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Josh's eyes fluttered open. He looked to see Tyler still in his arms. He was awake, staring at Josh. Josh smiled, "Hey."

Tyler smiled weakly, his voice still very raspy, "Your cute when you sleep." Josh chuckled and pecked Tyler very softly on the nose. They were both startled when the door opened, revealing Kelly.

She had stitches in her cheek and josh frowned, but quickly covered it with a smile, "Hi, Kelly."

She smiled, "Hi, Josh."

Josh's slowly got up, "You probably wanna be alone with Tyler right now."

Kelly stopped him, "Oh, no, it's ok. I saw him right after I got my stitches. You can stay."

Josh smiled and sat up on the bed. Tyler laid his head on Josh's lap and yawned. Kelly walked up and pulled a chair up, "How are you holding up, Tyler?"

Up closely, Josh could tell Kelly's been crying. He would too if his husband beat the shit out of his son.

Tyler shrugged weekly, "My throat hurts."

Kelly nodded, "Don't worry, honey, it hurts now but it will heal. Just try not to talk too much or it will make it worst."

Tyler nodded. Josh ran his fingers though Tyler's fluffy hair. It was slightly greasy from not showering, but Josh didn't care. Tyler's eyes slowly grew heavier before he was asleep again.

Josh and Kelly watched his for a few moment before Kelly spoke, "I was so scared."

Josh looked at her and she looked like she was going to cry again. Josh reached out with his other hand and grabbed Kelly's hand, "It must of been hard. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Kelly shook his head, "I thought he was gonna kill Tyler. When we came here, I was rushed to one room while Tyler to another. After the stitches, I stayed with him all night." She smiled at Josh as tears flowed down, "He wouldn't stop asking for you in his sleep."
She let out a heartfelt laugh, "At least we knew he was alive."

Josh laughed along with Kelly. Kelly grew serious and she shook her head, "I hate that man. Chris used to be so different. I don't know what happened."

Josh's sighed, "I don't know, sometimes people change when you least expect it."

Kelly nodded in agreement. Josh blinked to keep back the tears. Kelly squeezed Josh's hand, "Josh, do you promise to always look out for Tyler? You've made such a difference to his life and your the best thing that's happened to him."

Josh smiled down at Tyler then looked at Kelly, "I promise."


2:34 p.m

Josh still hasn't left the hospital. He was in the cafeteria right now with Kelly getting some food. The nurse was in the room with Tyler right now checking up in him, so they took the opportunity to go get something to eat.
Neither ate breakfast.

They sat down at an empty table and began to eat. Kelly glanced at josh, "So, Josh. I never found out where you moved from."

Josh finished swallowing the bite he took before speaking, "LA."

Kelly smiled, "Oh, that must have been fun? Ya?"

Josh shrugged, "I guess. I like it better here. I didn't really fit in there."

Kelly nodded, "Well, it's good that you like it here. Josh's phone vibrated and he pulled it out.

Mom: are you still at the hospital?

Josh: ya, were in the cafeteria

Mom: alright.

A few minutes later, Laura walked into the cafeteria with Kelly's kids. Kelly smiled, "Hi, Laura. Hey kids."

Jay ran up to Kelly, "Mommy, is your cheek ok?"

Kelly pulled Jay onto her lap, "It's ok."

Jay bit his lip And his face became even more worried, "How's Tyty?"

Kelly smiled sadly, "It's gonna take some time, but he'll get better." Zach and Madison walked up and hugged their mom. Laura came and sat next to Josh.

She gave him a side hug, "Did you get to go see Tyler?"

Josh nodded, "Ya. He looked like he went through a slaughter house."

Laura frowned, "I'm sorry, honey."

Josh simply shrugged. Jay came up and hopped on Josh's lap, "Hi, Joshy!"

Josh smiled, "Hey, J man." Jay giggled.

Madison cleared her throats, "When do you think we'll be able to go see Tyler?"

Josh looked at Kelly, "I could go take them up."

Kelly smiled with a nod, "Thank you, josh."

Josh stood up while holding Jay in his arms. Zach and Madison followed into the elevator. There was an old lady in there with them who smiled, "Oh such cute kids." She looked at Josh, "Are they yours?"

Zach covered his mouth to hold in the laughter and Josh turned red, "oh, n-no. I'm-I'm only seventeen."

The lady nodded her head, "Ah, I see. Brothers and sisters?"

Josh shook his head, "No, there my boyfriends siblings. We're going up to see him right now."

The lady nodded again, "Ah, I see. Well, tell your boyfriend I hope he feels better."

Josh smiled, "Thank you." They got out of the elevator, but the lady stayed. They began walking and Zach and Madison started laughing.

Madison skipped down the hall, "Come on, dad! Stop being a slow poke."

Zach began to skip with her, "Ya, dad."

Josh laughed sarcastically, "Haha, very funny."

Jays eyebrows furrowed together, "Wait, I thought if Joshy married Tyler he'd be out uncle."

Zach and Madison stopped skipping and turned around. Josh's face went cherry red and Zach and Madison burst into laughter.

Josh muttered, "Ya ya whatever, let's just get to his room."

Madison wiped away her tears of laughter, "Ok, your right....Uncle Josh."

Zach and Madison began laughing again and Jay looked even more confused. "Wait, so would he be our daddy or our uncle Joshy?"

This only made Zach and Madison laugh even more.

Uncle Joshy. lol. I thought I should add some laughter to this chapter. It's been pretty tense. Lol.

Well, ya.....CHAPTER TAENTY FIVE FOR YOU FOLKS!!! Ok, have a nice day. Bye!!!


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