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6:59 p.m.

Tyler and Blurry were slowly taking there time back to the house. They had spent the whole day walking around town. It was getting colder and it even began to snow lightly, so they thought it was time to head back.

They reached the house within minutes and Tyler halted at the door. He could here his parents arguing through the door. Once he heard his name mentioned, he frowned. Blurry patted his shoulder, "It's ok, buddy, we can just head up to your room."

Tyler nodded and opened the door. Their plans were crushed when Chris pointed to Tyler, "Where the hell have you been?"

Tyler stammered over his words, "I-I was just going for a w-walk."

Kelly scold, "Chris! Leave him alone! You are so rough on him all the time! Give him a break!"

Chris turned back to Kelly, "No! He should be in here studying for tests. Or be practicing his basketball!" Chris walked up to Tyler, "You have been slacking off way too much, young man. I saw your report card and your failing three fucking classes."

Tyler wished he could shrink, "I-I'm sorry..."

"Sorry is not gonna do it!" Tyler looked over to see blurry watching with pitied eyes. He was surprised when he felt his dad push him, "Did you hear me?!"

Tyler heard Kelly gasp and he began hyperventilating. Tyler put his hands over his ears and began to shake. His dad has never laid a hand on him, and it scared him.

He fell to his knees and let out a sob.

Chris backed away with wide eyes, "T-Tyler?"

Kelly ran up to him,  "Oh my god, Tyler!" Tyler began to shake harder and pressed his ears harder against his head.

He let out a choked sob and shook his head, "N-no!" He wasn't sure what he was saying no to. But he was saying no. Kelly turned her head when she heard her other children come into the room.

Zach hugged jay when he let out a cry, "Mommy! What's wrong with tyty?"

Kelly tried her best to smile through her tears, "Jay, baby, it's ok. Just go into the living room. Zach, please go with him."

Madison looked her mom with wide eyes then to Tyler, "Mom, he's having a panic attack."

Kelly covered her mouth with her hands and let out a cry, "Oh god, Tyler. Oh my god. I-I don't know what to do."

Chris just stood in the corner not knowing what to do. Kelly remembered how josh helped him through his last one. She quickly turned her head and motioned for Madison to come over, "Maddy, go next door and get Josh."

Madison nodded and raced out of the house to the neighbors house. She frantically knocked on the door and waited for an answer. She looked up at a tall kid with green hair. His eyebrows furrowed together., "Um...hello?"

Madison looked at him with watering eyes, "A-are you Josh?"

Josh nodded, still confused. Madison let out a sob, "T-Tyler. He's-he's-" she let out a sob and was unable to finish, but Josh knew what was wrong.

Without hesitation, he ran out of the house and into Tyler's. His socks were soaked from the snow, but he didn't care. He opens the door and Kelly looked at him, "J-Josh! Please, I don't know what to do."

Josh looked at Tyler who was crying on the floor. His eyes were squeezed shut and his whole body was shaking from him crying so hard. Josh knelt beside him and carefully removed Tyler's hands from over his ears. Kelly slowly scooted away to give them room.

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