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Thursday, December 12, 2005
9:17 a.m.

Josh paced around the room as he bit his finger nails out of nervous habit. He didn't want this to happen, really. But he couldn't help it. He had a dream the night prior that him and Tyler were a couple.

Josh had a crush on Tyler. It didn't bother him that the fact he liked Tyler. Sure, Tyler was gay, but he would never like Josh. Not today, not ever.

Josh groaned and sat on his bed. There was a knock at the door and josh rolled his eyes, "Yes?"

The door opened and Laura stepped in, "So, have you been thinking about what you've done?"

Josh snorted and shook his head, "No."

Laura raised her eyebrows, "Then what have you been thinking about?"

Josh sighed and shook is head again, "Nothing." Laura walked further into the room and sat next to Josh.

She placed a hand on his knee and looked at him, "Josh, I may be pissed at you for getting suspended, but I still wanna know what's going on when something's bothering you."

Josh looked at his mom before looking at his lap, "It's just...I like someone. But I know they'll never like me back."

Laura tilted her head, "How do you know they won't like you back." Josh opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't come up with a believable reason. Laura smiled, "Exactly, so I say you go for it and ask this person out."

Josh nodded with a smile, "Ok, Mom."

It was quiet a few moments before Laura spoke up again, "Sooo, who is it?" Josh groaned and his face turned red. Laura chuckled and grinned, "Oh, come on, Josh, tell me. I wanna know who my son likes."

Josh hid his face in his hands, "Tyler."

Laura gasped and her eyes lit up, "Oh, Josh! Tyler is such a wonderful boy!"  Josh felt his face grow even more red. Laura sighed happily, "Okay, now, time for you to serve your punishment."


4:01 p.m.

Josh was in he middle of vacuuming the living room when he heard a knock at the door. He turned the vacuum off and jogged to the door. He didn't really expect anyone coming over.

His mom just left for work a few minutes ago. Stupid night shift. Josh opened the door revealing a beautiful Tyler. It took everything inside of Josh for him not to blush. And luckily, he didn't.

He smiled and hugged Tyler, "Hey, Tyler."

Tyler hugged him back, "Hey, Josh. Is this a bad time?"

Josh looked over his shoulder and shrugged, "I was just getting started on the likes of chores I have to do."

The two laughed and Tyler shrugged, "I could help you, if you want?"

"Sure, if you want to."

Tyler answered Josh by walking into the house. He politely took off his shoes and looked around, "So, what all chores do you need to do?" Josh handed him a full page of chores. Tyler's eyes widened just looking at it, "Punishment?"

Josh nodded, "Punishment."

Tyler rolled his eyes with a chuckle, "Oh dear. Let's get started." Tyler ran to the radio and put it on the first channel that came on. He turned it to full volume so it could be heard throughout the house.

Luckily Josh's siblings were all out somewhere with their friends. Tyler grabbed the mop and smiled at josh, "I'll mop if you wipe the counters."

Josh held up a thumb, "Sounds good." Josh Watered down and cloth and began wiping down the counters. He heard the splashing form the mop bucket as Tyler began to mop.

Josh turned his head to see Tyler swaying his hips in rhythm of the music. Josh couldn't help the sudden flutter inside his chest. He heard Tyler singing along to the music and it was like an angel straight from heaven.

Josh forced his gaze away from Tyler and continued to clean the counters. Once he was done with that, he moved onto dusting the small decorations in the living room. Tyler went to the bathroom to clean the toilet and tub.

Josh was thankful for that, for it made him sick to his stomach when it came to cleaning he bathroom.

The chores went on till it was nine at night. Jordan came home around that time and looked at the two weirdly, "What are you guys doings?"

Josh shrugged, "We just got done cleaning the house." Tyler nodded in agreement and Jordan looked around.

He smiled, "Good job. Oh, ya, Ashley and Abby are at theirs friends. And dad should be home any minute now."

Josh nodded, "Ok."

Jordan walked away to the living room and Tyler turned to Josh, "I should probably head home."

"Ok. Thanks for helping me clean today, Tyler. It means a lot."

Tyler hugged Josh and Josh felt a faint blush spread across his face, "No problem. It was fun."

Tyler began walking to the front door when Josh stopped him, "Um, Tyler? I was wondering if I could get your number. You know, so we can talk whenever?"

Tyler nodded and pulled out his phone. He handed it to Josh and Tyler took His phone. They put their numbers in each other's phones and gave them back. Tyler smiled with a small wave, "Bye, Josh."

Josh waved back, "Bye."

Tyler walked back to his house and frowned when he walked in. His parents were yelling at each other in the kitchen. Tyler ran to his bedroom to avoid them. Tyler hated it when his parents fought. He hated it, because he knew it was about him.

Tyler walked into his room to find jay sleeping in his bed. Tyler knew jay was sleeping in here because of their parents. Tyler wished he could've came home earlier to comfort Jay.

He slowly walked up to the bed and crawled in with Jay. Jay turned around and curled up against Tyler. He mumbled in a sleepy voice, "Hi, Tyty."

Tyler ran his fingers through Jay's hair, "Hey, little buddy. Close your eyes again. It's late." Jay obeyed and closed his eyes. He let out a small yawn and buried his face into Tyler's chest. It was hard to believe that Jay didn't actually love him, but Blurry is right. Blurry is always right.

Or at least that's how Tyler saw it.

Here you are all you lovely people. Some joshler action is finally gonna happen soon. Sorry bout that twelve chapter wait. Well, that was that. Hope you enjoyed!!!

Q: would you rather live in the city or the beach???

A: um....a city on the beach

I think you know what I'm gonna say next....

Vote! Comment! And watch out for the next update!!!

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