Finding Tsunade and a different kind of period

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      ~Shion's pov~
      Gaara was three days away and I felt drained without him. Lately I don't feel or comprehend anything around me, but today I feel strange. Something is happening to me that I thought I wouldn't experience again. The voices were back, and were whispering in the back of my mind as my dark side was saying that it was almost time. I don't know what she meant, and I tried getting her to talk while also calling her my dark side, but she got irritated saying that she was called Kirā. I suddenly remembered something that happened to my mother when I was younger.
Flashback to 5 year old Shion
      I was in the kitchen sitting on a stool as mommy was washing the dishes. Suddenly she froze and dropped the plate she was scrubbing, then turned and started walking towards the door with a small creepy smile on her face."Mommy? Are you okay?"I asked slowly and cautiously. She didn't respond, just turned and grinned sadistically at me with Gōmon no me activated. My eyes widened as she continued to leave, and as she was going to open the door, it opened and a stranger came in with a katana. Mom just chuckled darkly before taking his weapon and sliced his throat. The man made a gurgling sound as he fell to the ground with wide eyes. Mom laughed like a psycho as she continuously stabbed the man. The whole time I was just watching in curiosity, not knowing what was happening and thinking that this is normal. Soon daddy came in the room and saw what mom was doing."Shiori?" He called out (Shiori is Shion's mom, everyone in the clan has first names that start with 'Shi'). Mom turned and smiled lovingly at daddy, dropped the katana and went to dad with blood on most of her body."Shiharu." She said before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. Dad started kissing back but pulled away frowning at her."You're on your period, aren't you?" He asked and she just giggled. I leaned my head to the side confused."What's a period?" I asked. Daddy turned towards me with wide eyes, looking back and forth between me and the man who was bleeding on the floor."How much did you see?" He asked."All of it. Am I in trouble?" I asked worried. He just sighed before taking mom to the special room that we had and putting a weird shirt on her before coming out and locking the door behind him. He then turned to me and started explaining what a period was, the effects that girls have when they're on it and how it's different from a normal person's. Apparently Ketsueki women don't bleed from their bottom parts but instead lose their sanity and want to kill anyone around them, but they don't kill a loved one and they become even more attached to their mate.
Present time
      My eyes were wide as I realized what was happening to me, and I quickly got up and wrote all of this information down on a torn piece of paper before opening my door, taping it to the front and locking myself in my room. I put any sharp objects away in any drawer or box that could be locked, then started pacing around my room. I suddenly froze, losing all control of my body as I heard my dark side say "It's time."
      ~third person pov~
      Naruto and Jiraiya left Konoha a few days ago to find Tsunade, and only now finding a good lead on her location. During this whole time, Jiraiya had Naruto practice learning how to do Rasengan, a jutsu that was made by Jiraiya's student and Naruto's father, Minato Namikaze the fourth Hokage. Jiraiya had Naruto try to learn this jutsu as a way to make him stronger and to distract him from worrying about Shion Ketsueki. He himself was worried about the girl as well for when him and Tsunade met her, he became like an uncle to her while Tsunade was her mother figure. As for Orochimaru at that time, Shion saw him as a father to her, and the snake sannin used this to manipulate the girl even further for his own use. Hoping that the girl will listen to both him and Tsunade, Jiraiya led Naruto into a nearby town and left him to find them an inn as he went to chase after a woman.
      Naruto furious with his perverted sensei begrudgingly left to do as told. When finding one and paying for the room, he went and started practicing on creating his own rasengan. A couple of minutes later, there was a knock on the door. When Naruto opened it, he found a tall man with the Sharingan and noticed he looked like Sasuke. The man was wearing a straw hat and a black cloak with red clouds on it. He asked if he was Naruto Uzumaki, and when confirmed that he was, he politely asked for him to come with him and his partner. Naruto barely even noticed the other man outside the door, and saw that he was taller than the ravenette and looked like a combination of a man and a shark. Naruto backed away from the men afraid of what they wanted with him, and when the human shark suggested to the other man now known as Itachi Uchiha that they could cut off Naruto's leg to keep him from running, it didn't exactly help the boy's mood. Before the Akatsuki members could grab the blonde jinchūriki, they stopped and turned when Sasuke Uchiha called out angrily to his older brother. Soon the two siblings started fighting, Naruto getting his chakra sapped by Kisame the human shark's sword when he tried to help Sasuke, and Jiraiya soon appearing with an unconscious woman with him as Sasuke fell under Itachi's genjutsu. The toad sannin went to both protect the boys and stop the men as he did a jutsu, causing the hallway to become the inside of a toad's stomach. Itachi and Kisame escaped by using Itachi's Amaterasu, and after Guy hit Jiraiya, he said that he'd take Sasuke back to Konoha, but he had to give them something first."Asuma found this taped on Shion's door."Guy said, handing the toad sannin the note that informed its reader what's happening to her and for them to either not enter her room or to get Gaara."What does she mean by 'not enter her room'?"Naruto asked."She locked herself in. Asuma tried unlocking it, but she ended up putting a barrier seal on every entrance and exit in that room. No one can get in, and she's making sure that she can't get out."Guy explained frowning."If I had time, I would go and remove the seals myself, but we need to get Tsunade first. Have you contacted the kid yet?"Jiraiya asked."We sent a messenger hawk to Suna,but we haven't received a message back yet."Guy answered. Soon, Guy left with Sasuke and Jiraiya and Naruto continued to search for Tsunade.
      A day or so later, the two found Tsunade at a pub drinking with a woman named Shizune who was holding a pig named Ton Ton. Jiraiya explained what's happening in Konoha and asked Tsunade to come back with them to help with the injured shinobi and to become the next Hokage. She declined, however, saying that she was no longer a medical ninja and that she had other things to do. Naruto became outraged and offended when she declined, and the two soon decided to fight each other. After the match, Tsunade said that once Naruto has mastered his rasengan, she will ( I can't remember what actually happened) go back with them to the hidden leaf. About a day or two later, they get into a fight with Orochimaru and Kabuto, and Naruto was surprised to find Kabuto working for the snake sannin. Later the battle ended, Naruto mastered his rasengan, Tsunade got over her hemophobia (fear of blood) and healed the ones that were injured, and when Naruto and Tsunade did a rematch, Tsunade kissed the boy on the head and gave him her necklace before they headed to Konoha. Once there, Tsunade healed Sasuke and Kakashi, who was injured when fighting Itachi and Kisame. Jiraiya and Tsunade then went to Shion Ketsueki's house with some ANBU to protect the new Hokage. Tsunade knocked on the girl's bedroom door, causing the girl to look up from her seat at the corner of the room."Shion? It's me, Tsunade. I'm here with Jiraiya, is it alright if we come in?" The woman asked softly."Unless you want me to kill you, I'd suggest you leave. I will come out when this is over."Shion gritted through her teeth, trying to keep control of her body so her dark side doesn't hurt anyone. Tsunade sighed and nodded at Jiraiya, who then started hand signs and undid the seals on the door. When they slammed the door open, Shion became startled and lost concentration, and her dark side tried attacking the sannins and ANBU."Put her in a straight jacket!"Tsunade ordered. The ANBU held down the girl and forced her into the straight jacket as she struggled to be released."Let go of me! I'll kill you all!"Kirā, Shion's dark side, growled."Take her to a safe room in the Hokage building so I can keep an eye on her."Tsunade said, and the ANBU took the girl to a room with cushioned walls, floor and ceiling, completely white and the door made of steel with a small barred window. Tsunade sighed and rubbed her face, feeling absolutely terrible about what's happening to Shion."I'll have Ibiki talk to her, try to get her to tell us what's happening and what we can do."she said. Jiraiya nodded and they both went to the Hokage office to get her situated, Shizune and Ton Ton already waiting for them in the room.

A/N I can't sleep. It's currently 1:13 am and I'm not even tired. Idk what to do about this stupid thing but keep your fingers crossed that I'll be able to sleep normally again. Goodnight or good morning peeps.

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