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Sunday, December 15, 2005
8:34 a.m.

Josh's eyes fluttered open and it took him a Moment to take in his surroundings. He forgot he stayed at Tyler's. That's when he noticed Tyler wasn't there.

Josh panicked, "Tyler?" He sat up and spotted the small brunette sitting in a chair in front of his window. He turned his head around, a bit startled.

He gave Josh a tired smile, "Hi."

Josh rubbed his eyes as he relaxed, "How long have you been up?"

Tyler shrugged, "I don't know, but I got to watch the sunrise. It was really pretty. I've never really seen one." Tyler's voice was raspy and exhausted.

Josh smiled at Tyler's appearance. He adored his bed head and the tired face he gave. Although the look was adorable, Josh was worried Tyler didn't get enough sleep.

"Tyler, maybe you should get some more sleep."

Tyler shook his head as he wiped his nose. "M'not tired," he mumbled in an obvious tired voice.

Josh frowned, "Tyler, please. I don't think it's healthy."

Tyler's eyebrows furrowed, "Why do you care so much? I've never done anything for you?"

Josh stood up and walked over to Tyler. He knelt in front of the chair so he was eye level with Tyler and placed his hands on Tyler's knees, "Tyler, I don't know what's going through your mind, but I do care for you. More than you would probably ever know. And this nonsense of you not ever doing anything for me? You must be crazy, because you do so much for me. You give me the pleasure of your company."

Tyler wiped away a tear that slipped. Tyler buried his head between Josh's neck and hugged him tightly. Josh didn't waste a millisecond to hug Tyler back. Tyler let out a shaky breath as his grip tightened, "No ones ever told me that before."

Josh pulled away and placed his hands on Tyler's cheeks, "Well, believe me, Tyler, I've never been more honest."

Josh glanced at Tyler's lips before locking his eyesight with Tyler's. Josh leaned in just a bit, silently asking Tyler if it was ok. Tyler ever-so-slightly nodded his head and Josh placed his lips against Tyler's soft ones. Josh caressed Tyler's cheeks as Tyler wrapped his arms around Josh's neck.

Tyler frowned slightly when Josh slowly pulled away. Josh smiled at Tyler and pulled him back into a hug, "You mean so much to me."

Tyler rested his cheek on Josh's shoulder, "You mean a lot to me too."

Josh stood up and grabbed Tyler's hand, "Wanna go out and get something to eat?"

Tyler nodded and stood up. "I should get dressed."

Tyler quickly went to the bathroom and changed into a hoodie and skinny jeans. He went back into his room and Josh smiled. Tyler caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and frowned. He muttered to himself, "I look like a fucking idiot."

Josh heard Tyler and frowned, "Hey, no you don't."

Tyler turned to Josh and slumped his shoulders, "Ya, I do."

Josh scowled, "Where did you get an idea like that?"

"Bl-no one." Tyler cut himself off before he could say Blurryface.

Josh grabbed his hand and kissed the knuckles, "I think you look like an angel." Tyler blushed and looked down as a small smile keeps across his face. Josh chuckled at Tyler's reaction, "And the smile goes very well with it."

Tyler couldn't help but let out a laugh. He smiled up at the green haired boy, "Thank you."

Josh began to pull Tyler to the door, "I'm only speaking the truth." Tyler followed closely behind Josh with a blush that just wouldn't go away.

Before they walked downstairs, Tyler stopped him, "Wait. Um, we might not want to hold hands down there."

Josh frowned, "why? I thought your parents were ok with you liking boys-"

"my mom is, but my dad never even found out about Matty.  My dad is a huge homophobic and we've always kept it from him."

Josh nodded in understanding and smiled, "Ok, but I'm holding your hand when we go out."

Tyler smiled with a nod and they walked down the stairs next to each other. Josh followed Tyler into the dinging room where the rest of his family was. Kelly smiled at the two boys, "Well, good morning, boys!"

Tyler smiled, "Hi, mom, is it ok if me and Josh go out to get some breakfast?"

Kelly nodded, "Of course, honey. You two be careful, its really snowy out there."

Tyler nodded as the two began walking to the door, "Bye, Mom!"

Kelly watched as the boys left the house. She sighed happily, "I love seeing Tyler going out with friends."

Tyler and josh got into Josh's car and instantly turned on the heat. Tyler turned on the radio and once he did so, Josh grabbed ahold of his hand. Tyler blushed as Josh smiled, facing forward as he drove out of the driveway.

Tyler hummed along to the music as he bobbed his head back and forth. He began to think, and he realized how much he actually did like Josh.

He couldn't believe he never noticed it before. Maybe it's because some good things take a bit to find.

"Oh, Tyler, your poor thing. Everyone knows all good things come to an end one way or another."

Yay! Don't you just love love? Lol. Maybe if I had some. Oh whale. Did you like the chapter???? I know what your thinking: OH MY GOD!!! FINALLY SOME JOSHLER ACTION!!! TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!!!! Don't worry, me too. But there is much more to come. Yay! Well, I hope you liked it.

You know how I said I want to do art and what not????

You know how I said I want to do art and what not????

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Here's something I drew a little bit ago. Lol, I know it sucks😂😂😂

Q: Disney or loony toons???

A: why do I make myself answer these??? There too hard??? Ummm....I love bugs bunny but I love stitch. Oh whale. I choose red...wait...that wasn't a choice....

Vote! Comment! And you know the rest!!!


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