More Misunderstandings And Almost Dead

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I turned and saw Gaara silently fuming as the doctors and nurses quickly left the room."Gaara, you've got the wrong idea-" "I don't need to hear your excuses." He interrupted my explanation and scowled at me. I felt Shioto hug me from behind and I turned to see him glaring at Gaara. The two boys had a glaring contest, and soon Gaara sent sand to retrieve me. Shioto growled and held me tighter as the sand started tugging me."Leave her alone. She's staying with me." He said lowly. Gaara turned to look at me and I'm assuming he didn't like my expression cause he teleported away by sand. I sighed and Shioto turned me around, making me face his serious expression." Shion, I want you to stay away from that guy. I sensed something dangerous within him, and I don't want you getting hurt." He said. I narrowed my eyes at him and frowned." I can't do that, Nīsan." I said."And why not?" He demanded."Because he's my mate!" I growled. His eyes widened then narrowed, his expression showing disbelief. I huffed and showed him my mark, and his eyes widened again as he gaped at it. He looked at me then at my mark then back again before he tried sputtering out words. I sighed and hugged him."I forgive you for trying to be a protective brother. I need to go talk to Gaara though so I can try and convince him that you're my twin and if you can become a citizen." I said before letting go and leaving to the Kazekage office. When I got to the door, I knocked and heard Gaara grumble for me to enter. I went inside and Gaara immediately scowled when he saw that it was me."What do you want?" He muttered."Can I explain to you what happened?" I asked."No, there's no need." He said."But-" "Enough. You are relieved of guard duty until further notice. You're dismissed." He interrupted me then started working again. My chest hurt as I watched him, then turned and left the room. I walked around Suna for awhile before I heard a guy shouting my name. I turned and was lifted into a hug, and I heard someone laugh."Shion, how's it going?" My friend Hiroyuki Hikari asked while grinning at me as he put me down. I smiled a bit at his enthusiasm and happiness."Nothing, just walking around." I replied."What happened?" Another voice demanded. I looked behind Hiroyuki and saw his boyfriend Kashuyoru. Kashuyoru was also an ANBU member and has been dating Hiroyuki for six months now. Also, the two are polar opposites: Hiro is positive and sometimes clueless while Yoru is negative and aware of mostly everything."Nothing happened." I mumbled while turning away. I heard him mutter something and turned to see his usual brown eyes pink."You're lying and you're emotionally hurting. I'll ask again, what happened?" He demanded, more force in his voice than usual. I shivered slightly at the sensation he was giving me. You see, Kashuyoru's clan is the Kanjō clan, and they have a kekkai genkai where their eyes turn pink when activated and they can see emotions. They can also 'charm speak' people into doing what they want ( HoO ability)."I found my long lost twin brother, and when Gaara found me with him he got the wrong idea and didn't let me explain." I mumbled in a trance, then glared at him when I snapped out of it. Yoru deactivated his kekkai genkai, Maryoku, and stared blankly at me."Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" He asked dully. I grumbled some curse words towards him under my breath, then sighed."Hey, wait! You have a brother?! Can we meet him?!" Hiro asked while bouncing in excitement. I nodded and led them to Shioto's hospital room as he cheered.
When we arrived, however, we found my brother running down the hall towards the exit, wearing only his hospital gown and his katana in hand as he ran away from the doctors, nurses and security. He saw me and immediately ran behind me, and I looked behind me while deadpanning as I saw Yoru covering Hiro's eyes while looking away. I realized something and became furious as I smacked Shioto's head."What the hell are you doing?! You're running around with only a gown on and the back side is open! And you're supposed to be in bed healing!" I yelled at him as he whined and rubbed his head." Imōto, you know we heal fast and I'm already done healing! And I don't know where my clothes are so I was trying to find you to see if you had them!" He explained. I face palmed and sighed while shooing away the hospital workers."Nīsan, whether or not you are fully healed, you have to stay in the hospital until you are released, which I will do in a moment. As for your clothes, we have to buy you new ones since yours were filthy and practically destroyed." I said slowly as I pinched the bridge of my nose. His eyes widened in realization and he made an o shape with his mouth. I sighed and led the boys to Shioto's hospital room. Shioto went back to his bed and sat down as Yoru and Hiro stayed standing."Wow, you two really are alike. The comparison is incredible." Hiro said as he looked at me and Shioto with wide eyes. I giggled and was about to say something when I heard Gaara's voice."So, you're being a slut and seeing other men?" He said monotonously. My eyes widened as I turned to see him expressionless and arms crossed by the door."You're not worth my time anymore. Don't return to me or be in my presence ever again." He said then turned and left. Everything was completely silent and I felt my heart shuddering. 5%. My eyes were shadowed by my hair as I felt my brother and friends eyes on me."Shion-" Hiro started, but I didn't hear him as I used the teleportation jutsu. I appeared in an empty and dark area of Suna, and fell to my knees as I started sobbing. Suddenly I started coughing, and when I calmed down slightly I looked and saw that I was coughing up blood. I continued crying as I coughed up more and more blood, my heart skipping so many beats and my body erupting in pain. This continued for almost ten minutes before I heard a muffled yell. I was then embraced by someone, and looked to see Shioto with a panicked and terrified look on his face.'Love....... I have my brother to love and cherish..........' I thought as I felt the pain leave and my heart beat go back to normal."Shion, are you alright?" Shioto asked concerned. I looked sadly at him."I wanted Gaara to stay by my side....... I guess that wish was just a dream......" I whispered to him as a few more tears fell. He sighed and hugged me before kissing my head."Fuck that asshole. I don't care if he's the Kazekage, no one hurts my sister." He grumbled."But in his place, I'll be by your side no matter what." He added softly. I smiled and laughed, then clutched onto him as I started crying all over again on his shoulder. He was cooing at me, trying to calm me down, and eventually I did."Nīsan?" I whispered. He hummed in response as he rubbed my back."Can we sing something?" He looked at me strangely when I said this."Mom named us sound and note for whatever reason, nīsan. Maybe it's because we're supposed to be the musical ones in the family." I explained. Shioto chuckled at my theory and nodded, and I started off the song duet. ( song:die of a broken heart by Carolyn Dawn Johnson)

After we finished the song, we both smiled at each other but jumped when we heard Hiro cheering for us."That was awesome! You guys are amazing!" He exclaimed and Yoru nodded in agreement. I blushed but faltered when I noticed Shioto still wearing his hospital gown. I gained an irk mark as Hiro also noticed then he got a massive nose bleed and passed out. Yoru sighed deeply as he caught him, then told us to follow him back to his and Hiro's house. We started walking away and Yoru was telling Shioto that he can borrow some of his clothes until they go shopping tomorrow, and Shioto nodded and blushed embarrassed. I giggled at him and he smiled at me and took my hand, walking together as reunited siblings.

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