The Sand's Betrayal part 1

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~time skip 1~
I didn't have anything else to help Sasuke on so I was able to go home. As I was walking home, however, I felt a disturbance in the force. Lol just kidding. I was walking past the hospital and felt something dangerous in there. I was so focused on trying to figure out what it was when I accidentally ran into Shikamaru."Oh, sorry Shika. Didn't mean to run into you."I apologized."Ugh, what a drag. Whatever, it happened and I don't care."he said boredly."Hi Shion-chan!"Naruto semi-yelled in my ear making it ring a little. I slightly cringed but smiled at him anyway."Hey, Naru. What are you guys doing?"I asked while trying to still figure out the feeling I was getting in the hospital."We were going to bring fruit to Choji's room and eat it in front of him. Apparently he hurt himself and can't eat anything solid, so we're going to tease him."Naruto snickered and Shikamaru nodded."Wanna join us-"They paused as they saw me stiffen with eyes wide.'I know what that feeling is.'I thought as I slowly turned to the hospital."Gaara....."I whispered before rushing into the hospital, Shikamaru and Naruto on my tail yelling at me to stop and asking what was wrong as I tried to locate Gaara. We ran past the receptionist and she shouted, saying that we needed to sign in before seeing the patients but I didn't care. I race past so many rooms and finally stopped, staring into an opened room that was slowly being filled with sand. In the bed was Lee, who was being covered by the sand, and next to the bed was Gaara."Gaara, stop!"I yelled. He faltered as Naruto and Shikamaru stopped next to me and gasped at the sight. They were about to attack,but I held my arm out and shook my head. I walked towards Gaara as he turned towards us, and he scowled at me as I frowned at him."Gaara, what are you doing?"I asked softly."Isn't it obvious? He was trying to kill Bushy Brows!"Naruto yelled before charging forward to punch Gaara. I quickly grabbed him and flipped him to the ground hard."Don't touch him."I snarled. Shikamaru looked at me shocked as Naruto groaned in pain. I turned back to Gaara who smirked at me and pulled me to his side. Feeling complete, I sighed in content and ignored the boys as they talked. Gaara told them about his life and why he wanted to kill Lee, and I frowned at his reason."Gaara, I'm pretty sure I still have some packs of blood left in my basement."I said. Before anyone said anything else, Guy appeared out of nowhere and said some stuff, then Gaara decided to leave. He let me go and walked away and I started to followed him, but Shikamaru grabbed my arm to stop me."Where are you going?"he asked narrowing his eyes at me."Let me go, Shikamaru."I demanded while trying to gently pull my arm away. His grip just got tighter and I hissed as I felt it hurting me, feeling like it might start bruising."Let her go."Gaara said as he reappeared at the door."She's letting my siblings and I stay at her home, and I'm sure she'd like to return there with me." Shikamaru and Naruto hesitated before agreeing and letting me go while Guy just grinned and told me to stay youthful.
We walked to the house in silence, and when we got home-to my disappointment-Temari and Kankuro were anxiously waiting in the living room. When they saw us, they hesitated at first before walking forward."Gaara, where were you?"Temari asked. Gaara ignored her and we walked towards the basement."Hey, listen when we talk to you!"Kankuro growled and went to grab him. I grabbed his wrist and he scowled at me."Leave him alone, he needs blood right now. So unless you want to be the one to donate, I suggest you back off before you get hurt."I warned."Shut up, you freak!"Kankuro yelled at me before going to punch me. Suddenly, everything stopped and all you could see and hear was trickling sand and a demonic growl. Kankuro was slowly being covered with sand starting at his feet, and Temari and I turned to see a pissed off Gaara, who had the eyes of Shukaku. Temari was frozen in fear and shock, and all I could think was 'He needs blood now'. I ran to the basement and quickly opened the door before I started running down the stairs. I dashed towards the fridge, slammed it open, grabbed a few packs of blood and slamming the fridge closed before sprinting up the stairs. When I got to the living room, though, I faltered when I heard Shukaku talking to Temari and Kankuro about my kekkai genkai and it's stages. When he was done he willingly went back into his seal leaving behind the shocked siblings. The sand came and grabbed the packs from me, drained the blood, and one part went to throw it away while the other turned into Shukaku's hand that pat my head in gratitude.
      We were all in silence until Temari came up to me and hugged me, crying on my shoulder."I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry, Shion. Please forgive me, I was so stupid and in denial-" "Temari."I interrupted her pleas. I hugged her back and rubbed her back."It's okay. I forgive you guys."I said, and she laughed happily while still crying."You're not upset with us?"Kankuro asked. I shook my head and smiled."It was a misunderstanding. I was never mad at you guys, I was just disappointed. Plus, I kinda had a dream about whether I should forgive you guys or not."I said while rubbing the back of my head. I told them about my dream (the one in the chapter 'New Me'), and afterward we were one happy group of roommates eating dinner together. Yeah it took a long time for the explanation to finish.
~time skip 2~
The month was finally over and it was time for the third and final part of the exams. Everyone in the village and all of the participants were in the arena,either seated in the bleachers or fighting in the arena itself. Naruto won his match against Neji, Gaara and Sasuke's match was postponed until the end because Kaka-baka was making him run late, Kankuro forfeited for some reason, and when it seemed like Shikamaru was going to win, he forfeited and Temari won. Everyone was anxiously waiting for Sasuke to show, and I was pacing and extremely furious with Kakashi while Kankuro and Temari were nervous because both me and Gaara were agitated because Sasuke was absent. At the last second when the proctor was going to announce Gaara the automatic winner, Sasuke and Kakashi appeared in a flurry of leafs. Everyone cheered as Naruto yelled at Sasuke and Kakashi for being late. Kakashi said some stuff to Sasuke as Gaara teleported to the arena before going up into the bleachers. I flash stepped to him and smacked him upside the head so hard he face planted onto the floor. Him whining and me yelling and scolding him about his tardiness, the last match started causing me to lean against the railing next to Naruto, me cheering for Gaara and him cheering for Sasuke.
Sasuke wasn't even touching Gaara and was getting hurt by the sand, and he soon latched onto the wall and activating..."Chidori."I breathed horrified. Sasuke ran down the wall and towards Gaara as Gaara put up a sand dome around him."Chidori!"Sasuke yelled as he smashed the chidori into the dome, half his arm going inside of it. It was silent until there was a yell that nearly made my heart stop."BLOOD! IT'S MY BLOOD!"Gaara screamed. Everything soon became a blur and all I remember are sounds of explosions and the clashes of shuriken and kunai. I saw feathers floating down in front of me, and I quickly did hand signs."Release!"I said as the genjutsu faded away. Kakashi ran to me and yelled some stuff to me, but all I heard was 'go after Sasuke and the sand siblings' while pointing to a hole in the wall. Naruto, Shikamaru, Sakura, Pakkun, Kakashi's summoning dog, and I ran to the hole and jumped to the trees, going to stop Sasuke and Gaara from killing each other.

A/N I made ice cream :P
Lmao I was looking for a good pic of Sasuke and Gaara's fight and I found that pic I put at the top and I was like 'Yas XD'

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