Sasuke leaves, Shion shows him the truth, and she gets claimed

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      ~Time skip two days~
      Five days have passed and I'm finally done with my period."Hey Cat, can you let me out? I'm back to normal now and I want to wake up my arms."I told the ANBU that was guarding me."I'm sorry, captain, but I can only let you out if Hokage-sama allows it." She said. I sighed and closed my eyes, then heard some people fighting outside the door. I heard Cat grunt in pain before she collapsed on the floor, then my door opened and I opened my eyes to see Itachi in front of me."I need your help, Shion." He said, and I narrowed my eyes cause he rarely asks for my help, he only did when it was really important and he can't do it himself."What happened?" I demanded."Sasuke left the village. He's going to join Orochimaru, and I'm afraid of what the snake might do to him. I want you to bring him back to the village for me, please Shion. I don't want anything happening to my brother." He explained looking in distress and like he might actually cry."Okay, I'll help. However, I need permission from you to do one thing." I said and he bent down to remove the straight jacket."What is it?" He asked."Let me tell Sasuke what happened on the day of the massacre."I said. He was about to protest, but I stopped him and explained."The only reason he wants to go to Orochimaru is because of the stupid revenge you drilled into him. If I tell him the truth, he won't leave and he won't be out for revenge anymore. You might even be able to come home."I told him. He looked conflicted as he finished unlocking my straight jacket, and as I removed it and stretched my limbs he finally sighed in defeat and nodded."Alright. We should probably get going. Ask your boss if you can retire and when I get back I'll ask Lady Tsunade if I can come pick you up."I said, then we both left the building. I made a shadow clone to tell Tsunade that I was going to get Sasuke then started following Sasuke's chakra trail out of the village. While I was running through the trees I saw some of my friends fighting off the Sound Four, and I noticed that the sand siblings were helping three of them. I made five shadow clones to help retrieve the injured and continued to head towards Sasuke. I ended up finding Sasuke walking away from an unconscious Naruto at the Valley of the End."Sasuke!" I called out. He turned looking absolutely exhausted but still managed to scowl at me." Get out of here, Shion. You're not going to change my mind about leaving." "I'm pretty sure I can and I will try my best to. Besides, if you won't listen then I can always force you to come back. I have more energy than you and I am stronger than you." He started backing away from me, and I flash stepped in front of him before he could run."It's time for you to know the truth, Sasuke."I said before putting him under a genjutsu. It showed him what happened in Itachi's point of view, and when it was done Sasuke was silently crying."That's why he killed my clan....? I-" He choked back a sob, and I hugged him and rubbed his back as he broke down."Come on Sasuke, let's head back. I have a little surprise that I still have to get you."I said softly. He looked at me confused but nodded anyway. We walked towards Naruto and Sasuke looked at him guiltily. Suddenly Kakashi jumped out of nowhere, and he looked at us shocked."You got him to stay?" He asked. I nodded and told him what happened as he picked up Naruto. As we were leaving, I felt my clones disappeared and I received the memories that they got. I sighed in relief that they got everyone back to the village safely, and we soon made it back to the village. We went to the hospital and Kakashi gave Naruto and Sasuke to the nurses before we went to get Tsunade. We found her, the sand siblings and Shikamaru at the ER (idk if it was called the ER or not). They all stood and looked at me expectantly, and I smiled."I convinced Sasuke to come back and him and Naruto are currently being healed." I told them. They all sighed in relief and Shikamaru came and hugged me."Thank you, Shion." He said. I chuckled and hugged back.
      "Shion, as for the request you asked me, I accept and you may leave when you're ready."Tsunade said. Everyone looked at us confused and Gaara walked towards me."What do you mean she's leaving? Where are you going?" He asked us while protectively taking my hand."It's alright Gaara-kun. I'm just going to bring a friend of mine back home to his brother."I said before kissing him. Temari cooed and Kankuro grinned while Tsunade, Shizune and Shikamaru just chuckled. I pulled away only for Gaara to wrap his arms around my waist and bring me back into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, making my heart flutter. When we pulled away, I had a cheeky and happy grin on my face while blushing while Gaara just smiled. He nuzzled his face on my neck and sighed before letting me go."Come back soon, okay?" He whispered to me. I giggled and nodded before leaving the village. When I was about a mile away from the village I summoned one of the ravens that me and Itachi use to contact each other and attached a note to its leg. It already knew its job and flew away to find Itachi. About ten minutes later, a branch snapped on my left and I quickly drew my katana while facing the sound. Itachi walked forward with his hands up in surrender, and I sighed and lowered my katana."Holy Jashin, Itachi. Don't do that."I scolded and he just chuckled."Did Pein let you go?" I asked. He nodded and smiled."Thank you, Shion." He said before hugging me. I chuckled at the deja vu and hugged him back before leading him to the village.
      When we arrived at the gates, everyone who knew Itachi personally were waiting for us, but in the front were Tsunade and Sasuke. We walked up to them and Itachi stopped in front of Sasuke smiling down at him. Sasuke's eyes were shadowed by his hair, and he raised a fist and punched Itachi softly on his stomach. He continued punching, making the hits harder the more he did it then eventually hugged Itachi and sobbed on his chest. Itachi hugged him back and started crying as well, and everyone started cheering for the reunited brothers. Soon they let go and smiled at each other, and Tsunade held out a new forehead protector for Itachi."Thank you, Hokage-sama, for letting me come back." He said while taking the forehead protector and replacing his old one."Of course. This is your home, but just to make sure you don't try and run off again, you and your brother will be under ANBU surveillance for a while." Tsunade said."Okay, that's fine. Thank you again, Hokage-sama." Itachi said, then we heard a yell in the distance."Teme!" Naruto yelled while punching Sasuke on the head, making him face plant and groan in pain as the two then started yelling at each other. We all just laughed, but it went silent when Sakura appeared next to Tsunade. She was in a combination of shock, happiness, sadness and anger as a few tears fell from her already blood shot and puffy eyes."Sasuke-kun?" She asked, not believing that he's actually here."Hi, Sakura." Sasuke said softly, looking guilty at her before looking down and expecting her to start hitting him and getting furious with him for leaving. Instead she just ran up to him,hugged him and started crying on his shoulder, and he hugged her back in complete shock. Me and Itachi chuckled before I felt arms wrap around my waist and someone hugging me from behind while nuzzling their face on my neck. I just smiled and placed my arms on Gaara's while leaning back on him, and Itachi looked at me questioningly. I just mouthed 'Later' to him and he nodded."Let's all head home, shall we?"Tsunade suggested, and we all yelled 'yeah' before heading to the direction of our homes. Gaara didn't move from his position as we walked towards my house, and he started kissing my neck softly causing me to blush and my heart to race."My siblings and I will be staying for a few days. Temari and Kankuro are staying at an inn, and I'll be staying with you." He whispered in my ear, making me shiver before he started kissing my neck again (almost lemon coming up). He teleported us to my room and he spun me around to face him before kissing me. He started making me walk backwards towards the bed and made me fall backwards onto it as he leaned down on me. Taking off his and my shirt, he started trailing down my neck trying to find my soft spot. When he touched it, my breath hitched and I clutched onto the blankets."Found it." He whispered while smirking before he started to bite and suck on it. I gasped and moaned as he continued this for a minute or so, then he suddenly bit down on my neck making it bleed. I gasped in pain as Shukaku took over and said,"Watashi wa anata o shuchō suru (I claim you)." I felt a small burning sensation where he bit me, and he started unlatching my bra. I stopped him by grabbing his arms and Gaara/ Shukaku looked at me in the eyes."Not yet. Let's wait until we're older please. I don't feel like I'm ready yet." I pleaded softly, and Gaara/ Shukaku relaxed and nodded. Shukaku gave Gaara control again and we put our shirts back on before he laid on the bed. I got up and started walking towards the door, and he sat back up looking at me."Where are you going?" He asked."I wanna see what you and Shukaku did to my neck." I said while looking back at him. He frowned confused by what I said and followed me to the bathroom mirror. I moved my hair to the side and we both gasped as we saw a black and white yin yang marking on me. The only thing that was strange about it was that instead of dots on it there was a love kanji on the white side and a death kanji on the black side. We looked at each other in shock and I didn't even know what to do.(The mark is the same as the cover pic)

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