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Saturday, December 14, 2005
1:02 p.m.

"Wake up, shithead." Tyler groaned and turned over to Blurry with face in his pillow. He felt Blurry kick the leg of his bed, "Come! On! I have big plans today."

Tyler opened his eyes slowly and looked at Blurry confused, "What?"

Blurry nodded as he sorted an outfit for Tyler, "Ya. It'll be fun, I promise." Tyler smiled at how excited Blurry seemed. Blurry grinned, "Come on, asshole!"

Tyler snorted and got out of bed. He grabbed the clothes from Blurry and quickly changed. He turned to Blurry as he started combing through his fluffy hair, "Where are we going?"

Blurry grabbed the comb from Tyler, "Somewhere fun. Come on, you look fine." Tyler's eyes widened at Blurry's sudden words. Blurryface actually...complimented him. Blurry turned around and raised his eyes brows, "You ok?"

Tyler stammered out, "You-you said I look fine."

Blurry rolled his eyes, "Ya, so? Come on. Don't forget your jacket, it's cold."

Tyler scrambled to get his coat on and he walked downstairs with Blurry. Kelly stopped him before he could walk out the door, "Tyler? Where are you going, honey?"

Tyler looked at the door then back to his mom, "I'm just going out for a walk."

Kelly's eyes filled with worry, "By yourself? Tyler, you remember what happened last time..." she slowly trailed off, not wanting to bring up the memory.

Tyler smiled assuring you, "Mom, I promise. I'll be fine. I have my phone on me just in case something happens."

Kelly looked hesitant before nodding, "Ok. Please keep me updated."

Tyler kissed his moms cheek and waved as he jogged to the door, "Bye, mom."

Kelly followed him and waved as he jogged down the sidewalk, "Bye, honey! I love you!"

Tyler slowed down to a walking pace once he was a few blocks away. Blurry was by his side the whole time. "I don't get why she acts like she loves you?" Tyler frowned and looked at the ground. He felt Blurry's gaze land on him and he almost choked on his next words. "I'm sorry, Tyler. I shouldn't have brought that up right now."

Blurry was never sorry. Well, he was when they first met. But not ever since then. Tyler looked blurry, "Um, it's ok."

Blurry smiled, "I can't wait till we get to our destination." Tyler, too, was very excited to find out where they were going. He noticed he farther they walk the farther into the downtown area.

They reached a run down bridge that towers over a river. It looked really pretty in Tyler's eyes with the snow covering it. He looked down below to see the icy water flowing. The bridge used to be a road, but it became too unstable for cars.

Blurry sat down on the edge and motioned for Tyler to sit with him.

Tyler let out a sigh at the sight, "Wow. Blurry, I didn't really know you went anywhere beside my bedroom."

Blurry let out a small laugh and shrugged, "Where do you think I go when I'm not with you?"

Tyler shrugged, "I don't know. How'd you find this, though?"

Blurry's face turned to a serious one with a him of sadness. "Tyler, I wanna tell you something."

Tyler turned to blurry with worry, "What is it?

Blurry cleared his throat, "Well, you know how I'm a half demon thingy. Right?"

Tyler nodded. "Well, I obviously wasn't always one. I was, of course, a human being before. I was a good kid when I was alive. I was just...depressed. The reason I'm a half demon isn't because I was bad, because I wasn't. It's because I killed myself."

Blurry looked at Tyler and Tyler's eyes went wide. He honestly never questioned Blurry's past and just suspected he was always a demon.

Blurry continued, "In fact, this was the bridge where everything happened. I...I wanted to take you here today to tell you all this. I just-we've been friends for a long time now and I just thought it was right to tell you my past.

"I thought this bridge was so beautiful. Because of that, I wanted it to be the last thing I saw before I died. I didn't wanna see my fucking parents or the bullies, I didn't want to see my idiotic counselor or the fucking neighbor who told me I was never gonna grow up to be someone. Most of all, I didn't wanna see the home where my life turned to a living hell. Which is much worse than actual hell."

Tyler gulped, making sure he took in the information. But one thing didn't make sense, "How come you look like me then?"

Blurry smiled lazily, "I have three visions of myself. I can pick any vision I want, but I only choose to have three. There's you, a shadowy figure, and my actual self." Tyler's eyes widened.

He never knew this about Blurry and he was itching to see who he really was. Tyler looked at the water before looking back at Blurry, "Can...can I see?" Blurry but his lip before nodding. There was a black smoke that surrounded him before a boy Tyler never even recognized appeared.

He had short, black hair and a very skinny frame. Freckles littered his cheeks and nose. He had on a black shirt with black skinny jeans and he had the most blue eyes Tyler had ever seen.

Tyler tilted his head, "So, this is what you really look like?"

Blurry nodded, "Yep. And don't ask my real name, because I have no fucking idea what it is."

Both Blurry and Tyler burst into laughter. Tyler smiled. It was nice to be talking to blurry like they use to. Blurry and Tyler sat there for a bit longer.

Just talking about random things and enjoying the scenery.

Filler chapter!!! I like this chapter...but I feel like I could've written it better. What do you think??? That was just a bit of Blurry's backstory.

Oh dear...tomorrow I have to wake up at seven and attend all my siblings basketball games.......I have six siblings. Well, that'll be fun...I guess. So sorry if I don't update tomorrow. This was kind of a bit shorter chapter. Oh whale. Hope you enjoyed!!!

Q: what is your favorite movie from the 80's (if you've seen any)

A: please don't make me pick....but since I have to....hitchhiker and secret admirer and the outsiders and red dawn and ferris buellers day off and 10 things I hate about you and dirty dancing and breakfast club and that was then this is now and rumble fish and Grandview USA and the karate kid and crossroads and roadhouse and Tex and drugstore cowboy and footloose and stand by me and pretty in pink and sixteen candles and the homies and back to the future and beetle juice and please don't make me continue!!!!! (Because there is much more. Guys I wish I lived in the 80's....wait, but then there would be no twenty one pilots. The decisions!!!) any way....I'm an 80's fan.

Vote! Comment! And watch out for the next update!!!


Stay gold
Stay alive
Stay street

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