Tested And Assistance

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~a few days later~
Kakashi finally recovered but Naruto pushed himself too hard so he's staying in bed as the others went to protect the bridge. I was hiding in the trees with Haku and Zabuza as they made clones go after team 7. We watched Naruto save Tsunami from Gato's men and Kakashi and Sasuke fight the Zabuza and Haku clones."If they defeat Haku and damage me enough,then they're worthy of our help."Zabuza said to me. I nodded as we watched everything unfold. When Sasuke collapsed and Haku took the Chidori hit for Zabuza is when we decided to come out. The clones poofed away as we came through the trees and they turned towards us."Shion,what is the meaning of this?!"Kakashi demanded. Zabuza explained while I walked up to Sasuke and got to work on him. I carefully pulled out a senbon as Naruto and Sakura started yelling at me."Shut up,I'm going to heal him before Gato gets here."I said. I finished taking off all the senbons and used medical jutsu to heal Sasuke."Nnngh......."Sasuke groaned."Sasuke-kun!"Sakura exclaimed and glomped him. I quickly pulled her off and shoved her into a sitting position."What was that for,you bitch?!"she yelled."Shut the hell up Sakura. I'm the doctor here and you're injuring my patient more while I'm trying to heal him,so sit down and wait. You can glomp your precious Sasuke later."I said and continued healing Sasuke as he woke up and watched us argue.
By the time I was done,everyone called truce and Gato arrived with his men. Zabuza was called a traitor by him and Zabuza turned to me."Hey Death,you gonna help me take out these bastards?"he asked. I grinned sadistically and nodded,then flash stepped next to him with Gōmon no me activated. We both sprinted towards the enemy and killed them one by one so fast that all you could see is black and white from our clothes and red from the blood. Then we teamed up to kill Gato. Like old times,Zabuza attack head on and I had his back by blocking Gato's attacks then Zabuza quickly attacking him again. Gato was about to try to hit one of Zabuza's openings when I blocked like usual,but he managed to quickly stab my stomach and push me off the bridge. Everyone yelled my name and I saw Zabuza stab Gato in the heart in anger before I was surrounded by water. Soon,darkness surrounded me.
     When my eyes opened, I was in some completely dark cavern, and I was hearing the usual voices around me. They insulted me for getting injured and for some reason,I started crying because of it which I never do. I always brush off their harsh words and try to ignore them when they want to hurt a loved one,but it got to me this time. The voices grew louder, and I held my head with my hands and squeezed my eyes shut."Shut up! Leave me alone!"I yelled. The voices suddenly went silent and all you could hear were my cries."Who are you?"a boys voice asked. I looked up and saw a kid with red hair and sea-foam green eyes, and he had a gourd on his back. Suddenly there was a gate next to us and my eyes widened."You're a jinchūriki."I said. His eyes widened as well and a growl was heard in the gate. I looked through it and saw the one tailed beast."Shukaku."I breathed."A Ketsueki. It's been a long time since I've met one."he said. He then looked at the boy then at me and closed his eyes."Mate."was all he said before everything disappeared.
I gasped and coughed as I sat up with my eyes closed. After my coughing fit,I looked around and saw that I was at the shore of the beach near Tazuna's home. I looked down and wasn't exactly surprised to see that my wound healed. I then got up and ran to the house."Hello?!"I called out. Soon two small pairs of footsteps were heard and Haku and Inari appeared from the hallway. Their eyes widened and watered when they saw me."Shion?"they asked. I smirked and was soon on the ground after the boys glomped me and were sobbing on my shoulders."Come on guys you know I don't go down that easily."I teased."I tried telling them that but they wouldn't listen."Zabuza said as he also came around the corner. He then turned and yelled"Hey she's back!" Soon a couple more people came and before they could dog pile me as well,Zabuza grabbed Inari and Haku's collar and hanged them in the air so they wouldn't get crushed.
"Shion!"Naruto,Tazuna and Tsunami yelled while also crying on my already soaked clothes from the ocean while Kakashi,Sasuke and Sakura stood by and watched."Yeah yeah,it's good to see you too. Now get off,I'm still sore!"I yelled. They immediately got off and they all smiled at me,but I noticed Sakura's was a fake smile. I ignored it and turned to smirk at Zabuza and Haku."So,you guys are gonna be living here now or you coming with us to be leaf ninjas?"I asked. They shook their heads."We decided to live here and help protect the village. Tazuna is letting us live here in the two extra rooms."Zabuza said."That's good. I'm glad you found a good place you can call home."I said while smiling."I want to go home now. I want some more missions. Don't you,Sasuke-kun?"Sakura complained, and Sasuke just 'hn'ed."Yeah,we probably should get going. We have our own village to get back to protect as well."Kakashi said. Soon with all of our stuff,we were at the 'Great Naruto Bridge' and saying goodbye to everyone including the villagers. Inari and Haku were clinging onto me and Naruto crying, and Naruto was holding Inari while crying while I was normal but internally sad holding the crying Haku."We'll miss you Nīsan/Onēsan!"they cried. Zabuza sighed annoyed and grabbed them by their collars again,and kissed my head goodbye before we started walking off."You better not die Shion,or I'll bring you back to life and kick your ass!"he yelled."Same to you,Zabuza!"I yelled back while raising my hand and waved.
Once home,I sighed exhausted,but groaned when there was a tap on my window. I looked and saw one of the ANBU members there,so I got up and opened the window."What is it,Fox?"I asked while calling him by his code name."The Hokage wishes to see you immediately in his office."he reported. I nodded and took off my sweater then put back on all of my equipment and my mask,thinking it was another assassination mission. I arrived with my mask on and bowed."Yes Lord Hokage?"I asked."You have been doing an excellent job during your missions,so I have decided to make you ANBU Captain since the last one retired from an injury."he said."Arigato,Hokage-sama."I said still in my bowing position,then stood up straight."One more thing before you leave. There will be Sand ninja who are children of the Kazekage coming for the upcoming Chūnin exams. I want you to be their host and let them live under your roof until the end of the exams as well as escorting them around the village since they aren't familiar with it. Understood,Death?"he said,calling me by my code/bingo book name. I nodded."Good. They will be arriving today, and might have already since its now the afternoon. You're dismissed."he said, and I quickly left to find them.

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