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Tuesday, January 7, 2006
1:04 p.m.

"Tyler Joseph? They need you in the office." Tyler felt uneasy at all the sudden eyes on him. He didn't really know why he needed to go to the office. "Tyler? Did you hear me?"

Tyler nodded before quickly leaving the room. He slowly made his way down the hall and into the office. There was a lady sitting down in one of the chairs. Tyler slowly approached the desk, feeling the lady's eyes on him. He cleared his throat, "Um, you needed me?"

Mrs. Black smiled, "Tyler, Ms. Frangipane is here to speak to you."

Tyler turned to the lady- Ms. Frangipane- as she stood up. She wore a black suit and had a serious face. She scared Tyler. She nodded for him to follow into the principals office, Mrs. Black stayed out.

Tyler sat down and Ms. Frangipane sat across from him, "Tyler. I'm here to speak to you about your father. As you know, there will be a trial held for endangering a child."

Tyler gulped, "Um...so are you my lawyer?"

Ms. Frangipane shook her head, "No, Tyler, I'm with the social services. Every time something like this happens within a household, we are communicated. You don't have to be worried about being taken away, were just here to help your side in this case. You may call me Ashley if you would like. It might make you feel more comfortable talking to me."

Tyler nodded, "O-ok. Um...do I need to talk to you right now? I'm kinda busy with school right now..." Tyler felt awkward. He wasn't really good with strangers.

Ashley smiled, "Of course not. I'll let you get back to your school work. I will stop by after your school day is over."

Tyler nodded and Ashley stood up. Tyler stood up to and they headed out of the room. Mrs. Black smiled at Tyler and released him back to class as Ashley left the school.

Tyler let out a breath that he realized he was holding.


Tyler sat on his couch with Josh by his side. He held tightly into Josh's hand out of nervous habit. Ashley was sitting on the couch across from them with Kelly sitting next to her.

Tyler scooted closer to Josh. He didn't want to be alone while talking to Ashley, so he asked if josh could come over. Sure, his mom was there, but josh made him feel so calm and safe.

Josh, too, was nervous. He was nervous to find out the details of what all happened with Tyler's dad. He was unsure if he wants to know, but Tyler needed him.

Ashley picked up her notepad, "Alright, Tyler, can you tell me how the conflict that Sadat started off?"

Tyler nodded. He went through the whole story and all the details. Josh's heart ached with every word that left Tyler's mouth. Josh could tell Tyler was fighting the tears, so he rubbed his back soothingly. Josh couldn't stand to see Tyler cry. It was silent as Ashley scribbled down everything Tyler said.

She then turned to Kelly, "Mrs. Joseph, can you tell me if anything has happened like this or close to this?"

Kelly thought for a moment, "One day, I can't exactly remember the date, but Chris had pushed Tyler. It was pretty rough, he had never really touched the children like that before. That was the first time that I knew of, but it ended with Tyler in a panic attack. I was so scared, and Chris didn't even seem sorry."

Tyler wiped away a tear hurriedly. Ashley nodded as she wrote, "Ok. Have there been any other problems in the household that weren't physical?"

Kelly nodded, "Yes, for the past few months, Chris and I have been fighting quite a bit. We were thinking about divorcement, it just never got that far." Tyler's stomach twisted at those words.


Kelly sighed, "I will defiantly be filing a divorce now. But the fights have always started with him criticizing Tyler. He always expected more out of him and it was never enough."

Ashley wrote that down. Kelly had tears in her eyes. Ashley shut her note book and let out a sigh, "Guys, I would like to thank you for the time. This will really help put Chris where he needs to go. I y have to comeback once in a while for more information. But for now, Tyler, focus on getting better."

Tyler smiled with a nod before Ashley left. Kelly let out a shaky breath and Tyler got up to hug her. Her hugs reminded Tyler of Blurry's hugs.


Tyler missed Blurry greatly. He breathed in heavily to stop the urge of crying. Josh sighed, "I should probably head home. Are you guys going to be ok?"

Kelly nodded, "Yes, thank you, Josh." Josh smiled before leaving.

Tyler cleared his throat, "Im gonna head up to my room."

Kelly looked at him worried, "Are you ok?"

He nodded, "Ya, I just need to be alone for a bit."


•Trigger Warning: self harm•

Tyler raced upstairs and into his room. He sat on his bed and something caught his eyes. Something sharp and shiny. The knife Blurry gave him. Tyler looked at his wrist where there was a single, barely visible scar.

Tyler felt a sudden tingling feeling in his arm. He reached for the knife and stared at his reflection through it. He had bags and that stupid scar. He was much more skinny and a frown was glued onto his face. It was a permanent frown.

He may smile, but he knew they weren't real. The last time Tyler truest smiled was when him and Josh were outside. It was the day josh made him his first flower crown. But it was also the day where Blurry left, and the day where his family fell apart.

Tyler stared into the knife and didn't even recognize himself. He was disgusted of what he saw. He didn't know why, but he was. He brought the knife to his wrist and cut two parallel lines. He smiled as the blood slowly oozed out of his arm.

Tyler knew he shouldn't have down that, but maybe it would bring Blurry back. After all, Blurry said they were just alike. They were the same.

Guys, my week has been wonderful so far. Yesterday I did an ok job at my track meet. I got a whole bunch of pastel pull over sweaters. This book has now reached 2k. I got to skip school today. And my baby brother was born today. He is so cute and I'm in love!!!

So, how is your week??? Did you enjoy the chapter??? Sorry for the ending. Yikes. Buzzkill am I right?? Lol.

Well, hope you enjoyed!!! Have a nice evening or morning or whatever your time zone is!!!


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