Kirā's true form and the fight part 1

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~on the way to the Akatsuki hideout, Shion's mind~
I was surrounded by darkness as I heard whispers around me. I assumed it was just the voices, but with them were also snarls and growls from an animal I think. Now that I'm thinking about this, I remember that there were voices talking to me, and in the background it sounded like a pack of wolves barking and growling. I don't know why though........"It's because the voices are our pack." I turned and saw Kirā walk towards me as she said this."What are you talking about?" I asked."Do you know why the Ketsueki members are to be mated to someone?" She asked, and she smirked as I shook my head."It's because of your ancestors. They were children of the wolf god, Ōkami, and were also the first wolves in these countries. However, they became human when they started killing each other and cannibalizing. They were also cursed with insanity, and the only way to control it was to imprint on someone. This was the start of the Ketsueki clan, named this because of all the blood they spilled when they lost control. After a couple of decades, near the first shinobi war, there was a girl from the clan who was to become the leader. Everyone loved her, but eventually grew bitter and tried to kill her. The girl was innocent and would never hurt a fly, but she couldn't find a mate in time to control herself. She ended up killing her family when she lost control, and when she snapped out of it she tried committing suicide out of guilt and fear to hurt others. Ōkami saw this and stopped her, seeing that she was special because of her kindness and innocence. He blessed her by putting a wolf spirit inside her to protect her and made her an Alpha of a wolf pack. Later she finally found her mate and returned to her clan to become their leader, but they became jealous of her for becoming a favorite of their patron. They killed her mate and destroyed everything she loved, and she eventually snapped. She became enraged and destroyed the village they built, nearly killing everyone in it, and left. Her wolf spirit became a demon, and her pack became summoning animals. She was under a state of depression again, and out of pity Ōkami gave her another spirit. However, she noticed that it was no ordinary spirit. After nine months, she gave birth to the spirit and had a boy, and Ōkami told her that her wolf spirit will be passed down to her descendants, and that it will start with her grandchild. Basically meaning it'll skip a generation. Skipping to the recent family tree, your grandmother on your dad's side had a wolf spirit, it skipped your dad, and you received the wolf spirit." Kirā explained. I was in shock and trying to process all of this information, but was curious about two things.
      "Who....... who's my wolf spirit?" I asked nervously. She grinned and started to grow larger, transforming into a giant wolf (the picture above). She stepped forward while looking like she was trying to grin, and I stumbled and fell back in terror. She and the voices laughed, but it sounded like barking. She sat down and in a circle around me, 5 wolves my size appeared having silver fur and a different kind of shape on each of their left cheek."I am your wolf spirit, Kirā. And this is your pack." She said then the wolves howled in acknowledgment. We got into introductions, and it seemed pretty easy to remember who is who (Age order). There was Lupa (female, eldest, heptagon), Adolph (male, hexagon), Raul (male, pentagon), Ula (female, square), and Otsoko (male, triangle, youngest). Lupa was mature and acted like a general, but also like a protective mother; Adolph was also protective and mature; Raul was the wise sibling, but was very similar to Shikamaru because of their laziness; Ula was a hot-head that cusses sometimes and the strongest fighter, but loved her family and friends; and Otsoko was very much like Naruto, except he had silver hair and loved dango."We're sorry for causing you trouble, Alpha. You're insanity and hatred changed us temporarily, but we're okay now that you found people you really care about." Adolph said."It's okay." I said while smiling. Suddenly they all started fading, causing us to pause in our movements."You're waking up. If you need help during the fight, don't hesitate to call us." Kirā said.
I gasped and started coughing, curling into a ball on my side as I try to calm down."The jinchūriki's awake." A monotonous voice stated. I quickly finished my coughing fit and looked up to see Deidara and Sasori in person while the rest of them were holograms on a giant statue. I grinned in amusement and I tried to contain my laughter when I noticed they fell for my plan."What's so funny, hm?!" Deidara yelled while scowling at me."It's just that you all thought that you had the right person. It's amusing to me that you fell for my jutsu." I chuckled before releasing all of my jutsus. My disguise disappeared and they stared shocked and outraged at my true identity."Kill this girl. I don't care what you do with the body, and if something happens contact me immediately." Pein muttered before the holograms shut off."No problem, boss." Deidara grinned as he stuck his hands into his clay pouch."I'm not going to wait forever for you to finish with your explosives." Sasori grumbled before he launched his tail to me. I rolled out of the way, but the tail quickly followed after me. I stared at it in panic as it was about to stab me, but someone intervened."Itachi?! What the hell, un!" Deidara exclaimed in shock. I smirked and chuckled slightly." A clone jutsu. How original, Itachi." I said as I stared at his back. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes, and 'hn'ed before activating Mangekyo. I stood up and went to his side, activating Gōmon no me and started doing hand signs." Summoning jutsu!" I slammed my hands onto the ground and smoke covered our vision, and as it cleared you could hear the growling of wolves."You wanna play?" I asked, and the smoke cleared to reveal my pack."Yes, Alpha." They responded, and I chuckled lowly.'Kirā.' 'On it.' I felt myself shifting a little bit, my teeth and nails sharpening and my senses enhancing, and a powerful aura of dominance and chakra surrounded me in the color black, making my presence threatening and menacing."Let's play." I growled, and my wolves pounced.

A/N just to let u know beforehand, I'm too lazy to put in a fight scene and I feel like I'd suck at it, so I'm just gonna skip it. I'm also going to try to make another story based on Rick Riordan's books, but I'm not completely sure if I should publish it. It'll just involve the Greek and Roman camps, but I don't know if it will affect my interest in this story or not. Whoever reads this, please tell me if I should publish my next story or not cause I'm being indecisive.

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