Comforting Inari And Helping The Genin

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A/N fucked up blurry pic smh
     A minute later,I arrived at the house and carefully held Kakashi as I opened the door."Tsunami,Inari? Are you here?"I called out. Footsteps were heard before a woman appeared from the hall and she gasped with tears in her eyes."Shion.....?"she whispered."Its me,Tsunami,but I need your help. My comrade and his team were escorting the old man here and he strained himself too much. Is there a room for me to let him rest in?"I asked. She nodded and we quickly headed to one of the vacant rooms upstairs. I placed him on the bed mat as she left to get a pillow and blanket for him,and I got to work on healing his cuts and bruises which were only minor. I then started healing his injured leg by putting it into a splint then wrapping it,he should be better in a few days. By then,Zabuza should be better as well and him and Haku will come after us.
     When I was done healing Kakashi and giving him as much energy and rest as I could,the genin,Tazuna and Tsunami came into the room. I quickly put a finger to my mouth when I saw Sakura and Naruto about to call out to Kakashi."He's resting. He should wake up later,but for now we need a sleeping arrangement."I said quietly,then shooed them out of the room and closed the door."Now,I've lived in this house before so I know which rooms are which. Sasuke and Naruto,you will be sharing that room."I said while pointing at the room across from us."Sakura,your room will be on the right of the boy's. Tazuna and Tsunami's rooms are next to Kakashi's and the last room next to Sakura's is Tsunami's son's room. There's a bathroom across from the son's room and one next to the washing room downstairs."I continued."Wait,aren't you getting a room?"Sakura asked. Everyone stayed quiet while I stared at her because they knew what she didn't."Sakura,I don't sleep. I won't tell you why,but I won't be staying in a room. I'll probably be in Tsunami's son's room at times during the night,but other than that you can find me on the roof. Now,go put your stuff away."I said then they left into there rooms. I walked up to Inari's room and soon heard Sasuke and Naruto arguing and sighed. I opened the door to see no one in there and frowned.'Where is he?'I wondered as I put my stuff down near the window.
     About half an hour later of staring at the ocean outside the window,Tsunami came in."Shion,I think Kakashi just woke up."she said. I nodded and we both went to his room to see his eye open."Shion?"he asked as he looked at me."Hey Kakashi. I fixed you up when we got here so you should be better in a few days. Next time,be careful when using the Sharingan so this doesn't happen again."I said. He sighed and nodded while trying to get up,but I carefully pushed him back down."You're still sore and tired,Kakashi. Rest for the rest of the day. I'll take care of everything while you're out."I said. He sighed again and laid back down. Soon the genin came in and Sakura started scolding Kakashi. Kakashi turned towards me and narrowed his eye at me."You know something we don't,don't you?"he asked. I chuckled darkly and smirked."Yes. Zabuza is alive."I said."I knew it...."he muttered as everyone was shocked and started denying it,so I explained how he was alive."So you knew this all along yet you didn't do anything?!"Sakura yelled."Yes,and I didn't do anything cause I was hoping that Zabuza and his little ninja buddy Haku would join us for my sake."I said. Naruto got all excited and started saying that he'll beat Zabuza when my little bro disappointed his mood."You guys are all going to die,Gato and his men are too powerful."Inari said at the door."Inari!"Tsunami scolded."Grampa!"Inari exclaimed happily as he hugged Tazuna's leg.
     "Wow,I feel so left out Inari."I said sarcastically with a smirk. He looked at me and grinned."Onēsan!"he said then ran into my open arms. We were both laughing and hugging each other as the genin and Kakashi looked at me like they haven't seen me before."Onēsan,I missed you!"he yelled. I chuckled and rubbed our cheeks together while he complained about it."I missed you too,otōto."I said."And what do you mean that we're going to die? Don't worry,kiddo,we're here to kill all of Gato's men. And I won't let anything else happen to any of you guys while I'm here. I promise."I said with a closed eyed smile and a thumbs up. Inari cheered while Sakura got pissed."Shut up! We can take care of ourselves,you freak!"she yelled,and everyone became silent."No you shut up! If Onēsan wasn't here with you guys you'd all be dead! All heroes die in the end,so if you're going to fight Gato,you'll have to trust Shion-chan!"Inari yelled."What did you say you little brat?!"Naruto yelled. Inari got up and ran off,probably to the roof to look at the ocean."You guys do need to put some trust in me. I want the three of you to stay away from him and not say anything to him. If you piss him off or even try to hurt him,you'll have to deal with me. Don't worry,Tsunami,I'll go to Inari."I said to the genin and reassured Tsunami. I left the room and went to Inari's window. I climbed up to the roof and found him crying. My heart broke a little more than it already is as I went up to him and held him on my lap."Shhh,Inari it's okay. I'm here."I cooed."I miss him so much,onēsan."Inari sobbed."I know. I miss him too."I sighed softly. Soon,team seven came out of the house and Kakashi was in crutches."Chikushō Kakashi."I growled. Inari yawned and I took us to his room. I tucked him in his bed and kissed his head before jumping out the window.
     I went up to Kakashi before anyone said anything and knocked him unconscious with a pressure point."Shion,what the hell are you doing?!"Naruto yelled as I caught Kakashi and grabbed his crutches."I will not let Kakashi strain himself anymore. He needs all the rest he can get, and I won't let him mess up his leg after I just fixed it. Wait here."I said then went to put Kakashi back in bed. When I came back,Sasuke got in my face all angry."What do you expect us to do now? Kakashi-sensei was supposed to train us to get stronger,and you put him back to sleep."he hissed."Calm down. I'm going to teach you guys something that all ninja should be able to do."I said. They got confused and questioned me."You guys are going to climb trees with no hands. Just put a good amount of chakra on your feet and voila."I said then started climbing the tree with no hands, and stayed upside down on a branch as Sakura explained to a confused Naruto what chakra is. I threw kunai at their feet and got cursed at by Sakura."Shut up,bubble gum. You'll be using this to mark your highest spot. Now go to a tree and start!"I said. They all grumbled as they went to a tree and started climbing. Naruto and Sasuke both barely got up as Sakura managed to get to the top."Well done,Sakura. Looks like the girls are better than the boys. I bet she has a better chance at becoming stronger than the Uchiha clan and becoming Hokage before either of you."I mocked the boys. Sakura came towards me and yelled at me for trying to discourage them."Calm down,kid. It was just to give them a little push,see?"I said and showed her how determined they were now."Now,why don't you go watch over the bridge and make sure nothing happens. If something happens,come get me,ok?"I said. She humphed and walked away,but was stopped by Naruto for some advice. She gave him some,but he seemed to get more confused but tried to understand. She left and Sasuke went embarrassedly to Naruto for Sakura's advice,but was denied. He got upset,then nervous as he started walking towards me.
     "Hello,little duckling. Are you here to ask how to fly?"I chuckled."Hn."Sasuke grunted while looking down blushing."Alright let me tell you something. Try making at least two layers of chakra on your feet. That's how much I usually have to put when walking on solid objects. If you put too little,you'll slip and fall. If you put too much,you'll get thrown off. Understand?"I said. He nodded and walked off,muttering a quick thank you to me."You're welcome,duck butt!"I yelled to him, and earned an irk mark from him in return.

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