The Fight part 2

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'I guess I lost........' I thought.
We had been fighting Sasori and Deidara. After a while, Itachi's clone was defeated and Sasori told Deidara to contact Pein. He did, and Pein's hologram appeared. He saw me sharing Kirā's form and told Deidara and Sasori to capture me, that I'd be a good substitute for the one-tails. In the end, Sasori paralyzed me with senbons as well as knock me unconscious, and now I'm in my mind speaking with Kirā and my pack."Alpha, what should we do?" Otsoko asked, whimpering in fear that I'll die. I smirked and looked at Kirā, both of us having mischief and amusement in our eyes."We will do nothing." I said. Adolph, Ula and Otsoko exclaimed in shock, but Lupa silenced them as Raul started chuckling."I completely forgot about that." Raul mused."What? What are you guys talking about?" Adolph demanded."Goodness sake, Adolph. You're the second eldest, yet you forgot all about this?" Lupa asked, shaking her head in disappointment."What the hell are you fucking talking about, damn it!" Ula yelled in anger."The Akatsuki won't be able to take me from Shion. Don't you remember that a Ketsueki's wolf spirit is linked to their soul?" Kirā questioned."That's right. Once Ōkami gives a Ketsueki a wolf spirit, their beings won't be separated. In life and in death, Kirā-sama will always be with Alpha. So basically, the Akatsuki won't achieve anything besides killing Alpha and won't be very happy about not getting their prize." Raul explained. Suddenly, everything started to blur."The three days are up. Whoever is coming to help us, let's hope that they're able to bring us back." Kirā muttered as she looked around. Soon, everything became dark, and I felt her jump into my arms in her pup form as we fell into the endless abyss, waiting for someone to bring us back to life.
~third pov (I'm not up to writing the whole fight scene. U guys remember it so I'll just summarize then get back into it)~
Team Gai finished taking off the seal tags, and on cue Sakura used her chakra infused fists to smash the boulder. Team 7 ran inside to see two of the Akatsuki members that kidnapped Shion. Naruto saw the blonde Akatsuki member sitting on Shion and got pissed, then started yelling at them not knowing that the girl couldn't hear him. Kakashi stopped him and informed everyone that she was dead, and the bomber confirmed it while also slapping her face. This angered most of the group, and three fights soon started. Sakura, Sasuke and Lady Chiyo fought Sasori inside the base and turned it to ruins in the process, and Naruto with Kakashi chased and fought Deidara, trying to retrieve Shion's corpse. In the end, Sasori died, and Deidara faked suicide. Everyone was sort of injured, and Sakura tried to see if she could help Shion. Unable to, she shook her head at Naruto, and nearly everyone cried while he starts blaming Lady Chiyo. Suddenly, Lady Chiyo came and sat next to Shion, and started doing a resurrection jutsu. She mutters about not having enough chakra, so Naruto offers his to help bring his friend back.
      In the darkness, Shion is crouched down and holding a wolf pup, waiting patiently for something to happen. Suddenly she hears someone call out to her. Looking behind her as someone touches her shoulder, she sees Naruto smiling at her."Wake up, Shion-chan." He said, then there was a burst of light surrounding them.
      Everyone was waiting for the girl to open her eyes. Mostly everyone from Suna came to Team 7 and Gai's location just to see if she was alright. They were all informed of what happened, and the sand siblings along with Naruto sat around her- Naruto on her left, Temari on her right, Kankuro by her feet, and Gaara had her head on his lap as he looked down at her face. Sakura was silently holding Lady Chiyo's body with Sasuke at her side, the crowd hiding them from view. Suddenly, Shion's face twitched, her face scrunching up and her groaning from the bright sun shining on her face. She slowly opened her eyes, and as they adjust she immediately noticed sea foam eyes staring at her gray ones.".....Gaara?" She asked, her voice raspy from waking up."Welcome back, Shion-chan." She looked to her left to see Naruto grinning at her, and she squinted her still adjusting eyes at him."Naruto?" She then grunted as she was suddenly brought into a tight hug by Temari and Kankuro."Oh my gods, Shion your alive!" Temari exclaimed as her and her brother started rambling to her. They were soon interrupted by someone clearing their throat, and they turned to see Gaara staring at them. Kankuro and Temari let go and apologized, moving away with sheepish grins. Shion moved closer to Gaara as they smiled at each other, Gaara putting a hand on her cheek and an arm around her waist as Shion placed her hands on his Kazekage uniform, feeling his toned chest underneath. They slowly moved their faces closer, and their hearts raced as their eyes nearly closed."Shi....." "Ai....." They whispered to each other before passionately kissing each other. Everyone cheered and wolf whistled at them, and the two separated for air while grinning at each other. The two stood as Naruto started thanking Lady Chiyo, and as he saw her with Sakura with her eyes closed, he told her to wake up. He was informed that she was dead, and Gaara asked everyone to bow their heads in respect and pray that she rests in peace.
      As everyone got closer to the gates of Suna, Shion noticed the crowd of villagers waiting for them. She jumped slightly as they cheered and celebrated her return, and Gaara-who was walking next to her in the front- took her hand. She looked and saw him smiling reassuringly at her, and she smiled back happily. Everyone went into the village and prepared to bury Lady Chiyo, and after the ceremony, Shion, the sand siblings, and the Konoha teams (too lazy to repeat them) were at the gates again. They said their goodbyes, thanked each other, then parted ways. Kankuro and Karin were a bit reluctant to leave each other after talking a while, and Shion and Sasuke smirked when they noticed."I bet you 2000 yen that their going to ask for missions to the village in order to see each other." Shion betted Sasuke. They shook hands in a confirmed deal, then saw Temari grab Kankuro as Jūgo slung Karin onto his shoulder. The Konoha teams left back to their village and Temari and Kankuro left home. Gaara and Shion were walking home as the sun started to set, but all of a sudden he stopped when they reached the park."Shion...... This is a bit hard for me to say..... but, I know we've had some bad times together, and I know some of those times I hurt you to the point where you nearly died......*sigh* Shion-" "Gaara, I swear to Ōkami, if you're breaking up with me......" Shion interrupted him with a warning and narrowed eyes, but internally she could feel her heart start to break again."No! Gods, no, Shion I swear on my life that I'm not breaking up with you." He exclaimed quickly, panic visible on his face and eyes. Gaara took a deep breath to calm himself, then got on one knee. Shion then realized what he was doing and barely noticed herself crying as she stared in shock at him."And, I swear on this ring that I won't ever hurt you or leave you ever again. Shion Ketsueki, will you give me the honor and joy of marrying me?" Gaara continued as he took out a small square black box and opened it to reveal a beautiful sapphire on a silver band. Shion covered her mouth as she started sobbing, and Gaara took it as a bad sign."I-it's okay if you don't, I understa-" "No!" Shion shouted, and he looked up at her in shock."I want to marry you, Gaara-kun." She told him softly as she smiled at him."You...... you want to marry me?" He asked quietly, not believing what he heard. Shion laughed and nodded."Yes, baka." She said. Gaara slowly grinned and took the ring out of the box, put the box back in his pocket, took her left hand and slipped the ring on her finger. He then quickly stood up while lifting her, and the two laughed as they spun in circles. Gaara placed her back down and held her close, and leaned in to kiss her."I love you." He whispered before softly kissing her. After about a minute, the two separated for some much needed air, and Gaara touched his forehead on Shion's."I love you too, Ai." Shion whispered back, then realized what they just did as darkness overtook them."Awww, you're finally getting married!" A female voice squealed in excitement."Yup. Nice job, kid. Third time's apparently not a charm, but sixth finally worked." A male voice mused. Light shown to see Shukaku in his sealed cage with a wolf the same size as him by his side. Shion and Gaara were side by side holding hands, and both became embarrassed as their bijū/ spirit talked. Suddenly they both became confused."Who's that next to you, Shukaku?" Gaara asked."That's my wolf spirit-who was apparently my dark side-Kirā." Shion explained. He looked at her completely confused, and she sighed." I'll explain later." She muttered."But, sixth time?" She asked him with a smirk. Gaara blushed, lowered his face and secretly glared at Shukaku, who grinned and showed him a peace sign in return."I'll explain later." He repeated, causing Shion to giggle and peck his lips.

A/N sorry for the late update, I had no fucking clue what to put on this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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