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9:51 p.m.

Tyler sighed happily as he laid in his bed. He just got home a few minutes ago from Pete's house and was ready for bed. He's never seen his mom so happy that Tyler was actually going out with friends.

Tyler's good mood was interrupted by the sound of someone humming a tune. Tyler recognized that hum. Without moving Tyler sighed, "Hey, Blurry."

"Long time no see. Enjoying your new friends." Tyler could hear the anger and Blurry's voice. He sat up and looked at Blurry, who was in the corner with a scowl.

Tyler frowned, "Come on, Blurry, don't be like that."

Blurry rolled his eyes, "You've seemed to do pretty good without me."

Tyler's frowned deepened, "No, Blurry, that's not true. Your my best friend and I need you."

Blurry suddenly smirked, "I hear Matty cheated on you. Am I correct?"

Tyler gulped and the atmosphere became gloomy, "B-Blurry, please don't."

"I told you Tyler. I fucking told you, but you didn't listen. He cheated on you like you were a game of poker. He threw you away like the piece of trash you are."

Tyler let out a sob, "I-I didn't think that would happen. Blurry, I-"

"Save it Tyler. You threw me away like I as trash, so it shot right back in your face. The only difference is that you deserved it. You jackass. Your nothing, your literally nothing."

Out of all the time the two have been friends, Blurry had never spoke so harshly to Tyler. Tyler's eyes were wide as a single tear fell. He gained enough strength to speak again, "Blurry-" Tyler and Blurry both looked at the door to the sound of it knocking.

"Tyler?" It was Jay. Blurry vanished and Tyler hurriedly wiped his eyes.

He smiled, "Come in!"

The door slowly opened and Jay poked his head in, "Tyty, I can't sleep."

Jay rubbed his eyes tiredly and Tyler patted the seat next to him, "Come here." Jay ran with his little legs to the bed and climbed on. Tyler leaned against the backboard and Jay laid his head in Tyler's lap.

He look up at Tyler and frowned, "Were you crying?" He let out a tired yawn after finishing his sentence.

Tyler cleared his throat and smiled, "Of course not, why would I be?"

Jay sat up and hugged Tyler, "M'sorry about Matty."

Tyler squeaked and shut his eyes tightly. "You don't need to apologize," Tyler whisper. He placed a kiss on top of Jays hair and laid all the way down.

Jay laid next to him and Tyler pulled the covers over both of them. Tyler let out a yawn, "How about we get some rest, ok?"

Jay wrapped his arms around Tyler's skinny torso and nodded, "M'kay. I love you, Tyty."

Tyler smiled and blinked to keep the tears falling, "I love you too." Soon, Tyler heard the soft snores of his younger brother. Tyler smiled at is sleeping brother.

Sadly, that moment didn't last much longer. Right before Tyler closed his eyes, he got a glimpse of Blurry, glaring at him from the corner of the room.


Wednesday, December 11, 2005
1:49 p.m.

Josh leaned against his locker as he waited for Pete to hurry the fuck up. Pete sure takes time on his dumbass eyeliner. Josh whistled to himself as he watched the students that passed him. He recognized some, but most he didn't. He may have been here for a while now, but he still didn't know everyone. It didn't really bother josh, though.

He was perfectly fine with the friends he had. Especially Tyler. There was something about Tyler that made josh happier. Just seeing his eyes made him smile. It nearly killed Josh when he found out Matty cheated on Tyler.
Josh could feel his own heart crumble along with Tyler's.

Speaking of Matty, Josh's eyes landed right on him. His eyes darkened as he death glared the bastard. Without thinking, Josh stood up straight and marched right over to him.

He tapped the back of Matty's shoulder rather harshly. Matty lazily turned around and let out a yelp when he felt a fist collide with his jaw. Matty didn't have anytime to defend himself before Josh shoved him against the lockers.

Josh held him there by the front of his shirt, "You son of bitch!"

Matty glared at Josh, "What the hell, dude?" Josh shoved him harder against the locker, causing Matty to gasped.

Josh's jaw cleaned and he gritted his teeth, "You fucking hurt Tyler!"

Matty rolled his eyes, "That little bitch got what he deserved."

Josh threw Matty to the ground and pounced on top of him. Josh threw fists left and right. Matty was able to get his knee up to lodge it into Josh's stomach. Josh groaned at the pain and was flipped over. People were starting to gather around and cheer.

Josh spotted Pete and saw him mouth the words 'beat the shit outta the bastard' Matty hit Josh in the lip and busted it open. Josh ignored the pain and flipped them back around. Josh was much stronger than Matty, but the kid knew where to punch.

Josh was about to throw another fist but halted at the sound of Tyler's scared voice. "Josh! Stop!" Josh turned his head to see Tyler making his way through the crowd.

Because of the lack of attention, Matty popped josh in the cheek. Matty grabbed Josh's colorful hair and yanked his head to the side, which cause josh to roll off of the younger boy. Josh jumped to his feet as Matty did.

Matty twisted his fist but Tyler jumped in front of him. Before Matty could stop himself, he punched a hard one right to Tyler's left eye. Tyler let out a painful yell and put both hands over his throbbing eye. Josh and Matty both stared at Tyler, panicked. Everyone around them went silent and it's never been so quiet in a school hallway.

Josh ran up to Tyler and moved his hands away from his eye. Tyler had tears rolling down his face and Josh's heart dropped, "Jesus Christ, Tyler, are you ok?" Tyler nodded and looked down at his shaky hands.

Matty began to walk up to the two but Pete came up and pushed him to the ground, "Back off, asshole." Pete turned to Tyler and Josh. He didn't get a chance to say anything, for everyone turned there heads to the sound of the principal coming down the hall.


She pushed through the crowd. She glared as she pointed to the boys, "All of you. My office. Now."

Yay! Update! I personally like this chapter. Just because josh beat the crap out of Matty. Lol. This happened earlier today: me and my brother were in one of those insulting competitions or whatever. I was in the lead then he said something that I can't remember then I was like "not even Blurryface cares what you think" then he was all like "your face should be blurry so no one has to look at it" and I was all like "omg brother...that was amazing I've never been so proud" I made him clean up the horse poop after that. Anyway, that's all the excitement that has happened to me so far.

(I forgot to post a question last chapter so here's two)

Q: Pepsi or coke?

A: Pepsi

Q:sweat or sour candy?

A: um....none?

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