No Trust

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It has already been four months and today was the graduation test. They asked me to do three or more shadow clones, and I made six. But they said that I failed, and I became outraged."We mean what we said. You fail."one of the random and smart ass senseis said."Elaborate."I growled."We believe that you somehow cheated to create these clones,so we decided that you have failed for cheating."the other random sensei who was snooty af explained with a smirk on his face."Now leave,we have to test other students now."he said."No,this is bull shit! I didn't fucking cheat,you two are just a bunch of dipshits that are too arrogant to pass me! You're all-" "Shion!"I growled,snarled and struggled as Naruto pulled me out of the room before I activated Gōmon no me. He hugged me and rubbed my back soothingly outside the classroom until I calmed down. Sasuke came out and looked at us."What happened to you?"he asked,but it sounded more like a statement or demand. I growled as I remembered what happened and Naruto glared at Sasuke."Shut up,teme! I just calmed her down and now you're gonna piss her off again!"he yelled. Sasuke grabbed Naruto by his collar,forcing him to let me go."What did you say to me,Dobe?"Sasuke asked lowly. I walked up to them as lightning was shot between their eyes as they glared at each other."Bakas."I said monotonously as I hit them both on their heads,causing them to head butt each other.
     "Hey! Don't hit my Sasuke-kun like that!"some fangirl said. Naruto gasped and looked panicked."Sakura-chan,don't-!" Before he could finish,Sakura pulled on my hair hard and made me fall on my back. I wasn't even in pain,I've learned to grow numb to it over the years. I blinked and immediately I was in her face with Gōmon no me activated and was snarling at her. Before I could say anything,Sasuke had his hand over my mouth and I was pulled back into Naruto's embrace, my back against his chest. Sasuke and I glared at Sakura,and the girl immediately backed down for the Uchiha. Since my mouth was covered,Sasuke told her what I wanted to as I deactivated Gōmon no me."Sakura,if you care for your life and don't want an early death,I suggest to never do that again."Sasuke said monotonously. Sakura paled and quickly nodded before running off.
     Naruto let me go and checked on me before going to do the test. I poked Sasuke's head the same way Itachi did when he was younger as a goodbye,then left home not caring if I wasn't supposed to leave yet. As I was walking home,a drunk man in his thirties came to me and tried seducing me. I grinned evilly and led him to my house,then basement. You see,I finally finished setting up my torture chamber yesterday without anyone knowing,and I decided to use it on this man. When we got inside the dark room,I immediately knocked him unconscious and chained him to the back of the rooms wall. I didn't feel like using my kekkai genkai this time,so I went up to my desk that held my many torture equipment and grabbed my carving knife. I then went back to the man and used a jutsu that Orochimaru sensei taught me. I looked into the mans memories to see if he was of any importance,and when I saw that he wasn't,I grinned. Soon the man woke up after I had locked everything to my house and the basement and I turned the light on.
     I giggled seductively."Do you want me now,Ai?"I cooed. The man tried screaming and pulling on the chains, and I just laughed."Oh sweetie. If I don't get to be a genin,or even an ANBU........"I went up to his ear and put the knife at the side of his face."Then you don't get to live."I whispered. The man started screaming and crying louder as I carved lines into his skin. I soon got bored of that and unchained the man. I dragged him to the surgery table that I stole somehow and strapped his upper and lower body. He tried escaping during this,so I stabbed his leg and shivered in pleasure as I heard his blood curdling scream."Scream all you want,Ai. I made this room soundproof so no one can hear my victims pain."I said in his ear. I then pulled out the knife and replaced it with a scalpel. I tapped it on my chin as I closed my eyes in thought."Now,which organ should I take from you to slowly kill you more....?"I pondered. I then smiled as I opened my eyes and snap my fingers in realization."I know! I'll take your kidneys!"I exclaimed happily. The man paled and struggled more as I put my scalpel against his stomach. I glared and activated Gōmon no me.
     "Spinal paralysis."I said as I looked at the mans eyes. The man became completely still,but I did this so he could not struggle but still feel the pain. I smiled and slowly sliced him open, and he closed his eyes and screamed through his closed teeth from him not being able to move his jaw. I sang with the pleased voices one of my many favorite songs,Heathens by Twenty One Pilots.

     By the time I said "welcome" in the beginning of the song,I had taken out both of the mans kidneys. He'll be dead in about ten minutes. I was so lost in the pleasure of killing and my insanity that I didn't notice Sasuke standing at the now unlocked door with Naruto next to him."Why'd you come,you knew you should have stayed." I slowly walked towards them and stopped their blood flow so they couldn't escape."I tried to warn you just to stay away."I dropped the scalpel and grabbed them both by the neck."And now they're outside ready to bust."The voices are loud again and are screaming at me to kill them."It looks like you might be one of us."I finished singing as I put them both under a genjutsu. I chained them both to the walls and was about to turn to go lock everything again when I was hit in the head and fell unconscious.
~Itachi's pov~
     I let Shion drop to the ground and walked towards the jinchūriki and my brother. I unchained them and released them from the genjutsu, and carried them home while they were still unconscious.
~Shion's pov~
     I woke up and stood,then slowly left to get containers for the kidneys and packs for the blood. When I came back I sealed the kidneys and used one of my clan jutsus to control the blood (lol blood bending). I motioned the blood into the packs with my hand movements,then sealed them as well. I then went to my fridge/freezer that I installed in here and put the kidneys and blood packs in the fridge to preserve until needed. I cleaned everything up and disposed of the body,then took a shower to remove the blood and went to meditate in my room. The next day,I went to the academy with no emotion shown to anyone,but on the inside I feared that my friendship with Naruto and Sasuke would end because of what they saw.
     When I got inside,everyone became quiet and went to their seats. Naruto and Sasuke didn't speak or even looked at me as I sat near them,and my hair shadowed my eyes so they couldn't see the pain,sadness and shame in them. I then felt angry with myself for even letting them past my walls when I knew from the start that it wouldn't last. At the end of the day as I walked home,Sasuke quickly ran past me and locked his house and I knew he was trying to avoid me. I was then stopped by two ANBUs."Shion Ketsueki,we were ordered by the Hokage to keep you under surveillance." The left man said."For what reason?"I asked monotonously,already knowing why since Sasuke kinda hinted it."The Hokage was informed by Sasuke Uchiha that you tortured and killed a man yesterday,so the Hokage ordered us to watch your every move so no one else dies."the right man said. I glanced at Sasuke's window and saw him peeking through before shutting the curtains. I sighed and nodded,going into my house. Once inside,I locked my bedroom door and window, and closed the curtains so I could be in darkness. I then went to the corner of my room and slid to the ground silently crying. I heard a hiss and looked to see a white and green snake by my feet. It slithered onto me and loosely wrapped around my neck,comforting me as I cried harder."Thank you sensei......"I whispered while sniffing.

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