New Me

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A/N I'm gonna have Shion change her look a bit
New hair,ANBU clothes

A/N I'm gonna have Shion change her look a bit New hair,ANBU clothes

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Normal and happy/calm

Normal and happy/calm

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Going to sleep

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Going to sleep

Yeah her eyes look weird in some of them but whatever

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Yeah her eyes look weird in some of them but whatever. Enjoy

I had a nightmare again. It was about all of the negative things that happened in my life. First my clan's death,then Orochimaru training and experimenting on me,people that I met that called me cruel things, and finally the sand siblings. It then changed to my mom and dad. I became so happy to see them, and I was able to cry on them and hug them."Stay strong,Shion. Don't let people bring you down."Mom said. I felt them leave my arms and when I looked up, I saw everyone I cared about except Orochimaru,Kabuto,the sand siblings and Naruto. I heard them whisper encouraging words to me without their mouths moving,then they all vanished. In their place,my dark side appeared with the voices surrounding her. At her feet were the sand siblings,Orochimaru, and Kabuto, and they were dead with blood surrounding them. Dark me grinned at me."Let me take over,Shion. I'll get rid of those who hurt us. I can kill them, and I'll protect you from any other harm."she persuaded. I closed my eyes,contemplating this,then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and turned to see Naruto smiling at me, and when I looked back I saw only Orochimaru and Kabuto."They didn't understand,Shion. Forgive the siblings,don't kill them for a misunderstanding."Naruto said."It wasn't a misunderstanding. I told them the truth and they called me a freak and demon."I frowned as I saw the siblings flicker in front of me."Then try to explain to them. I promise I'll be there to help you."he reasoned. I turned to look at him and saw Sasuke and Sakura behind him,all three of them smiling."We'll be there for you,Shion."they said. Suddenly,dark me started laughing. I turned to look at her and saw a scene where the Sound 4 was talking to Sasuke. It changed to Sasuke with a backpack and Sakura crying. Sasuke then flash stepped behind her and knocked her out. It changed to him being in some sort of carrier,then him and Naruto fighting with Sasuke in his matured curse mark form and Naruto in his first tailed beast stage. The last one is of Sasuke walking away from an unconscious Naruto and me in a straight jacket in a prison like room."All of this will happen if you don't let me take control. Accept me, and no one will leave and get hurt."Dark me whispered in my ear. I contemplated all of this as I covered my eyes with my hair and frowned.
".....No."I said."What?"Dark me growled."I won't let you take over. I don't need you to do things for me, and I won't let Sasuke leave. I'll protect him and everyone else I care about."I turned and glared at her as she snarled at me while the voices grew louder."Why you little-" "Shut up and leave me the fuck alone,you annoying prick."I growled as I unsheathed my suddenly appeared katana and stabbed her in the stomach."And take those stupid voices with you on your way out."I whispered in her ear. I took the katana out and everything disappeared.
My eyes slowly opened as I woke up, and I felt sort of numb from barely waking up. I looked around and saw that I was at the shrine inside the tower as team 7 were wondering what the scroll on the wall meant. I groaned as I got up and accidentally caught their attention."Shion,are you alright?"Sakura asked."Yeah,just a bit tired and sore."I said while smiling. I noticed Sasuke clutching his neck and cringing in pain, and frowned."Sasuke,how bad is it?"I asked. He just shook his head as Sakura figured out what the scroll means. Naruto and Sakura opened the heaven and earth scroll (sorry if I'm wrong I have no clue who did what) as me and Sasuke sat back to watch. There was a poof as everyone panicked, and (idfk) Iruka sensei appeared. He explained everything, and when he left,team 7 and I got up and headed towards the arena. On the way there,I walked next to Sasuke and whispered to him."Sasuke,how much does the curse mark hurt?"I asked."How do you know about this?"he asked then winced."The guy who bit you-Orochimaru-was my sensei. He also gave me a curse mark,too."I said as I showed him my curse mark on my shoulder blade. We were about to pass a bathroom and I stopped at the door."I need to do something really quick. Go on ahead,I'd rather be late myself than have you guys be disqualified."I said as they turned to look at me. They nodded and walked away as I entered the bathroom. I looked at my reflection on a mirror and saw everything that happened in my nightmare. I scowled and unsheathed my katana, and gathered my hair up. I put my katana under my hair,glared at my reflection,and chopped off some of my hair. It looks choppy now, and I gathered the front portion of my hair and cut it as well so I could have bangs. I looked at my reflection again and saw that my pupils were kinda wide,and I smiled at the new me. I sheathed my katana and walked out towards the arena.
When I got there,the Hokage was congratulating the survivors,but he looked a bit stressed."Before I say anymore,I would like to ask where the second proctor is. If any of you have seen her-" "Calm down,Gramps. I just had to do something really quick."I said as I walked up to him and the senseis."Shion-chan,your hair!"Naruto exclaimed. I smirked."What,Sakura can get a haircut but I can't?"I questioned. I saw Sakura smiling and I winked at her before standing in between gramps and Anko."Does Sasuke Uchiha have a curse mark?"she asked quietly. I nodded and she cursed under her breath."Don't worry,I promised that I would protect him. I won't let Orochimaru take him. Besides,I want to kill the damn snake for lying to me all these years."I scowled. She looked confused,so I just mouthed 'later' as the next proctor for the preliminaries finished talking and we went to a theater booth thing while the genin went to the bleachers as two stayed to fight. I gathered all of the leaf senseis,the proctors and the Hokage and told them everything that happened during the exams,except for my time with the siblings."What should we do? The snake wants Sasuke,and we're all going to be busy training our own students before the final part of the exams."Asuma said. I turned towards gramps and Kakashi."Lord Hokage,during the time between now and the final part of the exams,I would like Kakashi sensei and I to train Sasuke Uchiha."I suggested as Sasuke,Shino, and Kankuro finished their fight and Sakura and Ino both lose. Gramps closed his eyes and thought about it as he exhaled smoke."Very well. Instead of doing ANBU missions,you and Kakashi will train him during the month of preparation. In the final exam,you will guard me but you may go to Sasuke's side if something happens. The same goes for Naruto and Sakura."he decided."Thank you,Hokage-sama."I said while bowing."I'm going to go seal Sasuke's curse mark. Do you want to come with me,Shion?"Kakashi said. I nodded and we both left the room.
     We found Sasuke with Naruto and the other current winners, and as we were taking him to another room I saw Gaara looking at me and frowning. I looked away and didn't think about why he even cared to notice me. Kakashi,Sasuke and I went to a sealing room and Kakashi had Sasuke go down on his knees. I sat in front of him and held his hands."Sasuke,this might hurt a lot so I want you to focus on me and try to ignore the pain,okay?"I said to him. He nodded and tensed,having a scared look in his eyes as he waited for the pain to come. Kakashi quickly did the hand signs for the seal and placed his hands on Sasuke's curse mark. Sasuke screamed in pain and clutched my hands as the curse mark glowed a little before turning back to normal. He passed out from exhaustion and I caught him before he fell. I sighed and looked up at Kakashi as he gathered his and Sasuke's things,then had Sasuke piggyback ride me as we went to (idk) take him to the hospital.

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