Arrive at the tower

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A/N I thought the song above was a pretty good match so I added it
~Next day~
I finished healing team 7's wounds,but Sasuke and Naruto were still unconscious. Sakura was outside the tree trunk keeping guard as I watched over the boys, and I sighed in annoyance and boredom. I then realized something. Orochimaru sensei told me that Naruto's parents were Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, and I wondered if their spirits were watching over him. To find out,I activated Gōmon no me and changed it to its second stage. I looked at Naruto and Sasuke, and was surprised to see that their fathers were watching over them. Minato was the first to notice me and his eyes widened."Can you see us?"he asked. I nodded and he grinned excitedly."Good! Can you help Naruto? I can teach you the jutsu to help fix Kurama's seal."he said. I nodded again,and Fugaku looked at me."Shion Ketsueki,I want you to do something for me."he said."What is it?"I asked quietly,trying not to get Sakura's attention."Take care of my sons. Tell them that their mother and I love them, and I want you to protect them."he said."Same here for Naruto."Minato said smiling. I nodded and smiled."I promise."I said. Minato then taught me how to fix Kurama's seal, and I did the jutsu before I deactivated Gōmon no me. I exited the tree trunk and told Sakura I was leaving, and she just huffed and looked away.
~doing a two day time skip~
I finished killing 3 more teams and keeping track of team 7 when the voices started talking to me.'Summon one of your old villagers.'a voice said. I became confused,but before I could do anything the sand bracelet started rustling. I guess Gaara wanted to see me,so I traveled through the trees following his chakra signature. I found it at the tower, went inside and walked past the shrine towards the hallway. The sand bracelet soon started to tug on my wrist,leading me to a waiting room nearby. Kankuro and Temari were sitting on the couch as Gaara stood from a chair and walked towards me."Where were you? Shukaku said that someone hurt you. Who hurt you so I can kill them?"he asked while scowling."I'm fine,Sakura just got upset with me again. Don't kill her,you'll be disqualified since you already made it through the second part of the exam."I said as I held his hands. He sighed and frowned before hugging me. The older siblings cooed at the sight and earned a scowl from Gaara. He then let go and I kissed him before I backed away."I have to go do something really quick. Be right back." I said before walking off to a room. It has two beds and two dressers pushed up against the wall,so I used the center to do the summonings. I went back out,made some ramen,then came back in with two candles. I placed the candles down in the middle of the room with the lights off and the candles lit,then activated Gōmon no me.
"Let the dead taste again. Let them rise and take this offering. Kyo Takatsuyu,show yourself!"(A/N I kinda stole this from PJ&O:The Last Olympian) I chanted. White smoke gathered, and a human figure formed. A man in his early 20s appeared after he knelt to have some of the ramen. He stood and looked emotionlessly at me.'Ask him who made the village want to kill your clan.'the voices said."Kyo Takatsuyu,who was the one that made our village want to kill my clan?"I demanded."An ally of the village,Orochimaru. He said that the Ketsueki clan were planning on taking over the village,so we decided to eliminate them."he said. I became shocked and slowly enraged.'Orochimaru lied to us.' 'He betrayed us by telling the village lies.' 'Kill him.' 'Kill him!' 'KILL HIM!' I screamed while clutching my head as shadows of the dead moved around the walls. They were whispering things that I couldn't understand as the voices yelled at me to find Orochimaru and kill him. I screamed again as tears ran down my face, and the door slammed open. I heard gasps as a cold breeze exited the room and darkness engulfed the hallway. All you could see was my now stiff figure on my knees with my head down and arms at my sides,with shadows of the dead dancing on the candle-lit walls."Shion."Gaara said. I looked up and my eyes widened."Who are you?"I asked the two spirits next to the siblings. The siblings gasped,thinking I lost my memories, and the man and woman just smiled at me."I am Rasa,the former Fourth Kazekage. This is my wife Karura. We are Gaara,Kankuro and Temari's parents."he said."Fourth Kazekage......? But if you're dead,then......"*slap*"Shut up,you freak! Our father isn't dead!"Temari cried.
I felt numb as I tried to think things over. Temari and Kankuro were yelling at me and Gaara was threatening them as I started shaking in anger."He lied to me......."I mumbled. Everything became silent before I lifted my head."I'm going to kill you,Orochimaru......."I snarled. The flames went out and everything became dark as I slipped past them down the hall. I went outside and summoned a white snake and a black cat."Ayame,Kira,go find Team 7. Once you do,report to me immediately."I said. They nodded and quickly left. I went back inside the tower and quickly went to the roof. Once there,I just stood there glaring at the scenery. I sensed Gaara behind me,but I didn't turn and look at him."Are you able to see ghosts?"he asked. I nodded."Who did you see?"he asked."Your parents. Your mother was very beautiful,by the way. She seems to love you a lot if she stays behind in this world to watch over you."I said."You're lying. My mother hates me-" "That's not what I saw. When I saw your parents,your father was behind Temari and your mother was behind you and smiling at you."I said."Liar!"Gaara yelled as sand wrapped around my body."Sand coffin."he growled,then winced and grabbed his head."Why would I ever lie to you.....? Gaara,I love you."I said softly. The sand squeezed me before dropping me and returning to Gaara's gourd."Stop lying. You don't love me. No one loves me."he muttered. He looked at me and glared before saying something that broke me completely."I don't love you. I never have and I never will love a demon like you. Stay away from me or I will kill you."he growled before turning into sand and teleporting away. I just stood there for a few seconds before turning and jumping off the roof,landing on the trees and running.
I ran as far as I could before tripping and falling to the ground. I just curled up into a ball,shaking. The voices were so loud and were tormenting me, and I screamed in despair and sobbed. I heard rustling,but I didn't care to see what it was."Shion?"Naruto called out and touched my shoulder. The voices became unbearably loud and I covered my ears and hit my head against the ground,trying to make them be quiet. Someone grabbed me and held me, and the voices were silenced."Shion,it's okay. I'm here,you're going to be fine."Naruto said."Why does everyone have to hate me and fear me? Why can't I just be loved and trusted? No one trusts me,and Gaara never loved me......"I mumbled as I became numb again."......What?"Naruto asked. I told him everything that happened as the rest of Team 7 appeared. Sakura was sad and pitied me while Sasuke and Naruto were trying to contain their anger as I sat motionless in front of Naruto."I don't understand why you guys are upset. You guys hate me too."I mumbled."Baka we don't hate you. Yeah you do some creepy and disturbing things sometimes,but you're still a part of our team."Sasuke said."Yeah! Even though you kill people,I know you wouldn't kill people you care about! Like us!"Naruto said enthusiastically. The only one who didn't say anything was Sakura. Until now."I guess you have your own reason for doing the things you do, and I should trust that those reasons are good. You may irritate me sometimes and piss me off,but.... I don't hate you either,Shion."Sakura said. I looked up at them and saw the sincerity in their eyes and gave them a small smile."Thank you....."I said,three tears slipping from my eyes before I start to pass out. Naruto caught me and picked me up, and we started heading towards the tower. Those things they said helped me,but I was still broken.
"Shion,I want you to be strong. Don't let anything break you. Ketsueki members die like regular people,but can also die from heartbreak."Mom said."Heartbreak?"I asked. She nodded."You'll understood when you're older."she said as she pet my head.
When I was young,my heart wasn't broken.100%. When my clan died,it broke a little.95%. When Orochimaru trained me and I met other people,it broke more.90%. Now a days,my heart is mostly broken.30%. The sand siblings broke it more.10%. Team 7 helped though. I know that I have people that actually care about me. The Hokage,Konohamaru,team 7,Zabuza,Haku,Tazuna,Tsunami,Inari. They're people that care, and I will cherish them and protect them as much as I can.50%.

A/N ok new chapter! The last part I'm sure you somewhat understand. The more broken she gets,the lower the percentage goes,the more fixed the higher the percentage. It changes by 5% each time it's broken or fixed.

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