First Part Of The Exam Part 2

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After a couple of minutes passed,all of the genin arrived and the leaf rookies were hanging out in the front. I was in the back with the sand siblings,and Gaara was hugging me from behind while leaning against the wall. Suddenly,Naruto started yelling how he was going to beat all of the contestants,then started to get beat by Sakura. I sighed and flash stepped next to them,grabbing Sakura by the back of her shirt."Bakas,stop making a fool of yourselves. These people want to fight,and you're pushing their limits."I said while letting go of bubble gum."She's right. You should be more cautious with what you say and do."a familiar voice said. I turned and grinned."Hey Kabuto. Long time no see."I said. He smirked and pushed up his glasses."Hello Shion. I heard that you're an AN-mmmpph."his voice was muffled by my hand."Don't say my rank out loud. I'm supposed to secretly be a proctor for this exam,and it'll cause a lot of drama if everyone finds out my rank."I whispered to him. He nodded,and suddenly sound ninja came and attacked us. My eyes widened when I saw that one of them had a sound mechanism on their arm, and when the guy was about to use it I pushed Kabuto away and quickly made hand signs."(making this up)Ninja Art:Sound barrier jutsu!"I yelled, and the sound waves aimed at me was blocked off.
"Alright,maggots! Enough fighting!"Ibiki yelled as him and the other proctors poofed into the room. I turned to Kabuto and put a hand on his shoulder."You okay?"I asked. He nodded and scowled at the sound ninja as they were being scolded by Ibiki. Ibiki introduced himself and explained this part of the exam,earning a dramatic 'no!' from Naruto who sucks at writing tests."Now come get a number,brats!"Ibiki yelled. We got in a line and I got number 20. Naruto was near the front with Hinata,Sakura was a few rows behind him,and Sasuke and Gaara were in the same row on different sides of the room behind Sakura. I was across from Sakura in front of her row, and had a good view of Naruto having a panic attack. Soon Ibiki yelled us to start and I flipped the test. I grinned with how simple these questions were for me because my rank had to know this, and quickly answered all of the questions. I looked up to see Naruto still struggling, and rolled my eyes before doing hand signs on my lap."(also made up)Ninja Art:Image Transfer."I whispered before closing my eyes. I opened them and my sight was enhanced. I looked at my test and blinked,and an image of the test was imprinted into my mind. I then looked at Naruto."Naruto Uzumaki,Transfer."I whispered. I saw Naruto flinch and look at his test,then start writing. I released the jutsu and relaxed,but felt eyes on me. I turned and saw Sasuke staring at me with his Sharingan activated then looked down to write. I smirked and looked forward to see a floating eyeball hovering over my paper. It looked up at me and I smirked and nodded,then it looked back down to copy the test. When done,it dispersed into sand and Ibiki told us to put our pencils down.
     "Okay,time for the final question. If you don't answer correctly or you want to quit now,you automatically fail and will be kicked out of the exams with your team whether you completed the test or not."Ibiki said. Everyone started complaining and asking questions,and he snapped at them to shut up."If you want to quit,raise your hand."he said. A couple of teams left and Naruto raised his hand to give this encouraging speech about his goal and 'ninja way'."Is that it?"Ibiki asked. No one raised their hand,and he smirked."Alright. You all pass."he said. Some of the contestants were outraged and yelled at him,but Ibiki just brushed it off."Some of you are lucky. There were other assistants and a proctor that were here to let you copy them. Assistants,stand."the people who were called out stood."These men are Jounin. You may sit."and they sat down."Proctor,stand."He called out,looking at me. I stood straight and confident,with no emotion on my face."Take off your sweater."he ordered. I removed my sweater and my tattoo was in plain view."This is your second proctor for your three tests in this exam. Her name is Shion Ketsueki,last of her clan and an ANBU Captain. Also my assistant at times for interrogations."he said while smirking proudly at me."You may sit,Shion."I nodded and sat down with my arms crossed.
     Suddenly,the window shattered and a banner was hanged."Alright,brats! My name is Anko Mitarashi,and I am your first proctor for the second part of the Chūnin exams as well as your worst nightmare. Where's my partner?!"she yelled. I raised my hand and deadpanned at her."Anko,your a bit early."Ibiki and I said. She sweat dropped and scowled at the contestants."Ibiki,you let 33 contestants pass? You went too soft on them!"she said."They were fairly determined kids."Ibiki defended with his eyes closed. She huffed and told us to follow her. When we left the building,Kabuto came and grabbed my arm to slow me down."Shion,we need to talk-" "Who is this?"Gaara appeared next to us,interrupting and scowling at Kabuto."Gaara,this is an old friend of mine,Kabuto. Kabuto,this is Gaara no Sabaku,my-" "Her mate."he interrupted me. Kabuto just smiled."Gaara,if you don't mind,I'd like to borrow Shion and catch up with her."he said. Gaara looked at me and I gave him a pleading look,and he sighed."Fine."he muttered. He kissed me and Shukaku made another sand bracelet on my wrist before he left.
     "Shion,Lord Orochimaru plans on attacking Konoha."Kabuto whispered to me."He wants to know if you will help us or the village."he added."This place is my new home. I will defend it but I won't fight or stop you. Who is he here for?"I said."The Uchiha boy. He wants him to be his vessel."he said. I nodded."I'll help when he wants to leave,but I will pretend to try to stop him so they don't get suspicious."I said."Shion....I want you to be careful with Gaara. Lord Orochimaru intends on using him to destroy the village,but you might have to stop him and protect Sasuke since it looks like they want to kill each other. I'm not telling you to leave him since he's your mate,but I want you to stay cautious when the invasion starts."he said. I nodded, and we both hugged before walking away. That whole time Anko was talking about the forest of death and she looked at me as I grinned."By the way,my partner Shion will be in the Forest with you. It's her territory since her ANBU and bingo book name is Death,so she will either help you or kill you. Just saying."she said smiling. She told them that she'll give them a day to prepare and rest,then dismissed us (don't know if that actually happened but I'm making it happen.) Temari and Kankuro decided to go train and I noticed that Sasuke was going to train as well,so me and Gaara will be alone.
(Smut/almost lemon coming)
     When we got home,Gaara dragged me up to his room and closed the door before slamming me into the wall and growling in my face."How dare he touch you. Only I'm allowed to hold you. You're mine,no one else's!"he yelled. I knew he was being dominant so I lifted my head and showed my neck in submission. He growled and bit down hard on my neck,drawing blood."Yes,I'm yours. And you're mine,Gaara."I purred in his irritation. He pulled away to snarl at me,but I grabbed his face and kissed him. He relaxed a little bit,and started relaxing more when I trailed down his neck to his sensitive spot. He moaned softly as I bit and sucked on that spot,and he slipped his hands down to my thighs. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and he pressed me against the wall. He leaned down and licked my blood off the mark as it was healing. When I was done,we both kissed each other and he soon asked for entrance. I teased him by biting his lip,and he growled and squeezed my butt. I gasped in surprise and he took that chance to stick his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance,but he continued to look around when I got tired. He pressed deeper onto me,and I felt his member between our clothes. I decided to tease him more by moving my hips so my womanhood rubbed against his member. He pulled away and groaned. He continued to move our hips and he was groaning while I moaned,the two of us in pleasure. He took us to the bed and laid us down,him hovering over me as he continued to grind on me."Hey Gaara,have you seen Shi-oh."Kankuro said at the door,blushing madly and nose bleeding as he stared at what we were doing. Gaara stopped,turned and snarled at his brother."Get out."Gaara/Shukaku growled."O-okay,we'll just have take out tonight."Kankuro stuttered before closing the door and running away."Ai. It's okay,no need to scare him more. I'm yours and you're mine,always. Remember?"I said softly as I turned his head to look at me. He calmed down and laid next to me before pulling me into him.
I stroked his hair as he started to nod off, and when he was finally asleep Kankuro came back in."Hey,what do-" "Shut up,he just went to sleep."I hissed at him."We won't be eating tonight,now leave." He raised his hands in defense before closing the door and leaving again. I sighed and softly kissed Gaara's kanji before also falling into a peaceful sleep.

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