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Tyler let out a cry, "Someone, help me!" Because the bride wasn't near any busy areas, no one heard Tyler. He was going to die. He felt himself slowly slipping. Tyler let out another sob, "Please! Help me!"

He knew if he moved a single muscle, he would slip. "Tyler!" Tyler tried his best to see who was calling him.

He recognized the voice, anyway. "Em!" He heard her footsteps running towards him. She dropped to her knees and looked at Tyler.

She reached out her hand, "Tyler, grab my hand."

Tyler shook his head, "I can't, I can't. I-I'll slip. Em, I'm scared!"

Em's eyes began to water. She looked up and screamed as loud as she could, "Someone! Help!" No one answered again. She stood up, "Tyler, I'll be right back. Im going to get some help."

Tyler shook his head, "No! Em, don't leave me! I'm scared!"

Em let out a shaky breath. She was trying to stay calm for Tyler, but her insides were screaming. She looked back down the road and cupped her hands around her mouth, "Help! Someone, help!" Em saw a familiar head of green. Josh. She sreamed for him, "Josh!"

Josh looked over at her. She pointed to the bridge ledge where Josh saw a pair of tiny hands gripping it. He sprinted over and gasped when he saw Tyler was the person dangling over the ledge.

He motioned for Em, "Em, help me hoist him up." Em and Hosh both got on their knees. Josh gripped onto Tyler's arm and Em with the other. Josh looked at Tyler in the eyes, "Tyler, look at me. On three, your going to let go of the ledge and grip onto me and Em's arms. Ok?"

Tyler shook his head, "No, I'm too scared. I can't."

Josh tried his best to smile. His heart was racing and he wanted to cry. "Tyler, you can do it."

Tyler stared back into Josh's eyes. They gave him the confidence he needed. Tyler nodded his head, "O-ok."

Josh took in a deep breath, "One." Josh gripped tighter onto Tyler's arm. "Two." Em did the same thing as Josh. "Three!"

Tyler quickly let go of the bridge and gripped onto both of the twos arms. Tyler's weight caused the two to get pulled forward a little. Tyler let out a scream. Josh and Em yanked Tyler up with all their strength. They all fell backwards. Tyler landed on top of Josh and he clung onto him with his dear life.

His body was shaking and josh wrapped his arms around Tyler. Em stared down over the bridge with wide eyes. Tyler looked a Josh, "I w-was so scared."

Josh sat up and held Tyler in his lap, "It's ok. Your ok now."

Tyler buried his head in Josh's shoulder, "I love you."

Josh sighed shakily, "I love you too." Em rubbed Tyler's back soothingly as the three sat there in silence.


Josh held Tyler in his arms as the three walked down the road. Em Kept her eyes to the ground. Tyler was dozed off, close to sleep. Josh stared at him worried. Kelly had asked him to go out and search for Tyler. She said that he wouldn't come back with her if she went out to find him.

Josh didn't know what happened, but he knew it wasn't anything good. Em let out a shaky breath and josh turned his head towards her, "Are you ok?"

She shook her head, "I-That just really scared me. He looked so scared, and I thought he was going to fall." Tyler was asleep at this point, snoring lightly against Josh's chest.

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