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Monday, January 13, 2006
6:00 a.m

Tyler's alarm went off and he let out a groan. He rolled over to turn it off, but his door opened. It was Kelly. She smiled and spoke in a whisper, "Hey, honey. School got canceled today, you can go back to bed."

Tyler let out a yawn and shrugged, "Eh, I'm already awake."

Kelly smiled and shook her head, "Alright. You wanna help me with breakfast then?"

Tyler nodded and slid out of his comfy bed. He headed downstairs with his mom and watched her pull out all the ingredients for pancakes. He grabbed the eggs and cracked them into the bowl.

Kelly cleared her throat, "So, I found out last night that your dads trial will be held this Wednesday."

Tyler gulped and frowned, "I'm sorry."

Tyler didn't know why he was sorry. Kelly put the batter down and looked at Tyler, "Sorry? Honey, why are you sorry?"

Tyler shrugged and looked down at his shaky hands, "I-I don't know."

Kelly wrapped her arms around Tyler, causing him to let out a sob, "Oh, honey. You don't need to be sorry. You did nothing wrong."

Tyler pulled away from her grip, "I-I was always the reason you fought. I caused you to fight with him."

Kelly shook her head with tears, "No, that's not true."

Tyler nodded, "Yes it is. Y-you guys don't really love me. You hate me, I-I don't blame you. I'm a mistake." Tyler slowly backed away from his mom. When she reached for him, he made a run for it.

Kelly gasped and cried out, "Tyler!"

Tyler, remembering to grab his coat this time, sprinted out the door. It was still dark out, but the tip of the sun was barely visible. He had pulled his coat on all the way, and was now sprinting as far away as he could.

He couldn't stay. He couldn't. His family hated him, he caused them pain, and he never did anything right. Tyler let out a choked out sob as he ran down the sidewalk.

His chest hurt and his legs began to ache. That only fueled him more to run. The bridge. Tyler could go to the bridge. He knew Em wouldn't be there at this time of day. He quickly ran across the street. He ran along side the busy road. He let out another sob. The cars zoomed pass him and the strong wind hit his face.

He needed Blurry. Tyler finally reached the bridge. The sun began to slowly rise in the distance. Tyler let out a shaky breath as he stared at it, "The sun will rise and we will try again."

That's what blurry would always say to him. Tyler closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose. He sat on the edge and let out the breath. He stared at the sunrise. He wasn't sure how long he sat there, but before he knew it, the sun was right above the horizon.

Tyler cleared his throat, "B-Blurry. Please come back."


Tyler only tried harder, "I'm so, so sorry. You were right. Blurry, I need you. You're all I have left."


Tyler swung his head around to see Blurry standing a few feet away. Tyler jumped up and ran to Blurry. He hugged him tightly, and Blurry hugged him back just the same. Tyler let out a sob, "Blurry, I'm so, so sorry!"

Blurry sniffled, "I'm sorry, too."

Tyler smiled, "I'm glad you're back."

Blurry smiled back, "Me too." Blurry looked over Tyler's shoulder to the sun, "Isn't it beautiful?"

Tyler turned towards the sun and nodded, "Ya."

Blurry walked to the ledge of the bridge, "It was a day like this when I took my life. I couldn't have picked a better."

Tyler walked up next to Blurry, "D-do you ever regret what you did?"

Blurry shook his head, "Not at all. It may seem bad, Tyler, but it's really not."

Tyler furrowed his brows, "How so?"

Blurry breathed in the fresh air before smiling, "Sometimes you just need a little push."

Tyler gulped, "A...push?" Blurry's eyes darkened. He glanced at Tyler and his smile turned sinister. Tyler's eyes widened and he took a step away from Blurry, "B-Blurry? Are you ok?"

Blurry turned his whole body towards Tyler, "You know, Tyler, I could help you." Tyler looked below at the running river before looking at Blurry. Blurry continued, "I could give you a little push. Then we could be just alike. We would be so much closer as friends."

Tyler shook his head, "N-no."

Blurry looked angry, "Oh, come on, Tyler! It's not that hard!"

Before Tyler could respond, Blurry shoved Tyler. He slipped on some slice and he let out a scream. He gripped the ledge of the bridge with all his might.

He looked up at Blurry with scared eyes, "Blurry! Help me, p-please!"

Blurry smiled down at Tyler, "See you in hell."

Then he vanished.

Cliff hanger!!! Oh....that wasn't the best way to put it. Too early. Oh whale. This chapter was pretty short, but the best chapter is gonna be pretty long. So hang tight!!! Oh shit....I need to stop. My apologies. Triggered!!!! ..... Ok....I'm just gonna go......um.....ya, bye....


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