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Monday, December 23, 2005
2:14 p.m

Blurryface sat on Tyler's bed staring at the wall across from him. Blurry didn't mean to lose Tyler. Ever since their huge fight, Blurry would come to Tyler's bedroom whenever Tyler wasn't around. Blurryface was too scared to face Tyler. He didn't want to ruin anything else.

Blurry was heartbroken when he heard what happened to Tyler. He was actually sitting in Tyler's bedroom when it happened. He heard screaming and crying, but he was too scared to see what was happening, so he coward away.

Blurry let out a sad sigh and stood up from the bed. He walked over to the window and looked out. A car pulled up and Kelly stepped out. She was released from the hospital, but Tyler wasn't yet.

Her kids ran out of the house next door with some lady. Blurry didn't know who it was.  She gave Kelly a hug and they both headed to Kelly's house. Blurry sighed before vanishing.

4:10 p.m

Josh was sitting in the chair next to Tyler's bed. He still hasn't left the hospital. The front lady desk and cafeteria lady both already remembered him. The door opened and Debby walked in.

She smiled at the two boys, "Hey, Josh. Hey, Tyler, I need to rewrap those bandages."

Tyler nodded and Josh helped him sit up. Debby grabbed fresh roll of cloth bandages and smiled. She placed it next to her and took off the dirty bandages. "Well, your bruises are slowly fading. That's a good thing. Your ribs are slowly healing too."

Tyler smiled lightly. Josh placed a hand on Tyler's leg. He would hold his hand if it weren't for the cast.

Tyler cleared his throat, "So you know when I'll be able to get out of the hospital?" Tyler's voice was still raspy, but it didn't hurt as much as it did when he first came to the hospital.

Debby thought for a moment, "I'm not sure. Maybe in a week or a half."

Tyler frowned, "I'll be in here for Christmas?"

Debby frowned back, "I'm sorry, Tyler. I can't do anything about that."

Tyler let out a sigh and Debby finished rewrapping the fresh bandages. She left the room and Tyler quickly wiped his eyes. Josh frowned and gently placed a hand on top of Tyler's casted hand, "Hey, it's ok, darling."

Tyler shook his head, "This isn't how I  expected to spend my Christmas."

Josh delicately kissed Tyler's nose, "Don't worry, Tyler, I'll be here with you. Your mother and sibling will defiantly come here for you too."

Tyler shrugged, "I guess. It just won't be the same. We won't get to unwrap presents under the Christmas tree. And I won't be able to play the piano while we all sing Christmas songs."

Josh pushed Tyler's hair out of his face, "I promise, Tyler, everything will turn out ok. Things will work out."

Tyler stared at Josh for a moment before speaking again, "Thank you, Josh....for everything."

Josh smiled, "What did I do?"

Tyler smiled back, "I've been through crap, yet you still stayed. When I needed you the most, you were there. You never left me by myself, you made me feel wanted and loved."

Josh pulled Tyler into a gentle hug, aware of his ribs. Tyler breathed in Josh's sent and smiled. Josh rubbed his back, "Your an amazing person, Tyler. I would never leave you."

"I love you," Tyler breathed out quickly. His stomach twisted hoping josh felt the same. It was silent.

Josh pulled away to stare at Tyler with a smile, "Really?" Tyler nodded heavily with wide eyes. Josh chuckled, "I love you too."

Tyler tried his best to grin with his hurt lip. Despite the pain in his lip, Tyler leaned in to kiss Josh. Josh kissed back carefully as he caressed Tyler's cheeks.

He pulled away with a smile, "My prince."

Daaaaaaay-uuuuuuum. This is a super short chapter. It's literally only 650 words. Lol, sorry. Hope you enjoyed anyway.


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