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Wednesday, January 8, 2006
5:46 p.m

Tyler roamed through the isles of the grocery store hunting down the things in the grocery list. His mom sent him out to go get them since she fell down with a fever. Tyler rarely got to drive the car by himself, even though he had his license.

"Tyler?" Tyler heard a familiar voice. It was soft, feminine, and shy. He turned to see Em standing a few feet away from him. Tyler smiled and waved her over. She walked over while twirling her auburn hair, "Hey."

Tyler smiled, "Hey, Em." She was holding a basket full of groceries. He chuckled, "Grocery shopping?"

She nodded with a breathless laugh, "Ya. My parents are going on a date tonight, so I told them I could get the groceries."

Tyler nodded, "That's nice. I like your sweater." Em looked down at her fuzzy black sweater. It had an alien on the chest area.

She smiled, "Thank you."

Tyler laughed, "Josh would be really jealous." She laughed along with Tyler.

She grinned, "You and Josh are really cute together."

Tyler smiled kindly, "Thank you."

Her face turned serious wth a hint of nervousness, "Um...can I ask you something?"

Tyler nodded, "Of course." Em began to twirl her hair again. That must be her nervous habit.

"Pete told me how you got the bruises. Are-are you ok?"

Tyler nodded sadly, "I'm fine. It's getting better."

She looked down, "Well, I know the wounds are getting better. But...I mean mentally. Like, are you ok with the fact of what happened to you?"

Tyler bit his lip, "I-I guess. It's been kind of hard, though. I never thought my dad could do such a thing."

Em caught Tyler by surprise by hugging him, "I'm sorry Tyler. I know I don't know you to well, but I know you enough to know you didn't deserve that."

Tyler hugged her back, "Thank you, Em. I really appreciate that."

She pulled away, "Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow." She waved as she began walking the other direction. She suddenly stopped and a blush crept up her face, "Um....does-does Patrick have a girlfriend?"

Tyler smiled, "No, he doesn't."

She smiled, "O-ok. Bye Tyler."

Em walked away with a blush that made Tyler giggle. He finished up his shopping before heading back out to his moms car. The drive home was short. Luckily, he didn't run into any red lights.

It was snowing lightly once he got back and Zach came out to help him get all the bags. After they got all the groceries, they all gathered in the living room to watch a movie.


Saturday, January 11, 2006
9:26 a.m.

Tyler shivered as he walked down the road. He rubbed his arms trying to get warm. The small jacket he was wearing wasn't exactly enough. He watched as his breath came out of his mouth like mist. It was pretty early to be out right now, but he was really missing Blurry at the moment.

He decided to head to the bridge. It was a really pretty sight. Tyler was surprised to see another person sitting at the edge. He recognized the auburn hair. "Em?"

Em turned her head and smiled at Tyler, "Hi, Tyler." Tyler approached Em and sat next to her. She looked back down at the glowing river below their feet, "Isn't it beautiful?"

Tyler nodded in agreement. The water was, at the least, ten feet below their feet. It made Tyler a little uneasy, thinking about how it could take someone's life. That life being Blurry's. Em looked at Tyler, "What are you doing out this early?"

Tyler smirked, "I could ask you the same?" They both laughed and Em shrugged, "I don't know. I thought I would look around town, and I stumbled across this. It's magnificent."

Tyler smiled, "Ya. A friend showed me this a bit ago."

Em smiled, "That's nice. Who was it?"

Tyler gulped nervously, "Um, you wouldn't know them. They're gone now."

Em frowned, "Like..."

Tyler shook his head quickly. "Oh, no, no! He just kinda...moved away," Tyler lied.

She nodded, "Oh." The cold made Tyler and Em shiver. She stood up along with Tyler, "How about we walk for a bit?"

Tyler nodded, "That sounds like a good idea."

The two walked down the sidewalk together. Tyler shoved his hands into his pockets and let out a sigh. Em looked at the sky, "Do you think it's going to snow again?"

Tyler chuckled, "Hopefully not."

Em giggled. She glanced at Tyler before liking at the ground, "So, do you know who Patrick likes?"

Tyler smiled, "How come?"

She shrugged, "I don't know, I was gonna see if he maybe wanted to hang out sometime. You know...I kinda thinks he's cute."

Tyler raised an eyebrow, "Kinda?"

She rolled her eyes with a laugh, "Ok, he's really cute."

Tyler chuckled, "Ya, I know who he likes. He actually likes you."

Em looked at him with hopeful eyes, "Really?"

Tyler nodded and Em grinned. Her phone vibrated and she pulled it out. She let tout a sigh as she put the phone back in her pocket, "I have to go. But I'll see you later, Tyler. Bye." Em began to walk in a different direction and Tyler began to head back home.

He really liked Em. Not in the way he liked Josh. He loved Josh, but he felt comfortable around Em like he did with Josh. Tyler felt like she could trust her. There was just something about her.

I'm bored. I've started working up ideas for 'are You Ready For a zombie apocalypse' and I also have another good idea for a book.

I'm seriously obsessed with writing idek. In class when we have to write I'm like KMS and then outside of school all I can do is write and do art. Oh whale. Well, hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!


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