me cook with his head on my shoulder. I pecked his lips before focusing back on the food. When I finished,Gaara let go and set the table so I could serve the food. Temari and Kankuro came and sat down with us as I finished putting the food on the plates."Itadakimasu."we said,then sort of quickly ate before washing our dishes and heading out the door. Sasuke was also leaving his house at this time and looked at us. Gaara saw him looking at me for like a second and scowled. He growled and possessively pulled me into his side by the waist. Sasuke turned and walked away before seeing this though.
Soon we arrived at the academy doors."You going to go home now,Shion?"Kankuro asked. Gaara and Temari looked at me curious, and I shook my head with a smirk."I'm going to be participating as well."I said."What?!"Temari and Kankuro yelled."Yeah,I was ordered to. I'm going to secretly be a proctor during the exam,so none of you are allowed to say my rank,got it?"I said. They nodded and I pulled away from Gaara,which caused him to frown."I have to go tell my team as well. Kakashi would probably be too lazy to."I explained. They nodded and walked inside,but Shukaku put another sand bracelet on my wrist to keep track of me. A couple of minutes later,my team finally arrived."What are you doing here?"Sakura asked snottily."Yeah,I thought you were an ANBU so you didn't have to participate."Naruto added,completely oblivious to Sakura's attitude but me and Sasuke noticed. He didn't say anything though."I was ordered by the Hokage to secretly be a proctor in the exam. I just came to tell you not to tell the other genin that I'm an ANBU."I explained."Do those sand shinobi know?"Sasuke asked. I nodded, and Sakura angrily dragged me a few feet away from the boys,too angry to notice that we're still too close to them."Look,you freak. I want you to stay away from my Sasuke-kun."she hissed."What are you-" "Don't give me that! I know you're trying to take him away from me! Well guess what,he doesn't like you! You're just an orphan with a dead family,and freakish powers!"she said loudly by accident since she was really angry."You should just go die!"she took out a kunai and tried stabbing my arm,but the sand bracelet protected me and Sasuke appeared next to me and slapped her hard.
"After all this time, still don't understand teamwork."Sasuke muttered. I grabbed Sakura by her chin to make her look at me and snarled."You're such a fool. A spoiled little brat that doesn't understand anything. I'm not the only one in this team that has a dead family,and you said it loud enough to remind Sasuke and Naruto. And I honestly don't care about what the Uchiha thinks. He's only a friend and ally to me. Besides,I'm with Gaara."I said. The three gasped in shock and I scowled."Don't judge him,bakas. He's just like Naruto but had it harder on him. And when I say that I'm with Gaara,I mean that I'm his mate. The proof is this bite mark on my neck and the sand around my wrist."I said as I pointed at my neck then held up my wrist. The sand started floating towards Sakura menacingly,and I stepped away so it could come back to me."Gaara is upset. Hurry up and get inside,brats. I'll see you there."I said then flash stepped in front of room 301's door. Kakashi was there and he nodded at me before I went inside. There weren't that many people there,but soon sand was dragging me to the back of the room. I was pinned to the wall by Gaara as he checked to see if I had injuries."Shukaku said that you were attacked. Who attacked you?"he silently demanded."My idiotic fangirl team mate,Sakura. She-" "I'm going to kill her."he snarled. I hugged him and played with his hair as he protectively hugged me back."It's alright,she thought that I was after her crush Sasuke,and I told her I was yours."I explained. Gaara nuzzled his face onto my neck and growled softly."Mine."he muttered."Yours."I purred.

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