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A/N the pic above is as good as I could get the family

A war occurred because of the Akatsuki and Kabuto. We managed to kill Kakuzu, Hidan and Kisame defected to our side and are staying with Itachi at the Leaf, Pein died and brought some people back to life, Neji and Asuma almost died, Konan was killed by Tobi/ Obito and at the last second he defected to our side and is staying at the Leaf. Gaara and the others joined in the war while I stayed at Suna as the Kazekage. Gaara and I were planning to have the wedding earlier, but the war got in the way. Now that the war is over, we're planning on everything. Temari, Matsuri and the rest of the girls helped me on my part while the boys helped Gaara. We're almost ready, we just need the honeymoon location and the wedding location. My brother and the sand siblings are with me in mine and Gaara's home, talking about places in the living room."Should we do the wedding in the village?" Temari asked."No, we can't because some of the guests will also be from the Leaf." I said."That and the other Kages will be coming as well." Gaara added."So we should pick a place somewhere in the middle where everyone can come and go back easily?" Kankuro asked. Gaara and I nodded, and we all sat silently trying to think about a place. Shioto groaned in frustration a few minutes later and stood up."Let's just look on a fucking map." He grumbled then went to get one. He soon came back and put it down on the coffee table. We peered down at it and looked for a good place in the center of the five nations (heheh the last airbender) and we searched for what felt like an hour. I grew frustrated and just threw up my arms."Fuck it, let's just go to the Konoha for the wedding and we can go wherever for the honeymoon."I said harshly, wanting to scream and punch something. The sand siblings looked at me in confusion and concern from my attitude, and Gaara was the first to speak."Shion, are you alright?"He asked cautiously. I sighed and rubbed my face, Shioto rubbing my back as I took deep breaths.'Kirā, what's going on?' I asked.'The stress is getting to you. Try sleeping and take a cold bath. It might help.' She replied. I heard someone stand up and felt myself being picked up bridal style."Come on, let's get you to bed." Gaara said softly to me as he took us to our room."How-" "Shukaku told me." He answered my unfinished question. He placed me gently on our bed and put the blanket over me before leaving the room, saying that he'd be right back. A minute or so later, he came back and laid down under the blanket with me. I don't remember when, but I ended up falling asleep.
~Time skip~
So, lots of things happened. Kakashi became Hokage then a couple of years later Naruto did as well. Everyone that was a ship or otp got together and eventually got married. Most of them had one kid, like SasuSaku or ShikaTem while others had two, like NaruHina. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke are the new legendary sannin and Sasuke went on a solo adventure sometime when Kakashi became Hokage. Oh, Karin transferred over here and got with Kankuro while Temari moved to the Leaf. Gaara and I are living happily with two female twins named Hikari and Yuki that are eight and also another pair of twins, two boys named Travis and Connor that are six. Hikari has Gaara's sand technique and Yuki has water and wind so she can also do ice, Travis has earth and wind, and Connor got the Ketsueki genes and has dark and blood. Hikari trains with Gaara when he has time, Zabuza and Haku came so Haku can train Yuki, Travis stays with Temari sometimes and her and Yamato train him, and I train Connor whenever I can. Itachi, Kisame and Hidan are working at Konoha's Interrogation division and Obito was Kakashi's bodyguard while he was Hokage. Gaara and I are Naruto's kid's godparents, and our kids have such a good time together when we have a chance to visit. Hikari and Yuki are joining the academy at Suna, and Travis and Connor are smart and mischievous so Gaara let them join as well. Heheh, it's gonna be cute because our kids are so protective with each other. One time when they were playing at the park, some kids started picking on Yuki because she's able to use her abilities similar to Gaara (she can summon water out of thin air and make it snow sometimes). Hikari, Travis and Connor saw this and immediately defended her, leading to a fight and my children beat those kids to a pulp with their abilities. Ah, it was hilarious to watch and I'm proud of them :D. Of course they got in trouble, their punishment was to not have cookies for a week. Yeah, they got Gaara's eating habit. It sucks cause they almost always ask me to bake them cookies, and when I'm about to say no Gaara joins in and they all pull the puppy face on me. Yuki and Connor look like me while Hikari and Travis look like Gaara, but luckily only Connor got my kekkai genkai. Which means that he'll have it easier since he doesn't get the Ketsueki period. However, there's a saying that if the child looks like the father, they act like the mother and if they look like the mother, they act like the father. Plus, they all are too kowaii for their own good, so they might have a lot of fan girls/boys. *Sigh* A lot of fights will most likely be involved if it goes to far. Oh well, as long as no one dies or majorly hurt my kids, everything will be fine. Cause one, if someone is killed they either become rogue or get arrested, and two if someone hurts my kids......... (*-*) I will not show them mercy.

A/N hey guys. Hope u enjoyed the story, I'm planning on making a Creepypasta one next instead of the other one I talked about before. Most likely be an EJ x OC. I might make the OC me, I might not. Probably something similar. We'll see. ✌🏽

Just published the first chapter of that new book, it's called Smile For The Camera.

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