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Thursday, December 5, 2005
4:30 p.m

Tyler laid on his bed. Blurryface hasn't showed up at all today and Tyler started feeling lonely. Maybe he could see if Josh wanted to hang out? Or maybe Matty?

Tyler's thoughts were broken away when he heard the front door open and then close. "Kids!" His Mom was home.

Tyler slid off his bed like jello and walked downstairs to greet his mother. The rest of his siblings were already surrounding her with all kind of stories from school. Mostly from Jay and Madison. Zach just watched them speak.

Kelly smiled at Tyler and hugged him, "How's my oldest son?"

Tyler smiled and shrugged, "Eh."

Kelly's eyes saddened and she pulled Tyler close to him, "Tyler, can I speak to you in private?" Tyler nodded, slightly confused. Kelly brought him into the living room and told the others to stay. Kelly sat on the couch and patted the seat next to her.

Once Tyler sat down she grabbed both of his hands, "Tyler, honey, yesterday our neighbor, Josh, told me what happened." Tyler's face dropped as his mom suddenly broke into tears. She shook her head and squeezed Tyler's hands, "Tyler, why didn't you tell me when I got home from work yesterday?"

Tyler felt tears of his own forming, "B-because I was scared."

Kelly let out a loud sob, "Please,Tyler, if anything is ever wrong, promise me you will talk to me?"

Tyler's eyes widened and he let the tears fall. He pulled his Mom into a tight hug, "Ok, mama. I will."

Kelly smiled and hugged her son back, "I love you, Tyler. You mean so much to me."

Those worlds made Tyler want to cry more. Would if blurry was lying? "I love you too mama." Kelly let go and Tyler reached over to grab a tissue.

He handed it to Kelly and she smiled, "Thank you."

"You son of a bitch."

Tyler's head snapped to his left, where he saw Blurry glaring at him. Tyler looked at his Mom then the stairs, "I-I'm gonna go upstairs for now."

Kelly smiled, "Ok." Tyler quickly walked away and went to his room. He slammed the door shut and nearly fell backwards when Blurry appeared in front of him.

Blurry crossed his arms, "What the hell, Tyler!"

Tyler glared, "What am I doing?"

Blurry' faces saddened, "Your pushing me away. Tyler, you don't understand. Josh, your mom, Jay, everyone! They're all just manipulating you. Making you think they care only to stab you in the back. But your trusting them instead of me." Tyler was surprised to see tears in Blurry's eyes. He's never cried.

Tyler instantly pulled Blurry into a hug, "I'm so sorry, Blurry. I trust you, your my best friend."

The tears instantly stopped and Blurry smiled, "Good." Blurry sat down on the bed, "So, your still dating Matty?"

Tyler sat by him and nodded, "Ya."

Blurry rolled his eyes, "Oh my god. Tyler, what did I tell you?"

Tyler frowned, "That he doesn't actually love me."

Blurry nodded, "Bingo. So why even try?"

Tyler shrugged, "I-I don't know."

Blurry patted Tyler on the back, "Well, I'll see you later, buddy. Ponder on my words, maybe you'll actually learn something for once."

Tyler waved sadly as Blurry disappeared, "Bye."

Wooooooah....short chapter guys. Sorry, it's just a filler. Well, I haven't updated for a bit. My apologies. I may have may have not cried a bit while writing this. I don't like imagining Kelly crying. You know, if Blurry wasn't the shadows of your insecurities, I feel like he'd be a pretty cool guy. Don't judge me!!! Lol, hope you enjoyed my insanely short filler chapter. Booooooooo


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