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Columbus, Ohio
Sunday, January 14, 2005
9:15 a.m

Tyler walked down the stairs with a tired yawn. He could smell his moms famous pancakes from the kitchen and smiled brightly. He ran to the delicious smell, where the rest of his family was situated at the table.

Tyler gave a small wave, "Hey guys."

Zach rolled his eyes, "About time you woke up." Tyler gently shoved Zach and took a seat next to Madison. He placed three pancakes on his plate and drowned it in syrup.

Madison made a sound of disgust, "You don't need that much syrup, Tyler!"

Tyler threw his hands up, "Jesus Christ! Does everyone have to criticize me?" Everyone went silent.

Luckily, Kelly broke the awkward silence, "So, Tyler, how is the semester going?"

Tyler shrugged with a muttered answer, "Fine, I guess."

Madison scoffed, "Ya right. I saw your report card, your failing science."

Tyler glared at Madison and shoved a pancake in her mouth, "Shove it!"

Chris slammed his forks onto the table, "Tyler Robert Jospeh, you better bring those grades up or else you won't be able to play in next weeks match."

Tyler played with his half eaten pancakes, "Like I care."

Chris raised an eyebrow, "What was that?"

Tyler glared at his father, "Go ahead, have them keep me from playing. I'm not the one who asked to be on the fucking team."

Kelly gasped, "Tyler! Your language." Tyler abruptly stood up, almost knocking over the chair. Tyler looked over at the end of the table, where jay was staring at him in shock.

He suddenly felt guilty. He hated acting up in front of Jay, because Jay looked up to him. Tyler didn't want to disappoint him.

He looked at the door, "I'm going for a walk." Tyler grabbed his jacket and slid it on before heading out the door.

The ground was covered in snow. Tyler focused on the crunching sound his shoes made. He heard an extra pair of footsteps that didn't belong to him. Suddenly,

Jay came to his side, "Hi."

Tyler kept his gaze to the ground, "Go home, Jay."

Jay ignored his older brothers command, "I wanna walk with you."

Tyler smiled kindly and wrapped an arm around the younger boys shoulder, "Ok, fine."

The two brother walked down the sidewalk until they reached the park. They sat down on the bench that they claimed as theirs. They would often come here together. Out of all the siblings, Tyler and Jay were the closest. They never got in fights and they stuck up for each other. Jay carelessly kicked his feet. Tyler looked up at the sky and watched the clouds drift across.

Jay smiled at his brother. Tyler was his idol. He looked up to Tyler and he wanted to be just like him. Tyler was his hero. Tyler looked down at Jay and smiled, "What?"

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