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5:26 p.m.

Tyler knocked on the Dun households door while the rest of his family stood behind him. He was really nervous, just because they were all going to meet and get to know Josh and his family.

The door swung open and Tyler stumbled back slightly when Laura hugged him, "Oh, Tyler! I'm so glad you and your family could make it!"

She pulled away and smiled at Tyler's family, "Please! Come in! Make yourselves at home!"

They all walked in and politely took off their shoes.

Jay ran up to Laura, "Hi, mama Dun!"

Laura giggled, "Hello, Sir Joseph."

Kelly smiled and shook Laura's hand, "Hello, I'm Kelly. Tyler's Mom."

Laura shook her hand back, "oh, it's so nice to meet you. I'm Laura. Your son is such an angel. I'm so happy josh met him."

Kelly giggled, "Thank you. Josh is just as wonderful. He's really effected Tyler's life in such a good way."

Suddenly, Josh came jogging down the stairs with a smile. Jay ran up to him and hugged his legs, "Joshy!"

Josh hugged him back, "J-man!"

Jay giggled, "I like that nickname."

Josh walked up to Tyler and kissed him on his cheek. Which caused Tyler to go insanely red, since there were people around. Tyler head Zach making kissy sounds again and Tyler covered his face as he groaned, "Oh my god, he won't stop doing that."

Josh laughed lightly and went up to hug Kelly, "Hi, Kelly."

Kelly kissed Josh's cheek, "Hi, Josh! Oh, I'm so happy for you two boys." Tyler blushed even more, if that's even possible. He didn't get how josh could be so confident.

Everyone got situated at the table, she's the rest of Josh's family was. Mr. Dun stood up and shook hands with Tyler with a smile. He then went and shook hands with Kelly, "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Joseph, your son is a fine boy. I know he'll treat josh right and vise-versa."

Kelly nodded, "It's nice to meet you too."

Zach sat next to Ashley, "Your in my Algebra class, right?"

Ashley looked up from her food and blushed, "O-oh, ya. Your Zach."

Zach smiled, "Ya. Ashley, right?"

Ashley smiled back, "Ya."

Jordan and Madison were talking, since they all ready met at school. They were friends.
Jay was rambling on to Abby and she seemed pretty amused at jays child mind. The parents were talking and Tyler turned to Josh with a smile.

Josh smiled back and grabbed Tyler's hand under the table, "I'm glad you could come over tonight." Tyler blushed and took a bite of his spaghetti. It was really good.

Kelly cleared her throats, "Um, before we continue tonight, I really need to tell everyone something." Tyler knew what she was going to say, they discussed it before they left. She continued with a small smile, "Although it's amazing that these two are together, we really can't let my husband know. He's...a huge homophobic and it would kill him. We've always kept it a secret from him."

Laura nodded in understanding, "Oh, of course we won't tell him. We would never want anything happen to Josh and Tyler." Everyone smiled at the two and they all smiled back. The dinner was very loud with plenty of laughter.

Afterwards, they all gathered in the living room to watch a movie. As the movie played, Tyler fell asleep on Josh's lap. Josh absentmindedly ran his fingers through Tyler's fluffy hair. Once the movie as over, Laura turned the lights back on. The Jospeh family all got up and Kelly hugged Laura, "Well, we should probably head back over. Thank you so much for the dinner. It was delicious."

Laura hugged back, "thank you. I'm glad you liked it. Your company was wonderful."

Josh shook Tyler lightly, "Tyler, I think you guys are going back home."

Tyler let out a muffled grunt. Kelly sighed and shook her head, "Oh dear." She tugged on Tyler's sleeve, "Come one, Tyler."

Tyler remained still. Laura smiled, "If it's ok with you, he can stay here tonight."

Kelly smiled, "Thank you. If he's any trouble, make sure to tell me."

Laura shook her head with a laugh, "Oh no, he could never be trouble. You guys have a good night."

Kelly waved and Zach, Maddy, and jay followed her put the door. Laura sighed, "Oh my, they're such lovely people."

Josh stood up with Tyler in his arms, "I'm gonna bring Tyler upstairs." Josh laid Tyler on his bed once he got to the room.

Josh took off his pants, but left his shirt on. He then pulled off Tyler's pants before pulling the covers over him. He crawled in next to Tyler and pulled him into his arms.

Tyler snuggled closely to Josh and a tired smile spread across his face. Josh smiled At the sight and closed his eyes, falling into a happy sleep.


"B-blurry. N-no. No, please." Tyler whimpers in his sleep. He shook his head and shook lightly. "N-no! Leave me alone!"

He jolted awake and sat up. He began crying and Josh's eyes shot open. He sat up next to Tyler and pulled him in his arms, "Shhh, it's ok." Josh cradled him, worried he'd go into one of his panic attacks. Tyler wrapped his arms around Josh's neck as he cried out.

Josh kissed his forehead lightly, "Don't worry, it was just a bad dream. It wasn't real."

Tyler shook his head, "I-I'm sorry." Josh cupped Tyler's face and looked Tyler in the eyes.

His tears slowly fell and worried graced Josh's face, "Why are you always sorry?"

Tyler shrugged, "I-I don't know. Sorry."

Josh shook his head, "Stop apologizing."


Josh hugged him again and laid back down, with Tyler's head laying on his chest. Tyler readjusted so he was straddling Josh's waste. He laid back down so his head was still on Josh's chest.

He wrapped his arms around Josh's neck and josh placed his hand on The small of Tyler's back. Tyler let out a shaky breath before closing his eyes again. Josh rubbed circles with the pad of his thumbs on the skin where his shirt had ridden up a little. Luckily, it soothed Tyler and he fell back asleep.

"My prince."

Josh smiled tiredly before falling back asleep himself.

Update: currently listening to I write sins not tragedies. Lol.


lol, this chapter is basically one of those awkward get fighters to meet the family and it's all like....yep. I'm such a  good writer...(note the sarcasm in that) lol. Well, hope you enjoyed!!! Today has been boring.

Q: what's your favorite thing about valentines???

A: being lonely AF

Thank you Tyler Robert Jospeh

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Thank you Tyler Robert Jospeh.

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