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Madison placed her hand on the knob and turned to Josh, "Can I open it?" Josh nodded. Madison opened the door to Tyler's room slowly. They all walked in and Maddison gasped.

She ran up to Tyler's side. He was asleep right now. Zach grabbed Madison's wrist, "Don't wake him, Maddy, he's probably tired."

Jay buried his head in Josh's shoulder, "I don't like this."

Josh rubbed his back, "I know, but he'll get better in no time."

Jay nodded. The door opened again and a nurse walked in. She smiled, "Hello, are you guys Tyler's siblings?"

Madison nodded, "Yes ma'am."

Jay patted Josh's shoulder, "This is his boyfriend."

The nurse smiled, "It's nice to see he has visitors. A lot of patients don't get a lot."

Jay frowned, "That's not fair."

The nurse shook her head, "it isn't." She walked to Tyler's bed and placed a hand on Madison's shoulder, "You can stay in he room, but do you mind sitting down? I need to change the bag for his fluids."

Madison nodded and Zach grabbed her hand, leading her to the chairs. The nurse tapped lightly on Tyler's shoulder, "Tyler? Tyler, can you hear me?"

She had a very soft voice. Tyler didn't wake up. She tapped him again and his eyes fluttered open. He smiled at her tiredly, "Hi, Debby."

The nurse, Debby, smiled, "Hi, Tyler. I need to change the fluid bag. Is that ok?" Tyler nodded weekly. Tyler looked over to his sibling and Josh and smiled lightly.

Jay smiled, "Hi, Tyty!"

Debby chuckled and Tyler's smile grew a little, "Hi, little buddy."

Debby went along with changing the fluid bag. After she finished, she pulled a stool up to Tyler's bed and sat down. "Alright, Tyler, I just need to check up on some of the wounds. Ok?" Tyler nodded again.

She unwrapped the bandages to his forehead where there were stitches. Tyler felt embarrassed his siblings here. He didn't want them to see him like this. Debby rewrapped the wound with fresh bandages. She began to lightly press down two fingers on different spots trying to find which ribs he had broken.

Tyler flinched and let out a yelp, causing Maddy to gasp and lean forward a bit. Josh placed a hand on her shoulder and rubbed it softly. She leaned back in the chair and blinked back the tears. Debby wrote down which ribs were broken and went back to examining Tyler.

She grabbed his unbroken arm and began to bend it at the elbow joint. She looked at Tyler, "Does this hurt?" Tyler shook his head no. She grabbed his wrist and began moving it. He winced and she raised her eyebrows, "Does that hurt?"

He nodded, "A little."

She nodded, "It might be sprained. You won't need a cast, thankfully." Debby carefully pressed two fingers against his throat. Tyler let out a raspy yelp and began coughing. Debby helped him sit up to help him cough.

She frowned, "I'm sorry, I just had to make sure nothing was too wrong with your throat."

Tyler's eyes widened, "Is it that bad?"

Debby shook her head, "Luckily, no. If you started coughing up blood or developed bubbles of air in your throat, that could mean you would have a severe tracheal wound. Fortunately, we don't need to call in a anesthetist." Tyler nodded and a wave of relief washed over him. Debby stood up, "I'm gonna get some wrap cloth for your wrist."

She went to a cabinet and grabbed a roll of this type of cloth. She began rolling up Tyler's wrist and it caused him to since. She finished and stuck two metal pieces in it to pin it.

She smiled, "Make sure you remove this once in a while so you don't suffocate your wrist. Once the swelling goes down, rotate your wrist in circular movements to help it get its strength back."

Tyler nodded and Debby left the room. Madison walked up to Tyler and sat on the stop where Debby was sitting, "Hey, bubba."

Tyler smiled, "Hey, Maddy. How are you?"

She snorted, "I should be the one asking you that question." Tyler chuckled, which ended with him coughing. He sat up and let out a louder cough and Madison placed a hand on his back.

Zach stepped closer, "Do I need to get Debby?"

Tyler shook his head and laid back down, "I'm-" he cleared his throat, "I'm ok." Zach nodded and Jay hopped off Josh's lap.

Jay walked up to Tyler and pulled a card out of his jacket, "Tyty, I made this for you!" Tyler grabbed the card with a smile. His hands shakily opened it.

It was a picture with the whole family, even Josh was in it, that Jay drew. There was a heart above Tyler and messy letters scribbled that said 'get better soon'.

Tyler reached out and ruffled jay with his wrapped hand, "Thank you, little buddy."

Jay smiled widely, "Mamma Dun helped me."

Tyler chuckled, "I'll make sure to thank her."

Tyler smiled at Josh, "Hey."

Josh smiled back, "Hey, Tyler. Are you holding up ok?"

Tyler nodded, "Ya, I'm glad you guys came to see me."

"They don't really love you."

Tyler frowned. Although blurry wasn't here, Tyler could still here his words. It was as if it was a voice in his head now.

Josh scooted forward in his chair, "Tyler? Are you ok?"

Tyler shook away the thoughts and forced a smile, "Ya. I'm just tired."

He wasn't lying.

Josh stood up, "We should let you get some sleep." The three younger children exited the room and josh walked up to Tyler. He placed a kiss on Tyler's nose, which seemed to be the only part of Tyler that wasn't injured.

Tyler grabbed Josh's hand, "Can you lay down with me?"

Josh nodded and Tyler scooted over. Josh crawled onto the small hospital bed and Tyler laid his head on Josh's chest. He closed his eyes and Josh hummed a quiet tune. Tyler didn't know the song, but the melody was beautiful.

The door opened and Madison poked her head in, "Josh-oh, sorry."

Josh smiled, "It's ok. Tell my mom that I'm gonna stay with Tyler." Tyler was already asleep. He must be really tired.

Madison nodded, "Ok. Tell Tyler I said feel better when he wakes up."

Josh nodded, "I will."

With that, Madison closed the door again and josh laid there humming a tune. He wasn't tired, but that didn't mean he was gonna leave Tyler.

He simply ran his hand through Tyler's greasy hair while humming the same tune.

Hey guys!!! I am so happy. The past like two or three days, I got my phone token up by my mom. Ikr....fuuuuuun.

But I'm back!!!! And I'm also happy because Em Harris came out with her single 'things(Alice look at me)' today and I've been playing it on replay!!! It is so good!!! Im also happy because we're watching McFarland in Spanish!!! That movie is my shit!!!

I had my first track meet ever last night and I did so fricking bad!!! Round of applause for the worst long distance runner in all of the world!!! (That's me) like my mother always says: at least you didn't get last. Put a sock in it Mom, you took away my phone and blocked me from my social life that I totally have.....

I'm so jealous that josh was at Disney world. Kms. Lol, jk. Almost forgot to ask, how are you??? Good?? Bad??? What even is this crap on my shoe??? Lol, sorry, that was random. Oh whale. I hope you enjoyed!!!! Yasssss...nooooo....booooo. Me too. Lol, bye!!! Untill next time!!!


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