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Wednesday, December 4, 2005
1:32 a.m

Tyler was curled up in the corner of his dark room cradling himself between sobs. The rest of his family was asleep. Tyler fisted his hair and let out another sob.

It's been only two days without Blurry and Tyler is already breaking down. He can't sleep at night and feels more lonely in the day. Tyler buried his head between his legs and covered his neck with his hands, "B-blurry, please come back."

When Tyler didn't hear any answer he let out another loud sob. He was surprised his family hasn't woken up.

Tyler was suddenly startled by the sigh coming from in front of him. He jerked his head up to see Blurry smiling at him through the dark. Tyler threw himself at Blurry and Blurry wrapped his arms around the thin frame, "Shh, it's ok, Tyler. I'm here now."

"Im s-sorry. P-please don't leave me a-again."

Blurry shook his head, "You shouldn't have yelled at me, but I'll forgive you this time."

Tyler smiled through his tears and hugged blurry tighter, "Thank you."

Blurry stood up, pulling Tyler with him, "Come on, you need to sleep." Tyler nodded walked to his bed. Blurry tucked him in and sat on the edge, "Go to sleep, Tyler. Let the darkness consume you."

Tyler closed his eyes and mumbled tiredly, "Don't leave tonight."

Blurry ran his fingers through Tyler's brown hair, "Okay." Blurry laid next to Tyler and waited for him to fall asleep before he fell asleep himself. Blurry began to hum a song to help Tyler.

It did.

Within minutes, Tyler was in a deep sleep, snoring lightly. Blurry smiled before falling asleep himself.


8:46 a.m

Josh leaned against his locker as he talked to Patrick. He looked down both hallways making sure no teachers were around before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

Patrick's eyes widened, "Dude! Your gonna get caught!"

Josh shrugged, "Naw."

Patrick sighed, "You moved here just a few weeks ago, you don't already wanna get on the teachers bad sides."

Josh smiled teasingly, "Chill a bit, I'm not gonna get caught." Josh looked around one more time making sure he was still in the clear.

His eyes landed on the familiar small frame that lives next door. Tyler looked back and josh gave a small wave. Tyler waved back shyly.

Patrick turned around, "Who're you waving at?" Josh nodded his head at Tyler, who was now talking to some kid with an oversized forehead. Patrick smiled when he turned back to josh, "Dude. That's Tyler Jospeh."

Josh nodded with an eye roll, "Im not stupid, dude. Plus, he's my neighbor."

Patrick grinned wider, "That's cool. Tyler's really popular."

Josh furrowed his eyebrows, "He seems a little off."

Patrick raised one eyebrow, "How?"

Josh shook his head, "I don't know, the other day I saw him crying. When I asked him what's wrong he seemed really...I don't know...surprised, I guess."

Patrick shrugged, "Well, he is having some family issues right now."

Josh nodded his once with an 'ah' sound. Josh frowned and looked back over at Tyler. There were a few more guys with him now. He was laughing and smiling with all of them, but now josh knew that it was just a mask.

One guy kissed Tyler's cheek and josh tilted his head, "What the hell?"

Patrick laughed when he realized why josh was so confused, "Oh ya, Tyler's gay. That's his boyfriend, Matty Healy." Patrick looked back at josh and bounced his eyebrows, "Jealous?"

Josh scoffed and shoved Patrick lightly, "No, I'm just surprised Tyler's gay."

Their conversation was interrupted when Pete came over and pounced on top of Patrick, knocking both of them over. Josh started laughing out loudly and stubbed his cigarette out on the locker.

Tyler looked over at him smiling, amused at the scene. Josh helped Patrick off the floor and Pete just laid there laughing. Patrick rolled his eye, "Pete! Don't do that!"

Pete got to his feet and smacked Patrick on the back, "Sorry, bro." He smiled at Josh, "Hey, Josh, how's life?"

Josh shrugged, "Eh."

Pete held up a thumb up, "Nice."

The bell rang and everyone all scurried to there classes. Josh didn't have a class with Pete or Patrick next class, so he walked by himself.


Tyler tapped his fingers against the lunch table as he waited for his friends to get back from the lunch line. Matty sat next to him and placed a sloppy kiss to his cheek, "Hey, babe."

Tyler smiled tiredly but didn't speak. He was to tired. Since he really didn't get much sleep last night it's been hard to stay awake.

Matty stood up, "Be right back, gotta piss."

Matty walked off and Tyler instantly felt a familiar, cold hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see blurry hovering over him, "Why do you date that guy?"

Tyler shrugged, "Because I love him. And he loves me-"


Tyler furrowed his brows, "What?"

Blurry shook his head, "Oh Tyler, Matty is just using you. Remember? I'm the only one who will ever truly care about you. He's just waiting for someone better so he can't dump you."

Tyler gulped at the thought. What if Matty didn't really love Tyler? Matty came back along with everyone else and blurry disappeared.

Tyler kept his head down as he played with the disgusting school food.

Yay! Another chapter of this fanfic!!! Hope you enjoyed it! I love writing this. I know it doesn't seem like much...but it will get better. I promise. Anyway. Hope you had a nice day!!! Vote! Comment! And watch out for the next update!

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