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Saturday, January 18, 2006
2:01 a.m.

Josh stirred in his sleep. His eyes slowly opened and he narrowed his eyes in the dark. You know that feeling when you feel like your being watched? That's how Josh felt. He had felt like that ever since he got back home from Tyler. He felt as if someone or something has been watching him.

He reached out blindly for the lamp in his night stand. He finally felt the cord and yanked it. When he turned it on, he gasped as he jumped back, causing him to hit his head on the wall behind him.

Standing across his room was a black figure. It was staring at him and Josh recognized it as the one he saw earlier. Josh shut his eyes tightly, quickly opening them. It was still there.

Josh spoke in a shaky voice, "Who the hell are you?"

The figure stepped closer, "Well, hello, Joshua William Dun."

Josh's eyes widened, "How the fuck do you know who I am?!"

He figure tilted his head to the side with an amused grin, "I'm Blurry. Josh, I know you, but you don't know me."

Josh scoffed, "Obviously. This can't be real! What even are you?!"

Blurry grinned, "Ouch. I'm a demon. More specifically, Tyler's demon." Josh's was widened at that. "Now, Josh, I know that's a lot to grasp, just hang in with me."

Josh gulped, "O-okay."

Blurry smirked devilishly, "Good. You see, I've been Tyler's best friend for a while now. But then you came along and fucked everything up. He believes you over me. I tell him the truth while you tell him what he wants to hear."

Josh's eyebrows furrowed together in anger, "Wait....so your he one who makes Tyler feel the way he does about himself? Your the one that causes him pain?!"

Blurry shrugged, "Guilty."

Josh jumped off his bed and charged for Blurry. Josh stumbled as Blurry vanished. He reappeared behind josh and kicked him under the knees, causing Josh to fall. "For fucking sakes! Chill."

Josh let out a groaned as he rubbed the back of his head before glaring up at Blurry, "What's wrong with you?!"

Blurry shrugged as he went to sit on the bed, "Tyler doesn't realize it, but we're more alike than he wants us to be."

Josh growled, "You two are nothing alike."

Blurry walked over and sat down in front of Josh on the ground, "Josh, I only came here for one thing and one thing only."

"And what would that be?"

Blurry leaned closer and spoke in a whisper, "I want you to forget about Tyler."

Josh gasped, "What? Why- no! No, I won't. I love him!"

Blurry rolled his eyes, "Ya, ya. Whatever. But, if you don't forget about Tyler. I'll make sure you do."

Josh gulped, "H-how. You can't do anything."

Blurry smirked, "Who do you think pushed him off the bridge?"

Josh's heart shattered, "But-but he said he slipped."

Blurry shook his head, "That's only because he doesn't like people knowing about me. He's ashamed of me....I don't know why?"

Josh rolled his eyes, "I can see why."

Blurry scoffed, "Cute. You think your all big and tough. I swear, Josh, I will make Tyler end his life. If he doesn't, then I'm capable of pulling the trigger for him."

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