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Josh knocked on the door to Tyler's house. He was about to go to the market with his mom when he realized he forgot his wallet.

Mr. Jospeh answered the door and Josh tensed. He smiled nervously, "Um, h-hi mr. Joseph."

Josh has only ever seen Mr. Joseph in a fight with Kelly. Josh wasn't to fond of him, but he was the father of his boyfriend, so he respected him....on the outside.

Mr. Jospeh looked bored, "Who are you?"

Josh scratched the nape of his neck, "Um, I'm Tyler's friend. I-I was here earlier and I forgot my wallet."

Mr. Jospeh rolled his eyes, "Make it quick. I'm not in the mood."

Josh smiled with a nod, "Y-yes sir." Josh rushed up the stairs and rolled his eyes, "Sheesh. Rude much."

He stopped when he heard crying on the other side of Tyler's door. He knocked lightly. "Go away!" Tyler's voice was raspy and broken. It broke Josh's heart.

Josh slowly opened the door, "Tyler?"

Tyler didn't move. He was sitting against the far wall with his knees pulled to his chest. He was crying and his body shook lightly. He wasn't in a panic attack, but he looked close to one. Josh felt a few tears of his own spring to his eyes.

Josh absolutely hated seeing Tyler like this. Whoever did this to Tyler was dead. No one treats Josh's prince like shit.

Josh slowly approached Tyler. He sat next to him and scooped the fragile brunette into his arms, "Sh-sh-sh-sh, it's ok. I'm here, Tyler. I'm here." Tyler only let out a louder sob. Josh cradled the boy. He looked over to see a crushed flower crown on the floor and he frowned.

He lifted Tyler's chin, "Baby, what's wrong?" Tyler knew he couldn't tell Josh about Blurry, so he went with the excuse in why he was crying in the first place. "M-my dad."

Josh frowned, "What did he do?"

Tyler pointed to the flower crown. Josh was pretty mad that Mr. Joseph did that to Tyler's flower crown. Josh thought Tyler looked lovely in it. It fit well with the smile he wore when the flower crown was upon his fluffy hair.

Josh kissed Tyler gently, "I'll make you another one."

Tyler smiled through his tears, "T-thank you."

Josh giggled, "I would do anything for you. Your my prince, a prince needs a crown." Tyler buried his face into the crook of Josh's neck.

Tyler let out a shaky breath, "I hate my dad." Josh frowned.

If a son hates his dad, there has to be a reason. Josh knew it couldn't be because of a simple flower crown, so there must be more to the story. Although he wanted to know, he didn't push it. He wanted Tyler to talk to him when he felt comfortable with it. So, for now, Josh said the most he could. "I'm sorry. You don't deserve that."

Tyler raised his head, "Don't deserve what? I didn't tell you anything?"

Josh caressed his cheek gently, "I know you didn't. But whatever it is, I know you don't deserve it. No one should ever hurt an angel."

Tyler smiled and kissed Josh's cheek, "Your too good to me."

Josh smiled, "I will always be here for you. That includes when you fall. I'll be right there to catch you."

Tyler hugged josh once more, "How come you came back anyway?"

Josh snorted, "I left my wallet. But I'm kinda glad I did."

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