Temporarily going our separate ways

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A/N ignore the pedo snake in the pic imagine Shion in his place
      ~time skip 1 day, third pov~
      Mostly everyone has recovered from yesterday's events, and three people were with three children talking to them about their plans. Shion Ketsueki was with Sasuke Uchiha along with Jiraiya and Naruto Uzumaki at their hospital room, while Sakura Haruno was with the fifth Hokage Tsunade. Shion was at Sasuke's side as they both looked at Naruto and Jiraiya who were by the window."Shion, are you and Sasuke ready to go?" Pervy Sage asked. The two bandaged boys looked at them as the girl nodded."Um, Pervy Sage, what are you and Shion-chan talking about?" Naruto asked the toad sannin."We have to report to Lady Tsunade for something that we believe you two as well as Sakura will accept." Shion explained. The two became curious and got up from their bed, wobbling at first while wearing their hospital gowns. Shion chuckled at the two boys and gave them some clothes before directing them to the bathroom to change. When she went back to Jiraiya's side, she noticed he was looking at her questioningly. She knew what he might have been thinking and sighed."Don't get any ideas. Those idiots are like the brothers I never had." She muttered and the toad sage nodded in response. Three minutes later, Sasuke and Naruto came out with their normal attire and Shion had them holding hands, Jiraiya taking her right while she used her left to do the teleportation jutsu. Inside the Hokage building, Tsunade and Sakura were waiting along with Itachi Uchiha, Shizune and Ton Ton. Sakura and Itachi were summoned by the Hokage for something that they didn't know about and were told to wait until Shion and Jiraiya have arrived with two others. A few minutes later, Shion and Jiraiya appeared in a puff of smoke with Naruto and Sasuke at their side."Good, everyone is here. Let's get started, shall we?" Tsunade said."Lady Tsunade, if I may, why are we here?" Sakura asked."We're getting to that, Sakura. Shion, would you like to explain for me? Jiraiya and I will join if you missed a detail." Shion nodded."All of you remember that Sasuke and Itachi were targeted by Orochimaru for their Sharingan, and that Sasuke was nearly in his clutches, correct? There is also some known information that the Akatsuki is after the tailed beasts. To help protect them and train them to be stronger, Jiraiya will be taking Naruto while Itachi and I will take Sasuke for three years to train. However, Itachi will come back with Sasuke once we see that his brother is strong enough. What I mean by this is that Itachi will help Sasuke strengthen his Sharingan, and we both will help with any flaws he has in his fighting style. When we are finished, Itachi will return with Sasuke and I will be transferred to Suna." She explained. The three genin yelled in disbelief that the girl would be leaving them, but were stopped when Tsunade held up her hand and motioned for her to continue."I will be leaving to be with Gaara. You all know how he's my mate, and when we are apart we put others and ourselves in danger. I'm also being transferred to help protect Gaara from the Akatsuki. I will keep in touch with Itachi to inform all of you of anything that happens so none of you have to worry." Shion said calmly, but her friends are still concerned no matter how much she tells them not to be.
      "As for Naruto, I will be training him to help him improve his skills as well along with the Rasengan. We were also informed by the hidden village of the clouds that there is a jinchūriki that can help Naruto's control on the Kyuubi." Jiraiya added."Um, not to be rude or anything, but what about me? I must be here for a reason besides finding out my friends are leaving." Sakura said frowning."That's where I come in. Sakura, we understand that when it comes to participating in fights and protecting others, you lack in it and you want to change that. Well, for the three years they will be gone, I will be training you myself in medical jutsu." Tsunade stated while her, Shion and Jiraiya smirked at the young kunoichi. All three of the genin were silently processing all of this, and Naruto was the first to react by cheering and glomping the toad sannin. Next to react was Sakura, who had to restrain herself from also glomping the Hokage as she grinned and bowed while thanking her. Finally for Sasuke, he also grinned and thanked his brother and friend, hugging them as Itachi poked his forehead and Shion ruffled his hair."Well, now that we're done explaining why don't we go pack before going to spend time with our friends and family one last time." Shion suggested, and they all exclaimed "Yeah!" before walking out the door to their homes.
      ~time skip~
      All of the rookie genin and Shikamaru, along with their senseis, were at the village gates to say goodbye to Sasuke, Naruto and Shion. Sasuke was standing in front of an embarrassed and sad Sakura as she stuttered while looking down. Sasuke then rolled his eyes, grabbed her chin, lifted her head up and softly kissed her before whispering to her to wait for him. He then walked away as Sakura nearly fainted and Ino yelled in outrage and disappointment that she wasn't kissed. Itachi just chuckled and smirked knowingly at his brother, causing Sasuke to blush with a small smile. As for Shion, she was whispering to Hinata in a corner, trying to convince her to tell Naruto about her feelings before they leave. Now having enough courage, Hinata walked up to Naruto, and while stuttering she confessed her feelings to him. Naruto, still being dense, needed an explanation from Jiraiya to understand what Hinata meant. Once he understood, the two genin were a blushing mess. Suddenly Naruto smiled at Hinata and took her hand, saying that he liked her too and also told her to wait for him to return to her. As he walked away with a teasing Jiraiya, Hinata finally passed out from embarrassment and happiness, causing her cousin Neji to carry her home. Finally, Sasuke and Naruto's sensei said goodbye to them, then turned away as he read Icha Icha Paradise. Shion got and irk mark and smacked him on the head for not saying a proper goodbye to them and not even saying anything to her. A few minutes after some yelling, whining and laughing, the two groups left the village with their friends and family waving behind them.
      After a couple of miles, the two groups stopped and turned to each other. Naruto and Sasuke smirked at each other and fist bumped, saying their usual rival stuff as Shion and Itachi said good luck to Jiraiya. After all the goodbyes, they both went different directions: Jiraiya and Naruto towards Kumogakure, and Shion, Itachi and Sasuke towards Suna. Jiraiya had his hand on Naruto's head as a way of restraining the ecstatic boy, and Itachi was just smiling as he watched Shion and Sasuke tease each other about their new lovers. The three genin (Sakura Sasuke and Naruto) looked up to the sun and raised a fist in the air, silently promising that the next time they see each other they will be stronger than ever.

A/N sorry it's so short and stuff, but the next chapter will be the start of Shippuden. Bye potatoes and enjoy the story, and if ur already on ur summer break then have a nice one. ✌🏽

O-O I was looking for Gaara x OC stories for inspiration and I found Shion's mom's name as a main characterJust wanted u guys to know that I did not steal this author's character, I honestly didn't even know about this

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O-O I was looking for Gaara x OC stories for inspiration and I found Shion's mom's name as a main character
Just wanted u guys to know that I did not steal this author's character, I honestly didn't even know about this.

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